A folklore tale about the woman who would inspire the movie The Blair Witch. The truth if believed is worse than the legend for it reflects badly upon us as a species.
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Even the worst of us has some humane qualities; they may be discreet but they show…in some way or form; even a witch can have empathy “ what becomes of in mortal lust when paradise is lost”…..must we throw. Ourselves to the wolves? No, in our hearts we can find kindness, feelings deep down and realize others’ blight.
Great read Carlos
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
That one line in the poem has always struck me as apart from the main theme and yet essential to its.. read moreThat one line in the poem has always struck me as apart from the main theme and yet essential to its entirety. It could have different meaning to the reader. I'm reminded of a Sunday mass I was present for as an alter boy. The priest giving it made mention of humanity being descended from the seed of Adam and the wickedness of his fall. We are lustful creatures cast from Eden seeking redemption through good faith and servitude towards our creator. Lost to paradise for our human iniquities and vice. Failing to live up to our better angels through the eyes of God. Being hubris in our sacrifice to the great father much like Cain in hopes of being redeemed and accepted back into paradise. Falling short in doing the wrong thing despite our best intentions. Much like the puritans in the poem taking life of an innocent failing to see the humanity in her. Making the wrong sacrifice that damns them forever. When it is love, mercy, and kindness that would have been the proper choice. Thank you B for your insightful thoughts as always and this wonderful conversation.
I words, you "literally" took me to that place,
for witch I can never forgive you!
So despairing, so well-written!
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Thank you Dylan for the kind words I appreciate it. This was a harrowing piece to write because it t.. read moreThank you Dylan for the kind words I appreciate it. This was a harrowing piece to write because it truly signifies the worst in humanity. To accuse and murder those simply because they are different. It's sad that in the couple of hundred years passed we still haven't changed much at all. People are still murdered in this country because they are different. That is the most relevant and saddest commentary on our society. Thank you again.
The Puritans (an ironic name considering all the impure things they've done) were prone to mass hysteria. But, they are just a mirror, or maybe a scapegoat we can point to for man has not really changed. There's always a new group of "witches" that need to be eradicated in a frenzy of guilty projections.
Your poem, the mood, and the syntax you use, interestingly, reminds me of Anne Bradstreet - a puritan poet.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Thank you Laz for your thoughts on this poem. I would probably categorize myself as agnostic leaning.. read moreThank you Laz for your thoughts on this poem. I would probably categorize myself as agnostic leaning toward atheist the more time passes. Because of my mother I was at certain times of my youth Catholic, Jehovah Witness, LDS, and fundamental Christian. At one time I was even an alter boy. Once I reached my 20s I gave up on organized religion because the hypocrisy became too much to deal with. I do have an admiration for the religious texts of many different faiths but my fascination ceases there for their artistic value rather then religious significance. There was an intention to shape this poem with almost a sermon like quality which your very keen artful eye has picked up on. I am in total agreement with the entirety of your statement on the Puritans. And I myself personally would include most religious sects as well being prone to hysteria and worse. Thank you again my friend for sharing your insightful thoughts on this piece.
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One of the most interesting characters in legend. I have used her in some tale. Carlos, I liked the history shared and the story of Moll Dyer. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Thank you CP for the kind words. I had seen a couple of videos then read up on the folklore of this .. read moreThank you CP for the kind words. I had seen a couple of videos then read up on the folklore of this tale. It was a fun little write. Thanks again my friend.
I never saw the film which inspired this write Carlos, but I have read so much about medieval witchcraft, the accusations and the punishments. Basically if you were suspected you were doomed to death. I was reminded of the ducking stool. If you drowned you were innocent, if you survived you were guilty., then came the burning at the stake. Not surprised you'd choose the freezing elements over the fire. How cruel those puritanical times were. Still like it in some parts of the world, even now. People scare me you know, that they can lack any humanity at all abd act like starving beasts.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Thank you Chris you are absolutely correct. We are like starving beasts. Filled with hate and rage f.. read moreThank you Chris you are absolutely correct. We are like starving beasts. Filled with hate and rage for one another. Failing to be just decent human beings toward each other. It is mind blowing in this day and age of advanced science and technology instead of growing into a civilized society that is more humane we only allow them to feed into our wicked nature even more. We don't use these tools to advance our intellect we use them to be hateful unethical and selfish toward each other. If we continue in these horrible ways than we deserve to be forgotten by history bringing our own extinction upon ourselves. Thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts I truly appreciate it.
Such a hauntingly sad piece you delivered ...yes a puritan society and a puritan mindset always portray women in poor light and being the weaker sex ,she withstand this plight in silence!Why nobody tried to see her viewpoint,,always judgemental ...that reflects the poor dilapidated condition of a society!
Very well penned my friend
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Thank you my friend for your thoughts I totally agree. It's a shame our history here is filled with .. read moreThank you my friend for your thoughts I totally agree. It's a shame our history here is filled with moments just like this. We continue to be cruel to others simply because they may think or be different than most.we are so judgemental as well as hateful. Unless we learn to accept and love all people we will never be a better society. Thank you again my friend.
as legend has it in those years of yore
many witches we're burned at the stake
this is a tale you tell well in a haunting
rhyme scheme ..such harsh judgements
and heartless treatments cast upon those
who were thought to be witches ..
nice work here..Carlos
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Thank you Fran for your thoughts on this poem. It is heartbreaking that someone would lose their lif.. read moreThank you Fran for your thoughts on this poem. It is heartbreaking that someone would lose their life simply because they are different or choose to live differently. In the hundreds of years after this incident, including before, we have yet to overcome such hatred as it continues to fester in our society in other ways today. Hate should never have a place within a civilized society. Ever. Though I may never see its eradication in my life time I am hopeful that the future generations will eventually expunge this evil ideology once and for all. Thank you again for your thoughts.
That was beautiful Carlos! You really set the scene with the opening words: "Can you hear the ravens caw upon the desolate stone". So poetic. So mournful. I remember reading The Crucible a few years ago in a literature class. A local theater was doing the play, so we went to see it. Amazing. And harmful dogma continues. I'm hooked on a Netflix show, Greenleaf, that underscores that.
Thank you Shelley for your kind review of this poem. I had seen a short documentary on famous Witche.. read moreThank you Shelley for your kind review of this poem. I had seen a short documentary on famous Witches throughout history and Moll Dyer was mentioned briefly. It was also stated she was the inspiration for the Blair witch project which I saw years ago. So from that I did a bit of research on the folklore and was shocked to learn more about the sad legend. How the actual rock is preserved as a monument in Maryland where her supposed body was found. How absolutely grisly is that. They claim the shadow burned into the stone represents her spirit and how she was frozen with arm reaching upwards towards the heavens. The cruelty of human beings towards their own knows no limit. I'll definitely have to give that show Greenleaf a watch. Thank you so much again for your thoughts.
3 Years Ago
Wow, what a sad story. I like Greenleaf because it shows how religion can be good and can be bad and.. read moreWow, what a sad story. I like Greenleaf because it shows how religion can be good and can be bad and deceptve. The episodes follow a family who runs a mega church. The bishop, the head of the family, seems sincere but a little deluded. The family is overwhelmingly wealthy while parishioners take up a "love offering" for the pastor. A daughter, who's been gone for 20 years, comes back for her sister's funeral and is persuaded to join the ministry team. She stays to uncover some secrets that needed to be exposed. I'm on season 2 and the plot thickens. Often, despite self induced traumas, the people say, "God is good" and others answer "All the time". It rings hollow.
3 Years Ago
P.S. I know it's not the same as the Salem witch trials, but it shows how religion can turn bad. I'm.. read moreP.S. I know it's not the same as the Salem witch trials, but it shows how religion can turn bad. I'm still recovering from believing, in my younger years, in a version of God that was not true.
Excellent piece of writing my gifted friend.
So much of human history is shameful :(
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Thank you MCS for your thoughts on this work I truly appreciate it. As artists we look to the past t.. read moreThank you MCS for your thoughts on this work I truly appreciate it. As artists we look to the past to find Inspiration and gaze towards the future to seek hope. We yearn to be better human beings, to love better, care more, help one another. These things we do are to show they are possible. That aspiring toward our greater humanity brings out our greater society. I'm a dreamer and have always been, just as I have always been a writer. The great writers had a couple of important attributes that defined them. The truth in their work and the love for it. And it is upon their great shoulders we strive towards our own truthful art. So that we may inspire others towards our greater humanity.
This is superb writing & thinking, drawing from an overall wide knowledge-base. Someone read one of my Halloween poems the other day & commented: "sounds like bad religion" along with a vow to be wary about reading me anymore. Humans are hilarious to me, so bound by their judgemental strictures (((HUGS)))
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
It's their loss Margie if they can't appreciate your incredible art and truthful wit in words. It's .. read moreIt's their loss Margie if they can't appreciate your incredible art and truthful wit in words. It's like they act as if they don't pass gas because it's too evil and their righteous sphincter is devoid of unholy act. History is not on their side for it is filled with atrocities in the name of faith. Evil people just need an excuse to do evil things and rile up a crowd to help them. I love and enjoy the art that you put out I'm a fan of your work and how you think. If anyone wants to casts stones at you they better start with me first. If their faith makes them too sensitive then perhaps they should consider going elsewhere to a site that best indulges their particular taste because true art don't care about your feelings. Your art is popular for a reason because you work hard to put out quality and thought provoking pieces that challenge the reader to think with its profound truth. This world is in need of more truthful artists like you in it. Because too many people now a days believe in lies rather than truth and their mindset reflects badly on our crumbling societal morality. Just ignore those judgmental prigs and never let them have influence on your truthful insightful art. You are absolutely amazing just the way you are, and your writing isn't half bad either hehe I kid I'm jealous of your work it's making me try harder to get better. And it's also teaching me how to breathe and fight against my manic thoughts that sometimes creep into my work. Thank you so much for what you do for this community and how much you mean to it as well.
If I can say something worth saying that makes just one person think about others...I'll try. The greatest storyteller was my grandmother. I miss her stories. Also, I would like to add to please pay.. more..