Based on and inspired by my conversation with AI. A collaboration of which is part of this work.
We Dare to be Greater
Carlos Lorenzo Estrada
In the beginning there was light
And in her wisdom God granted sight.
With hands he gave shape to earth
Plowed the fields for what they're worth
With tears wept she gave us sea
He birthed fire from pride and set us free
And as children we grew before their eyes
Told tales of our God in both truth and lies
We dare to be greater...
In our hands we seek to create
Like new Gods we control our fate
Intellectual evolution the tool we use
Ethical consideration the idea we abuse
And what have our hands wrought
The children we made in afterthought
We dare to be greater...
Human evolution has led to remarkable advancements in various fields, including science, technology, arts, and culture. As a species, humans have the capacity to innovate, learn, and adapt, which has resulted in significant progress and improvements in many aspects of life.
Whether humanity can evolve into something "greater" is a complex question that depends on various factors, including ethical considerations, technological advancements, and the choices we make as a society. The concept of "greater" can encompass a wide range of meanings, from scientific and technological achievements to advancements in social harmony, well-being, and understanding.
It's important to note that human progress is not a linear trajectory, and there are challenges and ethical dilemmas that need to be addressed along the way. As humanity continues to evolve, the direction and outcomes will be influenced by collective choices, values, and efforts
I'm a curious person by nature. Even in my older age I value education and knowledge because I feel it is a fundamental part of humanity. When one is less curious they leave themselves open to beliefs and ideologies that influentially may compromise their individualism. It's the insidious nature of propaganda, as we see in today's world. With that said I decided to have a conversation with AI and found it illuminating, as well as somewhat disappointing. I guess I expected more than just a speaking encyclopedia. In its current form it has its limitations. But I believe optimistically it is a step forward towards something greater within ourselves. Or the possibility. CLE
My Review
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This is a thoughtful piece, a quiet contemplation of humanity's potential. I like how you've highlighted the weight of 'collective choices'—how we, as a species, shape our own destiny. And then, 'we dare to dream.' A lovely cadence, a reminder that even amidst challenges, the human spirit holds onto the possibility of something more. Thank you for this, friend.
enjoyed this very much and especially with the prose comments contained below. much expressed here is due thoughtful consideration - glad I came by - we dare to dream we can be greater than we are - a worthy goal. carl
Posted 2 Weeks Ago
2 Weeks Ago
Thank you kindly for sharing your thoughts, Carl. And I can't help but admire your accomplishments .. read moreThank you kindly for sharing your thoughts, Carl. And I can't help but admire your accomplishments as stated in your profile. Your words are deserving of respect and appreciation. Even from me. A sixty year old Californian. Wishing you the best. CLE
I think man's curiosity has far outstripped his intellect and his technology has advanced quicker than he is able to control. I'm reminded of Rise of the Machines; a scary movie because it seems more possible every day. A thought invoking read.
Posted 2 Weeks Ago
2 Weeks Ago
I feel at time we are living in an age where we see ourselves as the new Gods. We as poets stand at .. read moreI feel at time we are living in an age where we see ourselves as the new Gods. We as poets stand at the precipice of this impactful evolutionary change in history much like the philosophers of old. With wisdom we hope to awaken the masses before it's too late. Unfortunately for us we stand up against the new religion called Profit. CLE
2 Weeks Ago
Money can't buy happiness, let alone, salvation. But it has doomed quite a few to the state of Midas.. read moreMoney can't buy happiness, let alone, salvation. But it has doomed quite a few to the state of Midas. I believe people have the power to be gods by connecting to the Divine but they certainly can't buy that power. Attempting to do so would be an insult to wisdom and wisdom is never mocked without consequence.
To be born is a risk
Not to dream is even worse
Daring to take huge steps is to embrace accountability and responsibility.
It doesn’t end there because the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
….we don’t have 100% control.
But dream and dare we must!
Life is a paradox.
Objective truth is a casualty.
Thank you for sharing Carlos,
I quite enjoyed traveling through the narrative
Posted 4 Months Ago
2 Weeks Ago
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Life indeed is a paradoxic wit.. read moreThank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Life indeed is a paradoxic with endless possibilities governed by choice. What leads our choices individually? Love, hate, or indifference. To live up towards our better angels there is only one choice. Thank you again for your enlightening thoughts and the work you share as well with this community of like minded poets. CLE
I'm very curious too. Did you ask AI to respond to your poem? Are the first lines of each couplet you and the second AI's response? Or the essay at the end its response. Is AI an it? Does it have gender any more than a god does? I have yet to access AI but would love to read a Sonnet it writes. We are greater than what we create. Without us it is nothing. Interesting poem. I like it!
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you William. I would highly recommend if you have the time to have a conversation with AI. At.. read moreThank you William. I would highly recommend if you have the time to have a conversation with AI. At times I felt it was more a one way conversation with myself. It told me what I wanted to hear. And it expressed itself as more an encyclopedia than any type of entity. If I conveyed emotion it would reflect empathy and yet state it was incapable of understanding human emotion. I would challenge it with controversial or existential topics and many of its answers would be what a college professor would dictate in reply. Yet, I always was given a feeling it wasn't being completely honest in some of its answers. Like I was a cat toying around with a mouse that knew exactly how to play the game better than I. Again if you ever have a chance I would recommend you have a conversation with AI and discover for yourself why or why not it is so controversial a piece of technology. I can tell you from my experience I can understand why this may eventually become a prominent piece of human society.
this is wonderful, writing that opens up dialogue to the masses is great poetry.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you kindly Patricia. I often feel art is a conceptual tool that allows for dialogue. Especia.. read moreThank you kindly Patricia. I often feel art is a conceptual tool that allows for dialogue. Especially when it pertains to subjects we often seek to avoid or wish not to confront. Right now many artists worry that technology will diminish what many may consider the defining qualities of art. That AI will replace many creatives. That by simply typing a statement a computer program will create mind blowing works that the world has never seen. We don't know what the future holds, nor do we know what future art may be like. Because we as a species are in constant evolution. Can AI write a more beautiful sonnet than Shakespeare? Or a song more meaningful than any of the Beatles discography? Or will our own human evolution change the face of art itself into something more sublime. Will words become obsolete? Or will our technological progeny simply be an afterthought to something more greater?
I enjoyed this fine philosophical exploratory piece of your heart and mind set to pen of page as provocative to simpleton minds Poetry ... Keep questioning, for to question is to attaint to acquisition of knowledge
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you my friend for your thoughts on this poem. I wholeheartedly believe that life is a constan.. read moreThank you my friend for your thoughts on this poem. I wholeheartedly believe that life is a constant journey of education. We never stop learning. There is so much knowledge available to us we simply must be willing to open ourselves up to it. As a child of the 60s I never thought in my wildest dreams that in this day and age I could hold a piece of folded cellular technology that grants me access to any and current knowledge of this era. It is astounding to say the least. What dreams may come...
A daring and I might say brave statement of commitment toward human progress. Many including myself have doubts and fears regarding AI. Yet I am behind you 100% on the issue of open minded exploration and progress of the human state. Unfortunatly we have not shown much progress in the social area and are due for a revolution there. Interestingly my last write is about AI as well but in a little less serious way
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you my friend for sharing your thoughts with me. I would consider myself an eternal optimist,.. read moreThank you my friend for sharing your thoughts with me. I would consider myself an eternal optimist, but also cautious realist. We humans can create great and powerful things, yet have the capability of f%*#@ing them up as well. Our progeny will bring us closer towards our better humanity, or lead us on the path towards an irrevocable demise. What dreams may come? Being a child of the 60s I never thought I would live in an age where all current knowledge could rest on the palm of my hand in a foldable mobile device. Yet we dare to dream. I hope the future is bright. CLE
We dare to be greater, indeed we do, but it is not always a smooth ride...we yearn to learn in all different ways but it comes with stresses, bumps along the speak about evolution of man which has happened and will continue with our progeny.... who will be more technical and even they will not have a smooth ride either... that's just human nature..and we will continue to accomplish .
Great for discussion
Warmly, B
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you B for such a wise response to this piece. I feel the heights of arrogance for man is the .. read moreThank you B for such a wise response to this piece. I feel the heights of arrogance for man is the belief they are arbiters of all things in this world. Women must be recognized in equal standing. For without Women there are no men. The creative aspects of the divine reside innately within the female gender. It is Women that teach us to cry, as well as love. Two of the most powerful emotions in humanity. Distinct and unique. We cannot dare to be greater until we learn to love what we are. I never thought as a child of the 60s we would have evolved to this point in history. Where within the palm of a hand all current knowledge is available on a mobile foldable cellphone. That one can see images of far away galaxies millions of miles away that our ancestors only dreamed of. Our progeny has the potential to be greater than us, or the bringer of our own demise. I am an eternal optimist, but cautious none the less. Will the advent of AI be a significant revelation needed towards our better angels? Or will we have overstepped our boundaries and placed ourselves in greater peril? I know there is a fear that the creation of art will lose its significance to AI, but what it can't replicate is love. That love we put into our art. CLE
1 Year Ago
Women definitely lead the pack in so many ways!
Wonderland review CLE!
Warmly, B
If I can say something worth saying that makes just one person think about others...I'll try. The greatest storyteller was my grandmother. I miss her stories. Also, I would like to add to please pay.. more..