In our youth we live in reckless abandoned for love. In our twilight we yearn to leave behind something of value that reflects our love. So we are not forgotten...
From metaphor, to story, to biography. Who hasn't in there youth buried in a backyard or beautiful field mementos of their youth. I know I did. I just can't remember where. But it is my hope that whoever finds those small trinkets find some use or pleasure from them. For they were left behind by my youth, as I too have left it behind.
My Review
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very beautiful and yes, I too have buried mementos under trees or bushes from houses I grew up in. I remember where they are but don't remember what I put into them, something silly surely. Lovely write!
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Than you Patricia for your kind words on this poem. Some where in the backyard of my old family hom.. read moreThan you Patricia for your kind words on this poem. Some where in the backyard of my old family home is a metallic cookie box filled with green toy soldiers. Such a weird thing to bury, or perhaps essential. Is it the letting go of youthful things in order to grow into a man? Or perhaps something deeper in meaning that is now lost in my older age. It is strange now that I find little mementos more difficult to let go in my advanced age. Perhaps the reason being I don't want to forget the things that define me. Childhood is such a remarkable phase of life. We live in that time oblivious to our own mortality. I'm still waiting to see my friend from 3rd grade back in 74 who died on a summer day by a drunk driver. We had promised each other we would play tag again in the playground after we returned from the summer break. He was actually my very first best friend. Thank you so much again for sharing your thoughts with me. I truly appreciate it.
Lovely gift indeed.
Brilliantly cultivated.
Tender natural flow.
Enjoyed reading more then
three times.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you so much R. For your kind words and especially taking the time to stop by and share them. I.. read moreThank you so much R. For your kind words and especially taking the time to stop by and share them. I truly appreciate it.
A beautiful message and thought. Yes we all leave things behind, some burried to be found later. Bitter sweet indeed.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you Soren for your kind words. Been listening to some classic 70s love songs which may have in.. read moreThank you Soren for your kind words. Been listening to some classic 70s love songs which may have influenced this poem. Like the Bee Gees classic How Can You Mend a Broken Heart. I love that song.
Thank you Marvin for the kind words my friend. They are deeply appreciated. I don't know why but .. read moreThank you Marvin for the kind words my friend. They are deeply appreciated. I don't know why but in some strange way I'm reminded of that haunting beautiful song by the rock band Chicago called Color my world. When I read this poem. Not that this little piece could ever be as special as that classic song. I adore that song and could hear it on repeat all day.
1 Year Ago
Carlos, I do understand, as there are particular songs that get stuck in my head also, from time to .. read moreCarlos, I do understand, as there are particular songs that get stuck in my head also, from time to time ... As for the great band Chicago, I love their music, but have also learn to really enjoy another band that covers Chicago's songs and excellently their Chicago music justice: Leonoid & Friends ... Now, set all the BS that we get from our government and the News Media that continually makes use of fear tactic in painting and repainting Russia (former Soviet Union's USSR) as our mortal enemy in the word around us ... Nothing could be further from the truth: Russia is a fierce competitor of the United States, assuredly, and most likely always shall be due to the nature of Russian pride as a proud people, and due to the nature of Americans as proud people as well ... But, when comes down to the nut-cutting, Russia has always stood up to stand with America in most every major war the U.S. has fought, beginning with America's Civil War where Russia backed the Union and actually sent Warships to protect Union ports from Southern attacks: "Russia’s role in the Civil War was more palpable than just expressing diplomatic support. In September 1863, a Russian fleet of six warships headed to the East coast of North America and stayed there for seven months. Based in New York, they patrolled the surrounding area. A similar thing occurred in the West coast where a fleet of six warships was based in San Francisco. This helped to prevent sudden attacks of Southern raiders on these crucial Union port cities." ... And, Russia was our staunchest ally during World War II ... Russia is, not by nature our enemy, but like the U.S., Russia will not take s**t off of any nation ... Ukraine? ... Remember The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962? ... I do ... We caught Russian installing what they considered to be Defensive Nuclear Missile Installations upon the soil of their ally and friend Cuba, and that with Cuban sanction and approval ... That installation was not illegal nor any violation of any treaty ... The U.S. Government simply interpreted the installation of Nuclear Missiles by Russian in such clos proximity to U.S. soil to NOT truly be Defensive in nature, but Offensive, for all missiles are purely defensive in nature, UNTIL FIRED ... Beginning with the Obama administration the U.S. & NATO European nations have been pushing and working to install what they deem as a Defensive Nuclear Missile system all along the Easter European border with Russia, which is Russia's western borders with Europe ... And Ukraine ... The Ukrainian crisis is all about this fact that they told point out to you on the news: The United States of America, has and is, installing Nuclear Missile Installations in Ukraine, which, as Putin has pointed out, is literally on Russia back porch steps ... The U.S. is in the wrong, if one considers Russia as having been in the wrong during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 ... What's good for the goose is good for the gander ... Anyway, Russians love America ... Ernest Borgnine, Kirk Doublas were both loyal and patriotic Russian Immigrant Americans ... Now, meet Leoniod & Friends, who are all Russians, and see how much they love America, Americans, and American music, and then you will know that our government is lying to us all: ... Enjoy my friend, and this group does a kickass job of Chicago's hits, such as 25 or 6 to 4, and others ...
1 Year Ago
It is strange, or perhaps not, that we have so much in common with those we perceive to be our enemy.. read moreIt is strange, or perhaps not, that we have so much in common with those we perceive to be our enemy. Humanity in many ways being a common trait. Politics always being a point of contention among many nations. But strip away these man made ideologies and what you find within the clarity of the minutiae is our commonality as a species. We live, we love, we die the same. And what is left in between to define our history is our art, for good or bad. Thank you my friend for sharing your thoughts with me. I so appreciate your words.
But at least you wrote the symphony CLE. That is the true beauty of this little vignette
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you kindly Ken. I recently reread this poem and was confounded by its theme. Why do we yearn t.. read moreThank you kindly Ken. I recently reread this poem and was confounded by its theme. Why do we yearn to leave behind something of ourselves in order to be remembered by? Is it selfishness and hubris? Why can't living a great and ethical life be that example? We should never strive to be trinkets buried in the earth seeking to be found and inspire hope in another. Instead we must be the earth that grows hope for the future. Be like Gandhi, MLK Jr, Lincoln, and others of their character. Be the hallowed grown that nurtures such hope and love. Not something we bury in the ground to be lost and forgotten. And even when found has no relevance in the future. Sorry for my rant. CLE
1 Year Ago
fear of the unknown i would say. existentialist view, perhaps. but question of "if not remembered by.. read morefear of the unknown i would say. existentialist view, perhaps. but question of "if not remembered by someone, what was my purpose?" That said, I do question the desire of many to be remembered for infamy or glory rather than a moral life. Like you, I think, the center of the universe is not myself. Like should be lived as morally and ethically clean as one can manage
Title and poem are gorgeous. I felt the loss of youth, the anticipation of the future, the trials and tribulations of this wonderful poet. Love is a his heart, preservation is attached to his cart.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you for your kind words my friend. I have to admit after reading this piece again I am confou.. read moreThank you for your kind words my friend. I have to admit after reading this piece again I am confounded by its message. Why do we feel the need as human beings to leave behind something to be remembered by? Is it hubris and vanity? Why can't us simply living a good life be that example instead? Trinkets will never inspire others to hope greater, but living a life like Gandhi, MLK Jr, Lincoln, and other such figures will. We must never strive to be the objects we bury into the earth, but instead yearn tobe the soil that gives life to a greater better future. CLE
1 Year Ago
Wow! Do true and well articulated. Let us indeed. You are welcome my friend.
young love and broken love are all experiences of youth.... we do silly things; we have many notions of what we seek; and we want to savor some of our trysts... memories so to speak because we want the world to know us as kids and what we did in our world... a legacy of sorts... for someone to find or for us to find....eventually
Lovely piece Carlos
Best, B
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you B for this insightful commentary on this piece of poetry. It confounded me to no end writ.. read moreThank you B for this insightful commentary on this piece of poetry. It confounded me to no end writing the words to this work. I see the metaphor of leaving behind something to be remembered by. I think we as human beings obsess about this to no end. And in the failure of doing so regrettably fail to live the life we should as example towards that greater ideal. We shouldn't be the trinkets we bury but instead the earth that actually plants a greater and better hope for the future. "Bittersweet" will never inspire, but loving greater always will. CLE
1 Year Ago
A beautiful response to my review….thank you so much….
Best, B.
I like the idea the actions we take cause us to live on; by its effects
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me. The metaphor of this poem I feel has confounde.. read moreThank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me. The metaphor of this poem I feel has confounded me to no end.why do we as human beings seek to leave behind something great to be remembered by instead of just living to be better people. Why can't our example of our greater self be the antithesis of that hope we yearn to give? Trivial things will not be remembered as much as a life lived as example towards our better angels. A life like Ghandi, MLK Jr, Lincoln, and others bring generational hope. Their lives are the soil which bring greater fruits of hope to the future of this world. We should never strive to be the buried trinkets, but the ground that support the roads of hope towards a greater equitable life for others to lead. CLE
The fruits of your labor are in the emotional treasure we discover after peeling your poems. This made me think of all kinds of stuff. Poetry buried in time never recited or shared. Songs sung long before we could record them. Geo-cache where people hide trinkets in boxes around the city for others to find, and leave a word or trinket of their own. I look forward to your notes as much as your poetry. I'll always remember you ... bitter, or sweet!
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you William for your comment on this poem. I so appreciate it. I have to be honest. This po.. read moreThank you William for your comment on this poem. I so appreciate it. I have to be honest. This poem confounded me to no end. Why would anyone write a song and bury it? Especially in a field of fruit. Why are we obsessed with the idea of leaving something behind to be remembered by? Is it hubris and vanity in our nature to drive us to such acts? Or love and hope? We try to leave an example of ourselves to inspire others to be better. Instead of just living life to be better. In the journey to "know thyself" we lose sight of what it is to be ourselves. We can yearn to plant a field with hope, but without love it will bear bitter fruit. CLE
If I can say something worth saying that makes just one person think about others...I'll try. The greatest storyteller was my grandmother. I miss her stories. Also, I would like to add to please pay.. more..