In my old age I am no longer vain, or as much as I was in my youth. A trait I suspect was given to me as a vice by my mother. She would often spend hours preparing herself in front of a mirror. I remember at about age five just standing by the bathroom door watching this act play out. Like watching a long candle melt. I don't believe this is exclusive to one gender. Because in my teens and later I formed the same habit. I wrote this piece as an exercise of sorts. Choosing a single word to start a poem and end it. Little did I realize the consequences and profound emotions this short piece would elicit within me. So many memories came flooding into mind as I remembered my mother spending hours in front of her mirror attempting the impossible. Trying to hide what we truly are. CLE
My Review
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If you were not such a good poet I would have to start thinking of you as some kind of genius .. there is much truth pinned to this page sir .. Insight enables us to see who and what we really are .. doesn't it .. N
Vanity is all optical illusions.
The more you look, the less you see.
Nothing is the way it seems,
Nothing should be taken at face value,yet people fall into the traps of vanity daily.
It is what it is!
Thank you for sharing Carlos.
Posted 2 Months Ago
3 Weeks Ago
Thank you so kindly for sharing your wonderful thoughts with me. I couldn't agree more with your ass.. read moreThank you so kindly for sharing your wonderful thoughts with me. I couldn't agree more with your assessment on Vanity. Much like life itself there is brevity in beauty. I wish you well in your writing journey and may your muse always inspire you. CLE
I enjoyed the technique of beginning and ending the poem with the same line. It is a way to evoke strong emotions.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you so much CJ for sharing your thoughts with me on this piece. I wrote this a while back as .. read moreThank you so much CJ for sharing your thoughts with me on this piece. I wrote this a while back as an exercise to stem writer's block. I chose a single word and challenged myself to write a poem starting and ending with that word. It couldn't be simple and had to have a meaningful message that could be relatable. I thought it could be easy but proved to be a little more difficult than I thought. It was fun though and would recommend any wrter to try it if they feel the need to break a block or just challenge themselves as artists. Thank you again. CLE
Such wonderful and very well placed rhymes, and very cleverly written poem that I enjoyed it so much for its uniqueness. I too spent a very long time watching my mother and grandmother taking ages to get ready because they were never happy with the very natural (in my opinion) ageing process. I this days am trying to do better than
Thank you so much for this great work ⭐
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
You are to kind Silmara thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on this poem. I t.. read moreYou are to kind Silmara thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on this poem. I truly appreciate it. I would often watch my mother as she readied herself in front of her mirror before going out to parties or with her friends. It was such a strange ritual to behold at age 5. If I only knew then what I know now I would have probably been more understanding. And less sad. Because the image portrayed did not define the woman I knew. It masked it. This goes for both men and women. But my own vanity was given root by my mother's example. Though false it may have been. I also gained her profound stubbornness as well. With time I have come to realize beauty is fleeting and its expectations are unrealistic to say the least. But I will always remember that little boy staring at his mom as she puts on her makeup wondering why she needed to hide her true beauty.
1 Year Ago
I totally understand,
You are most welcome dear 😊
I like the personification, extended metaphor, and that observation that we often mask our mistakes or insecurities.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you for your kind words I really appreciate it. Mirrors often reflect more than what we are w.. read moreThank you for your kind words I really appreciate it. Mirrors often reflect more than what we are willing to accept. They are the discouraging voice in our heads that often tell us a truth we refuse to believe about ourselves. They can also tempt us in lies. Make us believe something we are not. It is why I always approach a mirror cautiously. Thank you again for your comment.
Dear poet vanity, pride, arrogance are all different images of the same beast. It is so common to humans promoted by advertising and condoned by friends and family "oh you look so nice" I too as I have grown older have grown less attentive to what others think. But then I have to ask myself is it fair of me to embarass those that are with me? How far do I go to please others or myself? This was a thought provoking write and I loved particularly the stanza " Vanity, I see you clear beyond reflection of a mirror"
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
It's my favorite line in the whole piece because it is the premise and theme of its message. It goe.. read moreIt's my favorite line in the whole piece because it is the premise and theme of its message. It goes beyond the glass. Giving such an indifferent object and amorphous spirit. One judgemental and insidiously knowledgeable of who we truly are. CLE
This is one of yours I enjoy so much as the rhymes feel integral to the piece and nothing is forced or skewed. The rhyme supports the syntax.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you for taking the time to share with me your thoughts on this piece. I have to admit as simp.. read moreThank you for taking the time to share with me your thoughts on this piece. I have to admit as simplistic as these words are they were much more difficult to convey because there is a deeper meaning to the poem. I feel as a writer paper and scribbled words are our mirror and reveal more about us than we may at times be unwilling to admit. Vanity left me back to where I started. All because of a single word. Thank you again my friend.
Mirrors if you dare look in them, reflect our outer appearance only. Wouldn’t it be grand if they reflected our inner self ? I seem to remember spending sometime preening myself in front of a mirror when I was getting ready for a date when much younger. Then I didn’t need to. These days with all the imperfections that come with aging, would be better spent trying to cover them up. However, I have decided to age gracefully and not go near the mirror. Your clever brevity Carlos led me to many places. I remembered both my mother and grandmother sitting before the dressing table, mirrors gleaming. I also thought of young men these days. They seem to be far more conscious of appearance and parade frequently in front of mirrors. Thank you my friend for an enjoyable read. You never disappoint.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you Chris for this wonderful comment on this piece. As I mentioned to someone writing Vanity t.. read moreThank you Chris for this wonderful comment on this piece. As I mentioned to someone writing Vanity taught me more about myself than the creativity that resides within me. It has in ways become a mirror to my soul. It is strange to say, but in some way the paper and words are a mirror to me. I am left to grapple with where I began...with a single word. We writers are an existential lot. We may at times hide behind our words but in the end they reveal more about us than we are willing to admit. CLE
I would tell you how good and clever this is but I don't want you getting too big headed.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you kindly Ken. From a writer whose art I respect and admire I truly appreciate it. Though th.. read moreThank you kindly Ken. From a writer whose art I respect and admire I truly appreciate it. Though that's between you and me my friend hehe. It means a lot coming from my peers. Because there is so much artistry and talent in our community. With each voice deserving to be heard. Vanity was an exercise in writing that taught me more about myself than perhaps that art inside of me. CLE
1 Year Ago
Again clever because you've now got me being big headed. Thank you.
You have written a poetic circle. Within the circle reflections of a two way mirror. Our true selves look unseen at our desire, while our desire sees what we hope others might see. And on into infinity! Your notes brought back memories of my own teen years being horrified by something as simple as a cowlick in my hair. The loss of vanity creates the freedom to see our natural beauty!
When I discovered in my youth that a mirror was just paint on the back of glass I was fascinated. Still am. Your poetry always takes me somewhere deep into the looking glass. Thank you.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you William for sharing your memories with me. I so appreciate the kindness of thought and ca.. read moreThank you William for sharing your memories with me. I so appreciate the kindness of thought and candor of truth from which you speak. You have unraveled the truth behind this poem and its message. CLE
If I can say something worth saying that makes just one person think about others...I'll try. The greatest storyteller was my grandmother. I miss her stories. Also, I would like to add to please pay.. more..