Lost in the Fire

Lost in the Fire

A Poem by Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

Hate is a powerful emotion and one that can be very infectious. Any sense of decency or common sense can fall to its pernicious nature.


Lost in the Fire


Carlos Lorenzo Estrada 

I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.- James Baldwin

I burn

No fires

Can claim me

Immolation deserved 

Incinerated vaporous embers 

Inflamed upon societal indifference 

Smoldering ashen pile devoid of my color 

Hatred paints flame in starlight sunsets auburn 

In the cinders grey my oppressors and I are equal tinge

Dust to dust we find commonality in our bigoted destruction 

Do not weep upon the bonfires of our self inflicted annihilation 

For in the ash bares a pestilence of infectious acrimonious rancor 

Let peaceful wind claim us so that our ideologies are lost to history forever 

Only when the last of us is finally consumed by flame will hate be lost in the fire  

© 2021 Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

Author's Note

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada
When I wrote this a few weeks back it was about 95 degrees outside and I was complaining to my muse about the unbearable weather. And she replied, again in a very sensual Cate Blanchett voice, "You don't know what hot is so quit your bitching and write this down." And being her submissive I did exactly as I was told. Because honestly what sane man would ever argue with a woman, especially Cate. Feel free to leave thoughts, comment, or even troll. And thank you to both friend and foe.

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Hate is so self centered it inches out all others like ten monkeys on the bed and only hate itself is left. This was a great use of imagery. Very propelling.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

3 Years Ago

Thank you Cherrie for your kind thoughts on this poem I truly appreciate it. And you are so correct .. read more
Hate can be power control
and some can be broken and hurt inside it depends.

To me Hate is
not a pure emotion
it's very negative
and evil.

Hate is something
I've never been able to feel or even stomach,

Not even from the physical and emotional abuse I experienced in my first marriage I couldn't hate him even though he made feel anger and so lonely empty depressed and so much.

But I still don't hate him but sometimes hate happens when we are angry and scared and hurting and trying to heal so I understand it in that way if we're in so much pain and angry about what happened and angry that we're hurting and wish it would heal,

But I wasn't going to let my emotions and pain consume me and destroy m.

for me my love and compassion overpowers any hatred it's about revenge as well
for some that's sad and
sick sadly.

I'm also getting therapy to help with my healing.

When hate harms innocent people that isn't human or compassionate it's evil.

I enjoyed reading this
and your authors note 👍

Posted 3 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

3 Years Ago

Thank you Benita for the kind comment and sharing a little bit of yourself with me. I went through p.. read more
I really enjoyed this write, I like your author's not quit your bitching and write this down, sounds like something my grandfather would have said. Miss that man... oh well. I like the emotional sentiments in this write...

Posted 3 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

3 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the kind words. I always feel that writing should strive to elicit an emotiona.. read more
That is the thing...hate is a power tool for some and harbouring hate is similar to harbouring poison within...it inevitablely does damage over time. Your poetry is wonderfully expressive Carlos...if more could allow the ash to transform the world may shed more light...until then, thank you for such poetry :)

Posted 3 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

3 Years Ago

thank you Ruth for taking the time to read and share your thoughts on this poem I truly appreciate i.. read more
This Piece is excellent Carlos and touches greatness at times. The Central Precept of Buddhism is Fire as you may be aware - also in Christianity as you will know the Holy Spirit comes to the Apostles in tongues of flame. The oppressors will be cast down thru our prayers and the Power of God Himself. I enjoyed this tremendously and found it liberating.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

3 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your thoughts on this poem I really appreciate it.
It has been hot here as well, Tonight we are supposed to get strong storms. I don't care what the weather brings, you can't outrun it... nicely written (enjoyed)

Posted 3 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

3 Years Ago

Thank you for your thoughts on this poem I appreciate it.
Let peaceful wind claim us so that our ideologies are lost to history forever ..

Yes, immolation on our own bigoted pyre…earth burns. See it, free it, be it. You express this beautifully, dramatically, in form, imagery, emotion. If there is hatred, ignorance, violence, apathy, we all suffer destruction. I feel your moving words so deeply in this universal dirge. Bravo my friend.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

3 Years Ago

Thank you Annette for your kind words. The writing of this poem really took me upon a journey of sel.. read more
Annette Pisano-Higley

3 Years Ago

Amen to your words Carlos🙏.
This brings back memories of last summer with its oppressing, never been seen before, heat dome which caused deaths and the endless number of fires and destruction se were subject to.
If this is what the future holds we are in a bad way

Posted 3 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

3 Years Ago

Thank you Dave for your comment. I shudder to think such a future would be our fate. If given a choi.. read more
An interesting take on the inhuman condition. Personally, I've no time for hate of any sort. It only does those which harbor such feelings harm. Life is short and anything not improving my life needs to be cast aside to make room for smiles, hugs, love and random acts of kindness. That's my philosophy.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

3 Years Ago

And it truly is a wise and enlightened philosophy to have Fabian. Thank you for sharing your kind th.. read more
There's incredible heat in your words, they come from indignation absolute yuet.. COULD BE could be rooted in morality. I wonder what lit the fire? Guess we know via the prompts floating around: frustration, tension, fear - that we beings - like it or not, are being manipulated by.. all sorts - the media for one and individuals who play games with rules only known to them!!! You're aware, methinks your words are powerfully phrased.. especially,
' .. Smoldering ashen pile devoid of my color - Hatred paints flame in starlight sunsets auburn - In the cinders grey my oppressors and I are equal tinge - Dust to dust we find commonality in our bigoted destruction .. '
Never were words. emotions and all put better. Yet, how sad they need to be said, thought, shared.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

3 Years Ago

You are very perceptive Emmajoy and I find myself at this crossroads of sorts. This past couple of y.. read more
This comment has been deleted by the poster.

3 Years Ago

Hate is an abomination.. for want of ruder word. But methinks one needs be careful to not sink to t.. read more

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21 Reviews
Added on October 5, 2021
Last Updated on October 5, 2021
Tags: indifferent sorrow hatred bigotr


Carlos Lorenzo Estrada
Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

salinas , CA

If I can say something worth saying that makes just one person think about others...I'll try. The greatest storyteller was my grandmother. I miss her stories. Also, I would like to add to please pay.. more..


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