i cant find the right titleA Story by ncnac03![]() This is something i worked on about 2 years ago.![]() PROLOGUE As I lay awake I found myself dreaming of a reality that no longer existed. Thinking of a past memory that has clouded my vision, like a thick fog. Not being able to see, or hear, or move; alone. A perfect smile with red lips; more thick than blood. Her words echoed through my mind, like an earthquake to strong to remain standing. Her voice so beautiful that the very sound of it constricted my body, squeezing so tight that I cannot move, I cannot see, I cannot breath; I can’t die. Pain rains down upon me, like a brand searing into my skin, leaving its permanent mark. The vision is burnt into my mind, into my heart, and into my soul. Never to heal or fade, never to forget. Some say that time heals wounds; if only I were that lucky. With time my pain only gets more vicious and intolerable, ad my souls withers away and crumbles. It is like time itself is Hell on Earth, and I have no heaven. With every glimpse of this memory, another part of who I once was is burned; and, it burns too deep to put out. Like a wild fire that consumes and devours everything in its path; leaving nothing in its wake of destruction. Then, as if God himself spared me a hand relieving me from my personal demons, the memories escape from my head, it loosen its grip on my soul; only to punish me at a later time. …….. "How can you look into those eyes and not cry?" asked a young man who was sitting on a sidewalk bench in lower Manhattan. His sillhouette was dressed in all black. The women passing him on the street stopped dead in her tracks, and turned to the man. "Are you talking to me?" asked the you women. The man didn't move as he sat at the far edge of the bench; the shadow cast from a building as it blocked the streetlight. He had dark shaggy hair that just covered the whites of his eyes. His hood was pulled forward so that it cast a shadow just above the bottom of his chin; he was so silent. The only light that hit him was from the moon that cut through the crisp night air; even though his eyes couldn't be seen, the women felt them. The dark mysterious man broke the silence after a few seconds. "The feeling of my heart can only be described by knocking a glass of the counter and watching it shatter across the stone floor!" The women didn’t seem frightened. She stepped forward, noticing the pain in his voice as the words were breathed through his stone lips, as if her soul was being pulled to this strange man. "Why do you say that?" she said with a little shiver, knowing that she shouldn't be talking to this man, but she just couldn't resist or restrain her tongue. The man just sat there as if not noticing the girl was even there, staring forward. "What is your name?" he finally said with a full calm tone. The women took another step further to the edge of the bench and sat down with her hands forward and leaning into the words spoken from his lips. She sat on the lit part of the bench, with the streetlight seemingly obstructing her view of of this strange, intriguing man. "J-Jess," was all that she could get out. her mouth seemed swollen and unable to utter her thoughts. "Black streams ran from her eyes," he said calm and coolly in the same tone, while he continued to look forward into his black thoughts. she sat the staring at this man in a trance wondering, too intrigued to blink. He finally turned to her and looked strait into her eyes. Her breath held, she gave a small, simple nod, leaning in closer as if trying to hear a faint whisper. "Yes," was all that she could manage to get out? Still looking directly into her eyes he could see the want, the need within her. He looked away and said, "if you must hear the story, I cant start from there," he said so smoothly it made her mouth water and lips part ever so slightly. "I will have to take you back to the beginning of the story," turning back to face the women and stair into her eyes, "back before the all this hurt, so that you can truly understand and feel my pain!" Her eyes did not blink; she sat staring as if watching the story in his eyes. An uncontrolled shiver ran through her body as her eyes slowly closed as if deep concentration. Slipped to the darkness with this man she couldn't give up, couldn't quite. CHAPTER 1 Max sat reclined in his chair,
with and a warm cup of coffee in his hand. Also he had his nicely handcrafted
wooden pipe, that he had made himself; and the finest tobacco. With every puff
he took, he could feel the warmth of the tobacco embers glowing with heat. As
time went on throughout the night, Max would eventually surcome to exhaustion,
and fall asleep on another warm summer night. As the night wasted away, the
wind seemed to die down; and the night air was filled with a bitter, cold
chill. The moon was bright, and flooded the streets with a comforting glow. Max reached for teapot, which was
kept warm by a small fire. He filled his already half drank cup of coffee.
Which by now has grown cold. He puts the cup to his lips and
takes a small drink. With a sufficient “mmm,” Max leans his head back and fills
his lungs with the crisp night air. If there is one thing about Max, its that
he has never felt uneasy about being consumed by total darkness. Being “the
one” unseen, and lurking in the shadows, has always been his way. He turned to the hole in the rock
wall and peered out, to see the lonely streets under the clear night sky. His
hand gripped his pipe, as he loaded it, full, for one last smoke of the night.
He struck the match and watched as it slowly caught flame and scorched the
tobacco. With a smooth, long inhale; he filled his lungs with the thick smoke;
And just like that an uneasy feeling crept over him; As the back of his head
began to shiver, and tighten. Looking around for any indication
that anyone had notice him through the small hole in the rock wall. He had
never been seen before, people have never seemed to wonder what was over this
wall. They just continue on with their lives, oblivious to the thought
that they’re being watched. But… with a reassuring gaze he
noticed that there was no one; the streets were bare! Max leaned back in his chair
after starring out at the outside world, and takes another drag from his pipe.
His eyes became blurred, and his mind went blank. If his mind were a boat, it would
be drifting out in to the endless ocean. “I can see you!” The image of bright sky blue eyes, peer into my soul, as a
shiver of a whisper penetrates my mind making my body tingle as the feeling of
cold tins through my veins. Like being dunked into ice water, my body went
numb, my dreams froze, and the beautiful women’s voice became my sun. Reality thaws and slowly I creep into focus. My mind is
wrapped around the simple statement as the fog begins to cleat and my eyes
burst open. It felt like a sure thing to turn my head and to be looking into
beautiful blue eyes. There was no one. Shock set in as my mind tightened around
the extremely realistic dream. So teal that I swear I could feel the sweet
breathe breathed upon my neck, causing the hairs to stand up. Max went cold, as he jumped from
his seat, and spilt hot coffee down the front of his pants. Quickly he made his
way to the wall, and slowly peered through the hole. “Who said that,” he
thought to himself. There was no one there! Again he peered out scanning the
streets, looking for whoever just said that. But still no one! The faint sound of footsteps
behind Max caught his attention. The cold shivers now ran threw him, and the
feeling of being watched was back. He whipped around only to see nothing, and
hear nothing. It was as if everything went black, and the night air froze
around him. “I can see you!” He spun around quickly and peered
through the hole in the wall. Max froze! All that he could see was a darkly lit
silhouette of a small women, in the shadow of the night club. She had blond
curly hair, perfectly white skin, and rosy cheeks. Her lips looked as if they
were stained with blood because they were so red. But all that Max could
notice, was that she was starring right at him. As soon as Max
saw the dark small women looking at him from the shadows of the alleyway, Max
ran. He peered back quickly, to se if he was being followed, but nobody! He looks again and again but there was
no sight of her. Max didn’t know what to think. He hurried back
to his bedroom and locked his door, as if the grim reaper was at his heels.
Then he walked over to the window and peered out, looking to see if anyone was watching. He couldn’t get rid
himself, or shake the feeling of being watched. He started to
think that maybe he was being paranoid; maybe it just seemed like their eyes
met, and that she was in a dead trance staring at him. With a penetrating yet
extremely seductive stare. “YA!” Max said
to himself out loud, “She saw me!” Max muttered this as he paced back and forth
in his room, racking his brain for any little bit of information to who she
was. “I’ve never seen her before,” he thought, as he went to the window for one
last gaze out. Sleep wasn’t much of a priority
for Max last night; He couldn’t stop thinking about how she could have seen
him. All the times he had been to that place, no one has ever even thought that
he might be watching them. How could she have been starring right at him, as if
there was no wall separating them? “More importantly,” he thought,
“who is she?” As he laid on his bed looking at the ceiling, he couldn’t stop
thinking about those luscious red lips she had. He had to find her! After hours
of looking at the ceiling, Max eventually grew tired as dawn approached, and
fell asleep thinking about that mysterious blonde girl with candy apple lips. CHAPTER 2 Max woke up just as the sun went
down. As he lay on his be facing the big octagonal window that overlooked the
sun setting in the distance. He got up and went down to the kitchen for
something to eat. After he had eaten, he just sat in his room staring out the
window, starring at the wind, or I guess whoever looked back. His room was very large, and
oddly shaped. But there are three levels in one big rectangular room. To the
right, as you enter the room, is a big15 foot high loft, which was where he
slept, and it overlooked the sunsets and sunrises, but also a huge octagonal
clock window. About 20 feet high and 8 separate pieces of glass. Also there was
a little doorway, the size of a normal door at the bottom of the gigantic
clock. Which will lead out to the clocks ledge, with access to the roof of the
castle. In the middle level, right where maxes doorway was, housed a
very old fashioned, beautifully hadcrafted desk. It had three different
sections. It looked as if it would belong to a crazy and deranged genius.
Papers littered all around the floor, with books piled high. The wall holding
up the loft had tons of books on the shelves, and max had read them all. The bottom level had a little
couch in the middle of the floor, at the base of the clock window. During the
day, if you were to sit on the couch, you would instantly feel the sun on your
face, like walking in to a big magnifying glass. But at night it resembles a
portal, because of the way the glass magnifies the darkness. Almost as if will
seek out things unknown in the night. With all its majestic towers and spires, and beautiful
architecture. There were also gargoyles tucked under the gigantic eves, which
roofed over the clock and my window. Most people never noticed the gargoyles,
because they never get direct sunlight. As if they can’t be in the light, and
that they’re trapped for all eternity up under that ledge. CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER ? She leaned up as I rounded into my room from the dimly lit hallway. Immediately I steps back to catch my startled breath. With little hesitation she steps to me and grabs my shirt, pushing her fabric clenched knuckles into my lowest abs, and pulls me in on her way back down to the bed. She wont let me off. Grabbing my jaw line with both hands she keeps pulling my face into hers, like the harder the kiss, the better she likes it. She loosens her grip; as she starts running her fingers through my shaggy black hair, unlocking her lips and taking a deep breathe. Her bottom lip trembled as I lowered my head and started kissing her neck.
I can feel her hips grinding, as she grabs my waist and hips in; arching her back and giving out a loud moan. Then she squeezed her legs around me so tight. This was it! She couldn’t take it anymore! She ripped off my shirt and tossed it to the ground
Her hair was all over the place as if she had just tried to pull it out. I got off her as she gave out a loud unsatisfied exhaust. Picking her up I tossed her further up on the bed. She laid back running her fingers through her hair; white knuckles were all that was noticeable. Leaning forward I ran my fingers up her sides just under her shirt. My warm hands caressed her sides, with my thumbs almost touching in the middle of her slender stomach and up around her lower ribs. My hands continued all the way up and around the luscious lace mounds of her breasts to her smooth armpits. Lifting her shirt the rest of the way off while wrapping my hands around the full length of her arms. I laid my bare body on hers and I could feel her tongue running down my neck. She didn’t stop.
I grabbed under the arms and picked her up. Never breaking apart from her, she wrapped her legs low on my waist I moved her from the bed to the adjacent wall. I could feel her when she hit the wall because she hipped into me so hard, driving her pelvic bone to the point that it almost hurt; I think that was the point. She wanted me!
With the force she created off the wall I fell on to the bed. Instantly I rolled over on to of her posting my arms strait against the bed, looming over her. She sits up and hugs my chest; pressing her lips against my throat she grinds her hips in once more with her feet posted on my inner thigh. Her body was lifted completely from the bed, and I was supporting all of her little weight; she neglected to notice. Moving her to the middle of the king size she dropped to the bed.
She would suck and lick my stomach, and dig her nails into my back. Then she raced for my belt and ripped it off. She laid back and kicked me away while clenching the bowed belt in-between her teeth. She lay there moaning and toying with me. Rubbing and stroking, she caressed herself down, giving more, harder, exhausts of air. Then she arched up on to her shoulders throwing off her baby blue sweats. She moved the belt in-between her legs, gliding it back and forth over her pink with black-laced boy short covered bottoms that matched the tight voluminous top. Her shorts hugged her every curve, as if they were painted on. I move in slowly and mount over her. I grabbed the belt and pressed it firmly over the top of her upper thighs, pinning her legs to the mattress.
Throwing the belt away I pulled her knees, clearing her legs from under me. Re-wrapping under the bends, I pulled her a*s in with her legs over my thighs. Her legs were so smooth, and her skin felt like silk. I pressed my face against her bare stomach just to feel the warmth on my cheek. Kissing her right above her bellybutton, I look up and in to her eyes. She gives a faint moan as if she can’t keep it in, like no matter what she does, she looses focus and needs more.
She unbuttons my jeans as she slides both of her open hands all the way down my legs. Places her mouth above the place that she intended, and pulls her face in while giving one last uncontrolled exhausted breath. Pushes her lips up against my bare skin and sucks. Then she drags her mouth and around, testing me. Seeing how badly I wanted this. © 2010 ncnac03Author's Note
Added on September 3, 2010 Last Updated on September 3, 2010 Author![]() ncnac03Spokane, WAAboutTwenty-one, turning Twenty-two, Tired, Needing sleep, Hoping for a miricle, Waiting for something warm and wanted. Six Foot, Brown hair, Tattoos; only one can be seen: The most importa;t of all. Hungr.. more..Writing