red-eyed lake, mn

red-eyed lake, mn

A Poem by Brad

written when i was 17


white and powdery

like the candy up my nose

brother moon lights up the night

reflecting his blue melancholy glow

across the fallen timbers of birch

fog drifts from my lips

without the aid of nicotine

i am the alpha male

in my own pack

huddled about me

the harem

we all are lost

without the chemical aids

herbal medicinal crutches

what is left but carnal thoughts

out here

amongst the wild things

that live in the dark

everything is primal

communication is non-verbal

wolves scamper about

some humping each other

friction and fur

warmth of closeness

owls watch and learn

there are deer about

crunching the snow beneath

pulling the layers of ancient bark

for nourishment

i'm just a city kid


wishing for one more line

or just one f**k

or to be free

like the lives around me

this place

lake lost

bordering country, state, dimension

free to walk without these shoes

barefoot and wild...

© 2010 Brad

Author's Note

i wrote this in 1987, i was in a drug rehab program where we were set in the middle of the wilderness and taught how to survive in the winter. i was the only male, minus the camp guide, in a group of 9 chemically dependant adolescents. you can imagine what that was like for a recovering, hormone riddled, teenage boy....

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Featured Review

Definitely wrote from a place on the edge, maybe the space between... I had a lot of friends that went to similar "type" places. There was always stories about the dynamic of the groups of young men. I love this because it really brings me back to my on youth when my friends and I felt the weight of the world. Very interesting from a female point of view..

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


i ignored the poem, read ur author's note and then returned to the poem... and i enjoyed every line... burning with real-felt emotions... originality is the greatest asset of all ur works...

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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well you poem gives us a pretty good idea..poor you! At least you got a great poem out of it..

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Added on September 20, 2010
Last Updated on September 20, 2010





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