she plays guitar...

she plays guitar...

A Poem by Brad

enough about me, this is my friend goldy


she feeds her son

chicken strips

mac and cheese

a sippy cup of milk

she reads her text book

while he eats

she highlights 4 paragraphs

commits them to memory

and then cuts up an orange

for her son of 4

he finishes and it's time to go

she bundles him up

and drops him off

at the neighbor’s in 314

she arrives at Finnegan's

a place she waitresses at

40 plus hours a week

but not tonight

tonight she's a star

she climbs the small rickety steps

and unloads her Gibson

she sits uncomfortably on the stool

tuning her instrument

a flock of butterflies

dances in her gut

she pulls the mic up

clicks it on

test 1-2 test 1-2

it whistles and she adjusts

she may work part-time

at the book store in the mall

full time at the bar

goes to night school part-time

and raises a son on her own

but tonight



she strums her first D chord

and sings a song

she wrote while figuring out her bills

written on an electric bill envelope

her heart is free

and it reverberates across the crowded lounge


it's about her

her heart

and her soul...


© 2010 Brad

Author's Note

goldy was a musician friend of mine i met when we were playing the bar scene in was just her and a guitar...first met her at a coffee house and asked her if she would open for my band...and we remained friends thereafter...

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Featured Review

What an in-depth look into her strenuous life, and the one thing that frees her from the bonds for just a few hours. Your writings about others are written with so much love, honor and appreciation. The evidence of a truly humble soul. Now we must get you to see the honor we see in you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


thank you, she's livin it up in beverly hills now, been on tv a few times...and i'm working in a factory in rural mn...hmmm...who made the wrong turn?

Posted 13 Years Ago

entrancing beautiful pouring of passion HER into the strings of soul sounds~

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

yes, most of ur works were abt urself, ur experiences, so this one is special... It is a beautiful poem Goldy can surely be proud of... it was just like reading a story... poetic words keep flowing... good work...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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what a wonderful ode to a friend and what a remarkable woman..

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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14 Reviews
Added on September 21, 2010
Last Updated on September 21, 2010





where are you? where are you?

A Poem by Brad

The Writer... The Writer...

A Poem by Brad

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