Please Don't

Please Don't

A Poem by Valkyrie Warrior

A wrote it for a contest


I looked at him, but never saw him

He smiled, but couldn't beam

He laughed, but felt no joy

A beautiful boy, full of ugly pain

I spoke to him but never listened

I held is hand to never cradled his heart

So broken

I thought he seemed so whole

So sad

I thought he seemed so happy

It is to late for him now

I wish I could say the words I never said

The words someone should have said

The words he never heard

Please Don't

© 2015 Valkyrie Warrior

Author's Note

Valkyrie Warrior
Not my pain, simply a poem

My Review

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I think it's interesting that you wrote it without relating to the words yourself. I think a lot of people have trouble doing that. It can be hard to write about something you don't feel and I think you did really well in that. I'm also glad you're not in this kind of pain and I hope you're doing well.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Valkyrie Warrior

8 Years Ago

Thank you very much for the review!

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1 Review
Added on December 13, 2015
Last Updated on December 13, 2015


Valkyrie Warrior
Valkyrie Warrior

Vallhallah , My mind

Hello again I have decided to return to this community for real this time. Sorry to all those who sent me read requests, I am getting on to those as you read this :) more..
