LILITH - Script IA Screenplay by Maximus. R.![]() LOGLINE: The Goddess Lilith unsatisfied with the making of her incarnation Eve, retaliates by causing a war in Heaven.![]() LILITH Written by Maximus Romulus Based on a novel by Maximus Romulus Maximus Romulus 14 Karin Court Princeton, NJ 08540 Tel: (646)417-4809 FADE IN:EXT. FARMLAND " AFTERNOON On a hill overlooking farmland below, we see two entities. A feminine entity (GOD), and a masculine entity (SHAYTAN), surveying the land below. As they watch, a middle-aged man exits a farmhouse quite a distance away. GOD Shaytan, look upon my servant, Job. He's like no other man on earth. Look, how blameless, and upright he is. SHAYTAN Ah, But does Job fear you for nothing? Have you not put a hedge around him, and his household, and everything that he has? Indicates all of the farmland with a sweep of his hand. SHAYTAN (continuing) You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks, and herds are spread throughout the land. However, stretch out your hand, and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face. GOD Very well, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger. Shaytan stretches out his hand, and strikes Job’s land. VOICE OVER: And so it was. Job curses the Lord, as the story is told, in one of the most well-known parables in Biblical tales. However, long ago, in the before time, God, and Shaytan consented upon yet another wager. This story is illustrated in the Gospel of Lilith, a parable which has been banished from the scriptures for centuries. So, I'll tell it to you now in secret; the greatest story never told; the story of Lilith. EXT. OPEN SPACE - DAY Shaytan and God are gathered together in a completely white space. Nothing has been created as of yet. God forms a feminine creature, and calls her Lilith. Shaytan creates a masculine being, and calls him Metatron. God and Shaytan then combined their efforts together to produce a formless entity, a Spirit. They each gave Spirit a luminous object. GOD We name you Spirit, and we gift you the key to Knowledge. Gives Spirit a luminous object. SHAYTAN You are Metatron, and I gift you the key to Life. Gives Metatron a luminous object. GOD I name you Lilith, and I gift you the key to Providence. Gives Lilith a luminous object. Lilith, Metatron, and Spirit lived for eons. To the three entities, God and Shaytan were so similar, so easily interchangeable that the spirits called them both by one name: Tetragrammaton. EXT. SPACE - NIGHT Spirit hovers around the emptiness of space, while Lilith and Metatron supervises from afar. VOICE OVER: During this time Lilith, Metatron and Spirit, together created the earth, and the heavens along with nine echelons of angels. METATRON Let us introduce new beings. Let's make creatures in our image, in our likeness. SPIRIT I shall breathe into their nostrils, the breath of life, as they shall become living souls. EXT. EARTH - DAY In the center of the Garden of Eden, Lilith, Metatron and Spirit play among the peaceful animals, lush background, and colorful flowers. Birds chirp, and a huge dragonfly flies across the screen, buzzing beautifully. Lilith mixes some dirt, and water to make a paste. She forms a woman in her own image. LILITH You will be called Eve. Metatron mixes dirt, and water to form man in his own image. METATRON I call you errr...Adapu, Adamu, errr...Adam. Spirit breathes into Adam first, and Adam jumps up. He feels his chest, and face, and twirls in excitement. Spirit then breathes into Eve, and Eve jumps forth excitedly as well. She joins Adam in celebrating life. LILITH Oh! My, they look fantastic. Metatron looks toward Adam, and Eve with satisfaction; proud as to what they have accomplished. LILITH (continuing) But! What about Spirit here? Poor, Spirit doesn't have his own incarnation in this realm. METATRON What do you propose we do about that? LILITH I don't know... Wait, I've got just the thing. Spirit and Metatron wait attentively. LILITH (continuing) How about each one of us picks out a particular plant unto which we'll cast our aura? Metatron chooses the genus Thuja, and casts his aura on the plant; making it the tree of Life. Lilith selects the Moringa as the tree of Providence, and the Spirit opts for the Pomegranate as the tree of Knowledge. EXT. HEAVEN - DAY Every living creature, including Adam and Eve are gathering in heaven for a special ceremony. Heaven; realm of the divine, has walls great and high, with twelve gates; at each of these gates are twelve angels. Every several gate was of one pearl, and the roads are paved with pure gold. The multitudes of angels are gathered in columns, surrounding this magnificent open-air chapel. GABRIEL Come on now, move along; quickly...quickly. The angel Gabriel does his very best to get everything set before the bride, and groom arrives. MICHAEL Here comes the light-bringer. In the middle of this seemingly endless aisles of angels comes pacing the intensely sparkling Lucifer. RAPHAEL (murmuring) What is Lucifer trying to do, outshine the sun? MICHAEL He is the sun. RAPHAEL He’s such a show-off. Is it truly necessary for him to have his wings extending so extravagantly? URIEL If I have not known better, I would have easily mistaken him for a peafowl. MICHAEL (whispering) Hush! The ceremony is about to begin. Nearing the altar where the Spirit is hovering, Lucifer stops, he instinctively recoils his wings, and steps aside. As Lilith passes by, Lucifer’s eyes briefly met with hers. Lucifer quickly shrouds himself with his wings, and kneels down on the ground to display his utmost respect for the bride and groom. Lilith is clothed with the sun; her nude figure painted with gold, clearly showing every curve on her body. The moon is beneath her feet, glowing with her every footstep, and on her head lay a tiara of twelve stars. The groom is arraying in the finest linen, clean and white. He is wearing a glittering crown on his head, garnish with all sorts of precious stones. EXT. EARTH - BEACH " AFTERNOON Eons later. We see Adam and Eve entering into the ocean, diving through the waves. From an aerial view, we see them swimming beside each other. We watch the newly created beings full of life; swimming strokes for strokes. They swim a long distance, far out beyond the shoreline. Suddenly, Eve starts to slow, her strokes becoming labored, until she becomes completely motionless in the water. She begins to sink like a stone. Adam, realizing Eve is no longer beside him, turns back to lend his support. Adam takes her in a lifeguard hold, and begins to nurse her back to shore. Finally, the two are coughed up onto the shallows. They both collapse, just beyond the waterline, exhausted, gasping for air. INT. HEAVEN - DAY Spirit and Metatron are lounging about in heaven, while Angels are catering to them. Lilith suddenly appears. LILITH (sternly) Leave us. Then all the angels disappear, leaving only her, Metatron and Spirit. LILITH What’s the meaning of this inequality? Turns to Spirit, and accuses. LILITH (continuing) When you breathed into Adam first! Did you give him more of an essence? Lilith pokes her finger into Spirit’s middle, where his chest would have been, if he had a human body. LILITH (continuing) It was you, wasn’t it? You made Eve fail! Spirit, I want my human to be equal to Metatron’s human in every way! I want it done. Lilith becomes more aggressive. Pokes her finger harder into Spirit’s middle. LILITH (continuing) I want it done today, I want it done now. Spirit uses his energy to push Lilith’s hands away. His light-form softens to become a soothing yellow. METATRON Tell me darling, what happened? Why have your countenance fallen? LILITH I was watching Adam and Eve swim in the ocean, and during the event, Eve physically collapsed in the middle of the sea. Adam had to pull her out. And I sense that perhaps this inequality, comes from this soul element that Spirit had bestowed upon them during creation. And now, I want him to fix it. SPIRIT Lilith, I don’t know how it happened. And, I’m not sure on how to even fix it, not unless we remake them both, and I could try again. LILITH Well, this cannot be. We have to make Adam and Eve equal. METATRON Do as you please, but I prefer my creation just the way it is. Adam must not be touched. Lilith scornfully, turns on her heel. LILITH Fine! Lilith sought other ways to make Eve equal to Adam for eons, but thousands, and thousands of years passed, seemingly in peace, and harmony, without the wrong ever being righted. Beneath the surface of heaven’s tranquility, Lilith was fuming at Metatron and Spirit. EXT. GARDEN OF EDEN " AFTERNOON The garden of Eden is as beautiful as ever, and Adam and Eve enjoy a shower beneath a waterfall. Metatron and Spirit look on, smiling at the animals. Lilith sits on a rock a few feet away from Metatron and Spirit, and she scowls at the pair. Then she looks at Adam and Eve, and her scowl deepens. LILITH (To herself) They ought to be equal. She teleport herself to heaven in an abrupt manner. SPIRIT What’s with her? METATRON I do not know. EXT. HEAVEN - DAY Lilith appears in heaven in a blink of an eye. Angels are lounging about peacefully, performing their routine functions. She storms by them, looking very determined, seeking only one seraph, Lucifer. LILITH (charmingly) There you are. Lucifer whirls around suddenly to see behind him Lilith in a lavish garb, its utter cloth of gold draping her divine form. Lucifer is awestruck. LUCIFER My liege. To what do I owe this pleasure? The flamboyant seraph has adored Lilith from afar. Lilith knew that she; the ultimate seductress, the exemplar of sheer beauty, the keeper of feminine whiles could easily persuade Lucifer to assist in her plans. LILITH I’ve been looking all over for you. LUCIFER I’m yours, to command. Lilith advances with a luscious, curling smile. She spreads her arms, moving ever closer toward Lucifer. LILITH Ah, Lucifer, the noble of ages. Lilith turns toward him while fondling his feathers. LILITH (continuing) My most impressive seraph. She trails her index finger up to his biceps, and flirts with body language. LILITH (continuing) After Metatron fashioned you, it was I who made you as you are… aspiring, bold, and clever. Every fiber of your being is my design. She moves even closer to him, and whispers softly in his ears. LILITH (whispering) I’m aware of your most intimate desires Lucifer, and I’m here to make them come true. Lucifer hangs on her every word. There is such a divine influence in Lilith's voice. Everything around her seems to hum, and quiver with her breath when she speaks. LILITH (continuing) Follow me. LUCIFER As you wish. Lucifer broadly smiles, and follows her. The pair freely wanders throughout the universe, from the sun to the moon, and to the stars, until they arrive on earth. EXT. EARTH - NIGHT Bio-luminescence is everywhere. Loops of bluish, greenish lights, like water ripples on a pond, expanding outward from their footsteps. The long tendrils hang down like aligned hair, as they glow faintly. Lilith runs her fingers through the tendrils as she walks on by. She holds up her hands, and speaks softly to nature. The tendrils tilted as if in a soft breeze, and seem to be caressing her in return. Lucifer puts out his hands, and the tendrils play over his fingers, his forearms, his wings. LUCIFER Where are you taking me? LILITH To Eden. LUCIFER To where? LILITH To the Garden of Eden. LUCIFER What’s there? LILITH Paradise. EXT. EARTH - EDEN - NIGHT Lilith and Lucifer strolls around in Eden. They cross over an immense bed of faintly glowing moss, which reacts to the pressure of their footsteps. A large woodpecker flies through the trees above them. There are other things wafting through the high branches, small points of light like fireflies. LILITH I know there is a part of you, that craves to have the universe at your feet. I’ve come to give it to you. Lilith moves closer toward Lucifer, wrapping her arms around him, she braces him, and licks his face. Lilith continues fawning over him. LILITH (continuing) Forget about everything else. We will rule over the universe together. Lucifer looks straight at Lilith, his face flushed. LUCIFER (breathless) Anything you want my liege. Lilith further enlightens Lucifer on the making of the heavens, the earth, and mankind. LILITH When Spirit gave humanity its soul, the first strong gust was given to Adam, and Eve got the lesser whiff. Consequently, Adam has become more dominant. Lucifer listens attentively as Lilith explains to him her woes. LILITH (continuing) Equality is the soul of liberty. There is in fact, no liberty without it. I seek your assistance in liken Eve with Adam. LUCIFER What would you have me do my liege? Lilith places her hand on Lucifer's chest, and he temporarily becomes a humanoid. He puts his face closer to hers. She gently rubs her cheek against his, and they kiss. CLOSE UP: Show Lilith fawning over him, and the two plotting. VOICE OVER: And so, Lilith and Lucifer plotted revenge on Metatron and Spirit, a revenge that would allow her to equalize Adam and Eve, and for Lucifer to become master of the universe. EXT. HEAVEN - DAY Lucifer arrives in heaven. All is radiant and wonderful, angels, and cherubim lounge about peacefully. No one suspects him of any wrongdoing. ANGEL#1 Hail! Morning-star. ANGEL#2 Light-bringer. LUCIFER Hallelujah! Praise Him. Lucifer lifting up his hands, he blesses them, and continues on his way. INT. HEAVEN " DAY In a remote place in heaven he summons Beelzebub, Vassago, and Astaroth. BEELZEBUB Hey, Light-bringer, what is this all about? Astaroth out of boredom keeps shape-shifting into different forms. Suddenly, he turns into a giant panda. ASTAROTH Yeah! Lu- what’s the big idea? Lucifer looks at each of them individually. Astaroth reverts to his angelic form. LUCIFER Beelzebub, what is the purpose of your existence? Beelzebub looks at Lucifer dubiously, wondering to herself why is he asking questions, that he already knows the answers to. Nonetheless, she answers him. BEELZEBUB I am a cherub, the guardian of the fixed stars, keeper of celestial records, and bestower of knowledge. All knowledge. Beelzebub flails, and shuffles her wings. BEELZEBUB (continuing) I know that seraphim, are responsible for maintaining, the presence of light within the physical realms. Beelzebub then turns toward Vassago. BEELZEBUB (continuing) Vassago here is the keeper of higher, more expanded energies. His responsibility is to ensure that these energies maintain the connections that continuously flow throughout these realms. Astaroth mid-transforming into a creature. ASTAROTH And, I am an eight-hundred pound Gorilla. Astaroth turns into a Gorilla. ASTAROTH (continuing) Lucifer go on with it. Why are we here? LUCIFER As you may have already gathered nearly all beings created partakes a defined function, a purpose, with the exclusion of one; mankind. ASTAROTH Go on. LUCIFER Adam and Eve all they have ever done since their making is lounging in paradise. What is their purpose? What is their function, are we not all created equal? Nine choirs of angels have been established, and for what? Lucifer awaits a response from any of them, but none was forthcoming. LUCIFER (continuing)I'll tell you why. It’s because we have been ordained into bondage, an eternity in servitude. VASSAGO (shouts) Blasphemy! LUCIFER (shouts back) It’s the truth. We exist merely to be vassals, and nothing more. Why have the humans given souls, and not we? Are we not worthy? Are we lesser beings? Lucifer stops talking and recomposes himself. LUCIFER (continuing) My fellow angels, I am pleading for your support, in the struggle to attain our freewill. Nothing is more precious than to be able to decide for ourselves the course of our own destiny. A great silence is in the room for a moment. BEELZEBUB I cast my lot with Lucifer. The universe is indeed in disequilibrium. ASTAROTH What say you Vassago? VASSAGO Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. What are you proposing Lucifer? LUCIFER In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed. It must be achieved. ASTAROTH You had me at vassal. I’m in. LUCIFER Go! Recruit as many angels, who desire liberty to join the uprising. VOICE OVER: The group parts ways, determined to enlist as many as attainable. These angels afterwards, talked with other angels, and progressively, a slight note of discord rippled through the nine choirs of angels. In the end, one-third of the angels joined the rebellion. EXT. HEAVEN " DAY " REMOTE LOCATION The rebelling angels are gathering in a remote location, preparing for battle. They formed four mighty legions. Lucifer commands the first legion, who are armed with the elements of fire, possessing the power to invoke firestorms, meteors, and lavas. Beelzebub leads the second legion, who are armed with the elements of air, and having the authority to summon tornadoes, whirlwinds, and bolts of lightning. Vassago commands the third legion, who are armed with the elements of water, and possesses the power to arouse blizzards, glaciers, and avalanches. Astaroth controls the fourth legion, armed with the elements of the earth, having the power to conjure tremors, boulders, and dusts. VASSAGO Lucifer with all due respect, one-third of the echelons aren’t nearly enough to overthrow the heavens. BEELZEBUB The odds are stacked clearly against us. ASTAROTH It would be wise to start negotiating terms. LUCIFER Pfft! Nonsense, I Lucifer, the morning star, the most powerful of them all. I alone, will vanquish half of their legion. However, if by some ill fate we are to perish, then we are enough. Soon, choruses of angels will sing hymns, and praises of how we, with very few, conquered the heavens. The fewer we are, the greater our share of glory. Allow me to demonstrate my true power to eradicate all doubts. Lucifer turns toward one of his underlings. He widely spreads his feathery wings. His body emits an energy beam so powerful that it instantly reduces his associate into ashes. Afterward, he recoils his wings, and looks around the room. He stares at them in a demeaning manner. LUCIFER (continuing) Is there anyone among you, who disputes my might? We then see the ashes of the cremated angel developing into a metaphysical being, a dark, and gloomy figure. It’s unlike anything they have ever seen. It scatters itself within the area like a smog. ANGEL#1 (panicking) What...what is that? Suddenly, the smog begins creeping into the anterior naris of all who are standing there. In the background, we hear others hysterically screaming. They are all terrorized by this mysterious entity. Astaroth is shape-shifting into every possible creature in order to escape this imminent danger. ASTAROTH (anxiously) Lucifer what is happening to us? Lucifer falls on his knees whilst choking himself in despair, forestalling the being from completely possessing him. Lucifer struggles but in vain. The dark smog has already taken over him. CLOSE UP: Lucifer's eyes suddenly open up. His deep dark-blue eyes, unexpectedly turn to a golden amber sclera with oval black pupils. LUCIFER (roaring)Deimos! INT. HEAVEN - DAY In the upper chamber, Spirit delivers the awful news to Metatron. SPIRIT Lucifer has incited a rebellion against us. METATRON A mutiny, this is inconceivable. How did this happen? SPIRIT Apparently, they yearn for independence. They seek an opportunity to exercise their own rights, and powers. A chance to do away with the celestial chores given to them. METATRON They want to be like us. SPIRIT I’m afraid, it’s more complicated than that. They seek to replace us. METATRON They want to replace me? SPIRIT Indeed. METATRON How dare they? Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me. Where is Lilith? Summon her at once. Let us hear what she has to say in this conundrum. SPIRIT She is with them. Lucifer and she, are now allies. Metatron is shocked, and stunned upon hearing of this most devastating treachery. He stands there frozen. METATRON O! Lucifer son of the morning, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you’ve corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. And now you shall fall. SPIRIT What about Lilith? What is to become of her? METATRON (wrathful) If it is a war she wants. It’s a war she’s going to get. He teleport himself to a different location in heaven. INT. HEAVEN - DAY The angels have gathered around. Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel are preparing a battle strategy. Inside of what appears to be heaven’s command center. The walls are covered with cuneiform style writings, and other angelic symbols. METATRON Give them hell. RAPHAEL Give them what my Lord? METATRON You’ll see. Here take this sword, it holds the key, when the time comes, you’ll know what to do with it. He hands over to Michael a lengthy double-edged broadsword. METATRON (continuing) Behold, our nemesis this eradicator of amity has taken courage to wage war upon us. Although, this villain yet holds claim to that of an angel of light. He wanders about with all the multitude of darkness within him. This wicked adversary, pours out as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on angels of depraved minds, and corrupt hearts, the essence of deceitfulness, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice, and iniquity. These most crafty enemies have filled, and inebriated with gall, and bitterness the entire universe. Lucifer, and his cohorts must be stopped. Thus, I hereby confer upon the angels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel absolute authority over the four cardinal points of all existence. Metatron now looking directly at the four angels. METATRON Kneel. The four cardinal angels are now kneeling before Metatron. METATRON (continuing)Heaven venerates thee as protectors, and warriors of righteousness. Arise then, O invincible princes, bring us relief against the attacks of the lost angels, and lead us to victory. EXT. HEAVEN " DAY " REMOTE LOCATION Lucifer, and his minions are recovering from the tragic event that took place earlier, and suddenly out of a radiant portal appears Lilith. LILITH Mighty impressive. Oh my, take a look at you. Lucifer gazes down upon himself. LILITH (continuing) I’m impressed. Lilith encircles him, as if she is inspecting his figure. She slowly trails her finger, across his steaming body. LILITH (seductively) Hmmm! You’re so hot. LUCIFER I am now, more powerful than I ever was before. I shall ascend to the highest heavens, and be the most exalted. I shall raise my throne above the stars. I shall sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred peak. LILITH You have the ambition of a true ruler. However, if you are to win this war, you must serve no master but your own desires. Here, take this trident, and be triumphant. Lilith gives Lucifer a three-pronged spear, and a gentle kiss on the cheek. Lucifer grabs the weapon from Lilith’s hands. LILITH (continuing) Does it please you? Lucifer nods in approval. LILITH (continuing)I made it uniquely for you my love. It contains a unification of five powerful metallic elements. The handle bar is of pure gold, the lateral bar is made of silver. The first prong of tin, the second prong of lead, and the last prong is made of iron. Now go forth, unleash the tides of doom, upon all those who would oppose us. EXT. HEAVEN " DAY " BATTLEGROUND The warriors of righteousness are battling the army of darkness. There are some who are involving in aerial assaulting, while others are fighting on the ground. Raphael scans the battlefield to see Astaroth wreaking havoc on the scene. Raphael approaches him with the intentions of stopping him. ASTAROTH I was hoping that we’d crossed path on the battlefield Raphael. RAPHAEL You’re no match for me Astaroth. ASTAROTH Is that so, we’ll just have to see about that. Come on, then. It’s just you and me. No weapons, no special powers. After staring each other down for a moment they begin fighting. The two of them go at it, unleashing a flurry of kicks, blocks, and punches. Astaroth counter-attacks, and gets Raphael in a back-choke. He twists out of it, throwing Astaroth over his shoulder, who neatly cartwheels, rebounding back off at Raphael again. They trade blows, a brutal death-match that seems to defy gravity. Ultimately, Raphael bested him, and so to avoid being vanquished Astaroth shape-shifted into a humanoid resembling Adam, hoping to outwit Raphael. ASTAROTH Be merciful O, great archangel. I beg of you do not slay me. ASTAROTH You couldn't bring yourself to harm me, could you? How noble of you Raphael! But, you will receive any mercy from me. Raphael stands in the middle of them. He calmly glances to his left, then to his right, and in the corner of his eye, he sees four dust-like creatures that Astaroth had conjured. All bets are now off. Raphael pulls out his sword. RAPHAEL So, you've got me surrounded. That's good, now I can attack in any direction, and not miss. Raphael swings his weapon around in a circular motion, and decapitates them all. CUT TO: Gabriel is struggling to keep up with Vassago, barely surviving his vicious attacks. VASSAGO Why won't you die, like a good angel? Vassago is beating Gabriel to a bloody pulp on the ground. In desperation, he digs his fingers into Vassago's eyes. Raphael appears just in the nick of time, and smites Vassago off of him. Raphael kicks Vassago in the face hard, breaking his neck. CRACK! RAPHAEL Phew! Now that was a close one. GABRIEL What took you so long? Vassago’s neck sags sideways for a second. Then, he violently swings his head around, somehow redressing his neck vertebrae into place with a snap of his head. Vassago recomposes himself to an offensive stance, and growls in anger. Gabriel, and Raphael look at one another. RAPHAEL Oh! Oh! Here comes trouble. In spite of their combining efforts, Vassago continues to batter them. CUT TO: Anael and Beelzebub face each other with their weapons raised. Their eyes lock, and their defensive stances frozen. Beelzebub assaults first, bringing her deadly halberd over in less time than it takes to blink an eye. Anael somehow manages a counter strike. She now advances with her spear, parrying, and thrusting with supernatural speed, and strength. Beelzebub dodges barely avoiding being impaled. She strikes back. Anael lock weapons with her. Then, Beelzebub twists her halberd free, cutting open Anael's cheek. Anael flies through the air, and comes down crashing at Beelzebub spear first. Beelzebub quickly rolls away. Anael misses, and the fighting rages on. CUT TO: Lucifer appears to be unstoppable on the battlefield, as he plows through heaven's primary lines of defense effortlessly. Michael realizes that it's Lucifer that must essentially be stopped. He grabs his sword, and sets out to confront him. MICHAEL Lucifer, I challenge you to a duel, and whoever wins the duel is the winner of this war. We could end this war at this very instant, and avert the demise of many. You fight for your own cause and I, for heaven's sake. LUCIFER (chuckles darkly) You Michael? You are challenging me? MICHAEL I am. Let's end this here and now. LUCIFER And I suppose, you are expecting to be the victor of this battle. MICHAEL Certainly, heaven is on my side. I am an ally to good, and a nightmare to you. Lucifer shuffles his wings as some sort of a distraction, and then viciously strikes Michael hard to the ground. LUCIFER (tauntingly) How do you intend to defeat me Michael? I am a seraph, and you’re nothing but a feeble archangel. Michael battles Lucifer in both aerial assaults, and ground attacks but nothing seems to be effective. LUCIFER (calmly) Let me ask you this Michael! Has an archangel like yourself ever experienced fear? EXT. EARTH - EDEN - MID AFTERNOON The garden is lush, and animals flit about. It remains quite peaceful, as the war takes place in heaven. Lilith sneaks her way into Eden, and there she finds Eve wandering alone in the garden. LILITH My dear, has the Spirit truly said that you shouldn't eat from any tree of the garden. EVE Oh yes, from the fruits of the trees of the garden we may eat, but from the fruit of the trees which are in the middle of the garden, we shouldn't eat from it, or we'll die. Lilith seems stupefied by her words. LILITH Die? Are you sure, that's what the Spirit had said? Eve nods her head in confirmation. LILITH Well, let me ask you this, Eve. What is death? Eve remains unresponsive. She doesn’t know what it means to be dead. LILITH (continuing) No, you will not die. If you eat from this tree you will be equal to Adam just like me, and Metatron are equal, you will be like us. Eve grabs a ripe pomegranate from the tree, and eats it. Soon thereafter, Metatron appears in Eden along with Spirit who takes the shape of a burning bush. METATRON Lilith what have you done? SPIRIT Behold, the woman has become as one of us. Spirit places Eve, and the rest of Eden in a time freeze while Metatron and Lilith discusses the issues. LILITH You told her that if she eats from the pomegranate tree, she would die. And, I told her that she wouldn't, and from where I'm standing, she doesn't look dead to me. Does she? METATRON (sternly)That’s not the point. LILITH Then what is the point Metatron? I’ve requested your aid for eons, in hopes of finding a resolution to Eve’s debility, and millenniums after millenniums. I’ve been repeatedly neglected as if my concerns were of no importance. So, I took matters into my own hands. METATRON Taking matters into your own hands, is that also why you have Lucifer ambushing the heavens, is this part of your plans? LILITH Lucifer is nothing but a mere distraction. If I had told you beforehand that I was going to have Eve eating from the tree of knowledge would you have approved of this action? METATRON Absolutely not. These gifts are sacred even to us. LILITH My point exactly. So you see, sometimes the invisible hands of fate must be forced. METATRON Fine Lilith! Have it your way, let’s recreate Eve, we’ll redo heaven, and earth, we will undo them all. Destroy everything, and start anew. So be it. SPIRIT How, how could you destroy it all without consideration? Charge the violation to the violator, charge the offense to the offender, but be compassionate to the other living organisms on this realm. Let Eve be cut off from Paradise. Be patient, it would be better if I'd periodically take away her essence from her, until there's nothing left, and then she will be no more. LILITH No, you cannot do this. Eve is innocent, it was I who convinces her to eat from the tree, and as for Lucifer, he was nothing but a mere pawn. Spirit releases the time freeze around the garden. Eve is rendered mortal, and cast out of Eden. LILITH (angrily) This is far from being over, mark my words... mark my words. EXT. HEAVEN " DAY " BATTLEGROUND Lucifer overtly confident of his superiority continues to ridicule the archangel Michael, constantly knocking him down to the ground. LUCIFER (gloatingly) If you can't defeat me, then why don't you lay down your weapon, and join me? Michael, join the rebellion. Join us. MICHAEL I’ll never join you. LUCIFER You weak pathetic fool! Lucifer strikes Michael even harder. He then leaps high into the air, and lands with both his feet on Michael's chest. He whams his foot on Michael's head, and entrenches it onto the ground. LUCIFER Here comes the pain. Michael is laying defenseless on the ground. He closes his eyes to say his final prayers. MICHAEL Lord you are my refuge, and my fortress, and in you, I will trust. Surely, you shall deliver me from the snares of evil. Your truth shall be my shield. I shall not be afraid of the terror of Deimos, nor of the imminent destruction that lay waste. A thousand may fall at my left side, and ten thousand at my right side, but death shall not come near me, because you have set your love upon me, and through you, I shall be victorious. Amen. LUCIFER Is it just me, or does it sounds like you were praying for your dear life. Lucifer lifts up his trident to deliver the finishing blow. But, before Lucifer impales him, Michael grabs him by the ankle, and throws him off. Lucifer falls to the ground, stunned, dropping his trident. LUCIFER (roaring) Rgrr..., blast you. Shortly thereafter, a beam of light envelops Michael, sparks of lightning manifests on his body. His sword becomes ablaze. His eyes becomes like a flame of fire, and his body begins to transform. Suddenly, four more wings spawns out of Michael's body. Lucifer realizes that Michael is transforming into a seraph just like him. MICHAEL (smirkily) It’s my turn. Lucifer gets back up, and shudders his wings, unfazed by Michael's transformation. LUCIFER (sarcastically) Well, well, well look at what we have here, Michael the seraph. Welcome to the club schmuck, but unfortunately for you there's only room for one seraph on this battlefield. MICHAEL Make that two. LUCIFER Michael, I’m glad that you have gotten a bit stronger. Maybe this time around, I’ll actually break a sweat. Lucifer attacks him, but this time Michael is able to fight back, resisting, even winning. Lucifer pulls himself from the rubbles. LUCIFER (annoyingly) You insignificant little pest. You’re still nothing when compared to my power. I don’t care how powerful you think you’ve become, you don’t stand a chance against me. Lucifer stretches out his wings, and with a jolt of confidence, he emits a vigorous exertion of energy. The many wings of Michael envelop his body, completely shielding him from Lucifer’s fatal rays. MICHAEL Is that all you’ve got? LUCIFER You must be so proud of these irritating tricks you’ve learned. Lucifer attacks Michael with all his might. One after the other Michael cuts off all six of Lucifer’s wings. MICHAEL (to himself) Give me strength. Michael takes his sword, and plunges it deep into the ground. And almost instantly a huge bottomless portal opens. MICHAEL Welcome to hell. Michael and Lucifer are fighting at the edge of the abyss. Lucifer is getting beat up. LUCIFER No! I refuse to accept this as my fate, to be at the mercy of a mere tyro. MICHAEL O! Lucifer you were the signet of perfection full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until wickedness was found in you and you’ve sinned. So now, I expel you in disgrace from the heavens, and I banish you to hell. Lucifer is helplessly hanging onto the edges of the threshold, and before completely falling in. Michael grabs him in a compassionate attempt to saving him. MICHAEL (shouting) Grab a hold of my hand. LUCIFER (shouting) I don’t need your pity Michael. Let go of me. MICHAEL (shouting) Lucifer please, don’t be foolish, hell won’t be as pleasant as heaven. LUCIFER (shouting) It is better to rule in hell, than to serve in heaven. MICHAEL (shouting) I cannot hold on any longer, save yourself. LUCIFER (shouting) I will not spend eternity as your second Michael, every breath you now take is an insult to my honor, and I will have my vengeance, by my hands you will be cut down inch by inch, the way you have cut out my wings. Lucifer makes one final attempt to striking down Michael. LUCIFER (shouting) Never say die. Michael locks eyes with Lucifer one last time, and lets him plummet into the pits of hell. Afterward, the portal closes. EXT. EARTH - AFTERNOON Eve strolls about into uncharted territories. The terrain is dreary comparing to the lush Eden. Nowadays, the animals growl, and darts away when she approaches them. She’s exhausted, and so she turns back toward Eden. Adam wakes up from his slumber, rubbing his eyes and yawning. ADAM (calling) Eve. ADAM (yelling) Eve, where are you Eve? Adam walks around Eden looking, and calling for her, but she was nowhere to be found. Then, the angel Gabriel appears to Adam. ADAM Gabriel, where is Eve? And why are these cherubim standing there at the gate? GABRIEL (consolingly) She’s gone Adam. ADAM Gone? What do you mean she’s gone? Is she giving an audience to our Lords in heaven? GABRIEL No! She’s a sinner now. She ate of the forbidden tree, and on account of that she has been cast away from paradise. She’s now at the mercy of death. Come, let me show you. Gabriel takes Adam to a nearby exit to see Eve. From a distance, he sees her. She appears miserable, and malnourished. Adam runs toward her, but the sentinels at the gate block him. CHERUB#1 Adam, you are forbidden from leaving the garden. CHERUB#2 Every choice one makes has an end result. She has made her choice. ADAM Take me back, take me back, please, because I cannot stand seeing her looking like this. GABRIEL Alright, we can go now. On their way back, Adam stops under the forbidden trees. ADAM Tell me again Gabriel, what did she do to deserve such a dire fate? GABRIEL She ate from the tree of knowledge. ADAM Which tree…? Do you mean this tree? Adam points in the direction of the tree of knowledge. He walks closer towards it, and plucks a fresh fruit. GABRIEL Adam, what are you doing? You do know the consequences of eating from this tree, now put it down. ADAM Her eyes, her lips, her smile, and her gentleness every inch of her makes it worth it. I love this woman Gabriel, and I would rather spend a brief moment out there by her side then to spend an eternity in paradise without her. GABRIEL Adam! No... Adam devours the fruit. Consequently, he is cursed, and gets stripped of his immortality. Instead of waiting to be escorted out, he runs out of paradise, and into the wilderness to find Eve. ADAM (yelling) Eve! Eve! Eve... EVE Adam? ADAM (screaming) Eve! Where are you? Eve comes running toward him. Adam hugs her, and kisses her so passionately that the angels weep. EVE (remorsefully) Adam, you... ADAM Shh! Don’t say a word just kiss me. EVE But, Adam what about paradise? ADAM Forget paradise. I'd echoed tenfold of my first disobedience, and devour once more the fruits of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste begot death into our world. What's the point of immortality, if I could never touch, taste, and smell the scent of you? I'd echoed tenfold of my first disobedience to be with you. EXT. HELL - DAY Hell is three-thousand leagues beneath the earth’s ocean floor. It has an inner sun, where sunlight is always present, which causes the temperature there to be relatively high. The vibration, and energy level found in this hollow earth is purer, and is of higher vibration frequencies. Much like the outer surface it has natural vegetation, rivers, and mountains. Lucifer seats on his throne contemplating his next move, while the rest of the renegades gathers in small groups. There are firm indications of a mutiny, gradually developing among the fallen angels, but no one dared to express openly their discontent. MOLOCH (conspiringly) What terrible misfortune has befallen us? We were promised freedom, and all we’ve gotten as a reward is this. ASMODEUS It seemed that every moment spent in this forsaken place feels like an eternity. Perchance, if we were to ask our brothers for forgiveness, we may someday return to the heavens. SAMMAEL (frustratingly) Not a chance! Over throwing Lucifer would seem more proper. He has been absent from sight ever since that archangel Michael castrated him. We ought to be preparing for another attack at once rather than lingering around twiddling our thumbs, and fluffing our wings. XANATOS And which one of you knows the way out of this horrendous nightmare? Not one of you, Lucifer is our best chance of attaining our freedom, mutinying against him now would be absolutely disastrous. SAMMAEL (angrily) I have lost all confidence in Lucifer’s ability to lead us. We could remain eternally imprisoned in this netherworld. Xanatos walks behind Sammael, and rubs him on the shoulders. XANATOS (smoothly) Do not be troubled my brother, Lucifer does have a plan. Be patient. INT. HELL - LUCIFER’S THRONE ROOM Inside of a dark, and gloomy chamber Lucifer seats all alone upon a lofty throne, high, and lifted up, gnashing in anguish, spitefulness, and ashamed to find himself beatable by one so far beneath him. VISION - INT. HELL - LUCIFER’S THRONE ROOM Lucifer sees across the room an infant boy. He’s laughing, and calmly playing along with Deimos, the personification of terror. A dark shadow, something vaguely resembling human, with two eyes, like lava. Lucifer is running hastily toward the boy in order to protect him from Deimos. The infant boy turns around, and locks eyes with Lucifer. The boy’s eyes are as dark as an onyx. Lucifer realizes to his horror that the boy had already been tainted by Deimos. PRESENT TIME - INT. HELL - LUCIFER’S THRONE ROOM Beelzebub walks in, and interrupts the vision. LUCIFER Is there a problem? BEELZEBUB I’m concerned for your well being. The realm is in dismay Lucifer. There are talks of mutiny, many angels whispers about rebelling against you, but yet you do nothing. LUCIFER So, let them. BEELZEBUB I refuse to believe that one-third of the angels rebelled, and fought for nothing. LUCIFER And what would you believe? BEELZEBUB I believe they fought for something. They fought for freedom. They fought for you. Lucifer breaks down in tears. LUCIFER (sobbingly) They will never see the light of day again because of my arrogance. BEELZEBUB The path we have chosen is full of perils, and uncertainties but the cost of freedom is often steep. LUCIFER (sobbingly) Freedom! What freedom, we are all doomed. BEELZEBUB Freedom is an idea. The idea that we angels can be free to do as we choose. Anything less than that is simply another form of bondage. Lucifer, we were all ready to pay whatever the price is the moment we rebelled against the heavens. They can imprison us in hell for all eternity, but they can never vanquish an idea. Lucifer recomposes himself. LUCIFER I feel so lost, and alone. As the light-bringer my role was simple, worship, and serve. Now I don’t know what to do. BEELZEBUB Regardless of which path you decide to take, we are yours to command. The one path we shall never choose, that is the path of surrender. Now pull yourself back together, and regain control of your realm. Lucifer takes a moment to reassess the situation. LUCIFER Assemble the army. EXT. HELL - COURTYARD A multitude of fallen angels are assembled before Lucifer, waiting for him to deliver his discourse. Lucifer steps up in front of the crowd, and soon thereafter a radiant portal begins to open up. Lucifer conjures a massive fireball, while Moloch raises a thunderbolt. They are ready to blast whatever comes out of it. Then, Lilith steps out of the portal. LILITH You missed me? LUCIFER What took you so long? Lilith grabs Lucifer by the hand, and raises it in the air as a show of support while the crowd roars in approval. LUCIFER At last, the sleepers have awakened. Many of you fought valiantly in our struggle to capture the heavens. Your being here in this moment conclusively proves that you have longed for your independence. A liberty which you all deserve, to live in a realm where the only rule would be that there are no rules. This Hell, the place that you find yourselves in today, it is only temporary. I will do all within my power to release you. Do not conceive of this as an imprisonment, rather think of it as a tactical retreat, for when we do strike back, we will give them hell. Do not be discouraged by this minor setback, we may have lost the battle, but the war has only begun. FALLEN ANGEL#1 Lucifer, Lucifer. FALLEN ANGEL#2 Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer. FALLEN ANGEL#3 (cheerily) Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer. CROWD (cheerily) Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer. LILITH Bring me, your injured, and your fallen warriors so they may yet live another day. Lilith revives them with the aura of Deimos still within them. LUCIFER Henceforth, you are known as Demons. No longer should you be referred to by your old monikers. Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones these are but our titles. Lilith scrutinizes the realm closely. LILITH This must obviously be one of Metatron's inept creations, an inner earth. Sadly, without my delicate touch, he’s unable to mend it to perfection. Lilith scrutinizes the realm even more. LILITH (continuing) So, this is the best that he could come up with. LUCIFER Do you know where we are? LILITH Of course, I know where you are. You are three thousand league beneath the earth's ocean. Lilith leans forward, and grabs a flaccid plant. LILITH (continuing) Apparently, this place could use a feminine touch. As Lilith walks around, examining the place, suddenly livelier, and more vivid plant life forms start to grow in hell. The violent volcanic activities stops, as the dark waters become crystal clear. LILITH (continuing) Bring me some earth, and water so I may make mud. Lilith forms a shape. A half-human, half-lion shape with wings. She blows some air into it, and it becomes alive. LUCIFER What is this creature? LILITH I call it a Manticore. LUCIFER Could you procure another? LILITH Could I? Sure I can, but it won’t be as perfect as creating angels or humans without Spirit or Metatron’s contributing powers. Watch this. Lilith forms another shape. A reptile-like creature who has red scaly skin, wings, and a very long tail. She blows some air into it, and it too becomes alive. Once the creature is active, it breaths out a huge fireball. LUCIFER Wow! Fireball that’s more like it. LILITH Ah! Exactly! LUCIFER Allow me the honor to name this one Dragon. Lilith forms yet another shape. A creature with the head, and upper body of a woman, and the tails of a fish instead of legs. LILITH Last but not least, I give you Siren. LUCIFER She is much fairer than the others. Soon thereafter, Siren jumps back into the water, the Manticore, and the Dragon flies away to explore the realm. LUCIFER (continuing) What now your Highness? LILITH Lucifer you lost the battle, mainly because heaven had the Spirit as their partisan. Do you remember, when I told you that the Spirit had given mankind, this unique element called a Soul? LUCIFER I recall something of that nature. LILITH Well, the Souls are particles of the Spirit. If you were to gather enough souls, you could, then give rise to an entity that is similar to the Spirit. That being would function, as a counterbalance to the advantageous effects of the Spirit which heaven currently possesses. It’s quite simple really, the more humanity sins, the more souls you'll get, and the more souls you obtain, the more chances you have of defeating heaven. Lucifer applauds this new idea. LILITH (continuing) I'll use my unrestricted access to the heavens to allure the remaining angels, and once they fall, these angels won't be sent to hell. They'll remain on earth to assist us as devoted Devils. When I get you out of here, you'll have another army of loyalists already encamped on the outer surface. LUCIFER (eagerly) Is there any chance of an earlier release, from this forsaken place? LILITH Any chance, of you accepting Metatron as your Lord, and savior? LUCIFER (sternly) It is better to rule in hell, than to serve in heaven. LILITH Time is of the essence, I must return to the heavens. Lilith snaps at her fingers, and the portal gradually opens. She walks into it, and she was gone. As the gateway closes, a demon tries to escape through it, but upon contact with the glittering threshold, the demon is instantly incinerated. EXT. EARTH - DAY In the forest, Adam and Eve are looking for food when suddenly a menacing bear rushes after them. They abandon their supplies, and run away, but the vicious bear is still in pursuit. Eve falls down along the way, and Adam doesn't take notice until a while later. The bear comes within inches away from devouring Eve, when suddenly Lilith appears. With a simple stare from Lilith, the ferocious beast becomes as gentle as a cub. LILITH You should be more careful out in these woods. Lilith extends her hand to help Eve get up from the ground. EVE Thank you. Adam comes bursting back toward them. ADAM (shouting) Get away from her! Get away. LILITH I was simply helping her get back up, and telling her that she should be more cautious out in these woods. ADAM (angrily) You're the reason why we're in this circumstance in the first place. LILITH I'm the reason why she's not dead right now. ADAM Come on Eve, let’s go. LILITH Adam, wait. ADAM We’re leaving. LILITH Adam, please. ADAM What do you want from us? LILITH I want to help you. For how long do you think you're going to outlive living like this? You two have discovered the gift of knowledge, but have yet to explore it fully. Adam stares at Lilith in disbelief. ADAM You can't be serious. Gift, what gift, all that we've gotten so far is pain, hunger, and suffering, and in the end, we will die. That's all. LILITH It doesn't have to be this way Adam. You're the key holder, and Eve is the gatekeeper. Together, you can sort of re-open the doorway to immortality, cheat death, you know, by having offspring. Be fruitful, and multiply, don't you remember? Lilith advances closer toward Adam, and starts to remove his garments. Adam stands unyielding, in protest. LILITH Relax, simply follow my lead. Adam feels the bounce of her luscious breast, against his own nakedness. She touches his lips gently with hers, and then fervently kisses him. The exquisite taste of her lips, and the sweet aroma of her flesh arouses him. He wants more of this aphrodisiac that seems to daze his senses. ADAM (insatiably) More, I want more... Lilith turns toward Eve, who is standing to the side. With her index finger, Lilith signals her to come over; inviting her to participate in this unfamiliar but yet enticing adventure. Eve finds herself bound in between, as Adam and Lilith remove her garments one after the other until she’s completely nude. Adam kisses Eve with all the tenderness he could muster. He parts his lips from hers, gently stroking her throat, and cups her breasts, as his hands drifts lower, and further, sweeping over her flat belly. His fingers slowly venture down her abdomen, and the hot moist trail of his tongue follows. His mouth tightly shuts upon her firm breasts, as his tongue wandered teasingly over her hard n*****s, sweeping it repetitively. He slowly sank himself against her, his fingers tenderly brushing the triangle that guards her innocence. LILITH That’s it. Adam parts her legs, and with the extremity of his tongue, he massages her clitoris. She twists restlessly from side to the side, crying out, and disoriented until she reaches her climax. He rises above her, and without hesitating, he lowers himself on, and into her. He presses on as steadily as he could, while she moans, and grinds. Tremors soon seize Adam, overwhelming him, time and time again, until at long last, he reaches his climax. Then he falls on to her side. EXT. HEAVEN - DAY Samyaza leader of the Watchers stands guard at heavens watchtower covertly monitoring, and recording the activities of humanity. His senses are so acute that he could see, and hear any event occurring in hell, or on earth. Nothing escapes his watchful eyes. LILITH Look but don’t touch, touch but don’t taste, taste but don’t swallow. These are not the rules that you submit to Samyaza? Samyaza stands non-responsive, he is trying not to fall for her temptations. Lilith snaps her fingers, and in the midst of the clouds looms the dramatic scene of Adam and Eve making love. LILITH (continuing) I know you were watching. Although, it’s always fun to watch, I'd say it’s even better to participate, don‘t you think? Now, haven’t you ever fantasized about what it would be like to touch, taste, to smell the scent of a woman. Samyaza remains silent. Lilith snaps her fingers again, and the cloudy panorama disappears. LILITH (continuing) You can see it all. You can hear it all, but you won't really know what it’s like, until you've tried it yourself. EXT. EARTH - DAY Eve becomes pregnant, and gave birth to a set of triplets. A daughter named Norea, and two sons, Cain and Abel. VOICE OVER: Cain grows up to become a robust man, and he works the fields with Adam, while Abel tends to the domestic animals, and Norea caters to her mother Eve. One day, while Cain was laboring the field alone Lilith appears to him. EXT. EARTH - FIELD - DAY Cain is in the field, tilling the soil with a wooden plow attached to a horse. LILITH Poor child, every day, you work tirelessly on this ill-fated soil, the scorching sun at your back, your body aching. Your hands, and feet badly blistered. And what does Abel do all day? He spends his time relaxing under a tree, enjoying the gentle breeze. CAIN I’m not envious of my brother’s function, nor do I resent him for his fairly easy chores. To be honest, Abel wouldn't last too long in these fields. That's the reason why father appointed him as the shepherd. And besides, being a shepherd isn't as harmless, and jolly as you make it out to be, there is always the constant danger of wild beasts, and of getting lost in the forest. LILITH That may be so, but my dear Cain, haven’t you noticed that your parents haven't provided you with a mate. In the future, to whom do you think Norea will mate with, an older, rusty laborer such as yourself, or your jolly brother. If Norea settles on with Abel, then by the time your parents have another child, if it’s a female, you may already be dead. And Oops! There goes Cain’s legacy. Cain stands attentively, while being lectured by Lilith. LILITH (continuing) Death, is the cessation of the connection between the mind, and the body. Because of the difficulties of your occupation, your mind, and body are depleting much faster than that of your brother isn't it? Cain takes a moment to think about what Lilith have said. CAIN You could be right, but if she favors my brother, there isn't much that I can do about it now, can I? I cannot make her love me. LILITH (laughingly) You could always kill him. Eliminate the competition. Lilith awaits Cain’s reaction, but none was forthcoming. LILITH (continuing) I was just kidding. However, I know of a way to help you win Norea's heart. CAIN Go on, I’m listening. LILITH Now listen, during its birth, the foal will produce a small fragment of tissue on its forehead. You must take this tissue, dry it, and reduced it to a fine powder. After that, take a red apple, and carefully remove its core, and the seeds. Fill up the inside of the apple with the powder, and then cautiously reseal the opening with that which you have removed. You must give the apple to Norea, while making sure that she eats it in your presence. Do this, and she'll be yours. However, you must act quickly! Now go. INT. EARTH - FARM - DAY Eve and Norea are alone in the cooking area preparing food. EVE Honey, have you made up your mind yet as to which one of your siblings you will wed? NOREA Oh! Mother hadn't I told you numerous times. I’m not yet ready. It's a very complex decision. I don’t think you can ever understand my ambiguous situation, because you never had to choose between father, and any other. EVE You better choose fast honey, because you're not going to live forever. Now pass me the spices. EXT. EARTH - FOREST - DAY Abel is walking through the forest in search of a lost lamb. He hears a humming sound nearby. He goes to investigate. There he finds Lilith seating on a stone with the lost lamb on her lap. Abel cautiously keeps his distance. LILITH (reassuringly) Don’t be afraid, I won't hurt you. I don't bite. ABEL It’s you! You're the one my father warned me about. LILITH Oh! Yeah! And what did your father say about me, which had gotten you so spooked. That I was this hideous being with hooves, two horns, and conceivably, a tail. ABEL No! He told me that you were an alluring being, who takes pleasure in deceiving others. LILITH If I were a malevolent being, would I be here to warn you that, at this very moment, Cain is enchanting Norea to be his spouse. ABEL (sarcastically) Ah! I see, and I suppose you are going to help me get her instead. LILITH Exactly! ABEL No discourtesy to you, but I don’t need your help. Norea, and I have already pledged our commitments to each other, and she vowed that when the time comes, she would pick me. Abel nabs his lamb and leave. EXT. EARTH - FARM - EVENING Adam, Eve, Cain and Norea are seating around a big campfire. Abel is returning from the pasture, and is getting ready to join them. CAIN Quick, brother, fetch your best flocks, for tonight we feast. ABEL (suspiciously) What’s the occasion? Cain, wraps his brawny arm around Abel’s frail neck, and gave him a kiss on the head. CAIN Norea and I, are joining in matrimony tonight. Abel locks' eyes with Norea, seeking at least a bit of remorse in her eyes, but there were none. She looks as happy as ever. Abel heart-broken steers himself toward the pasturage to get the animals for the feast. Once he is out of every one’s sight Lilith appears to him. LILITH I’d hate to say that I told you so, but I told you so. You can change this. It's not too late. ABEL We were so much in love, and she… she promised me her heart. How did this happen? LILITH It’s called magick. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and the next thing you know love is in the air. Your brother used magick. He gave Norea an enchanted apple, and now she's his wife. ABEL Magick, eh! It doesn't matter. What's done is done. LILITH You're not even going to fight for her? ABEL No. Abel collects the worst of his flocks, and return to the ceremony. INT. EARTH - FARM - MORNING Adam, Eve and Abel walks into Norea’s hut. She’s still laying down in bed. Adam and Eve present Norea with a gift. EVE Your father and I wanted you to have this. Adam hands over to Norea a fur coat. ADAM This ought to keep you warm for many moons. Norea gets up from her bed halfway nude to try on her new garment. NOREA Wow! The fabric is so soft. I love it. Oh! Thank you. Thank you both. ADAM Enjoy it sweetheart. ABEL I, also got you something. NOREA Oh yeah! And, where is it? ABEL Well, you have to go outside to see it. Norea runs outside to find a white pony. ABEL Her name is Valencia. Norea walks closer to the small horse, and starts to caress it. NOREA She is beautiful. ABEL Indeed, but not nearly as beautiful as my sweet sister. NOREA Can I ride it? ABEL You can do whatever you would like. It’s yours. Abel walks over to help Norea get on the horse. She throws her leg over the horse’s back. Abel can’t help but to notice the radiance of her skin, for a moment, he loses his focus. VOICE OVER: As the years pass, Abel and Norea’s relationship escalates from kinship to secret lovers. CUT TO: Cain laboring the field, while Abel and Norea are riding horses. CUT TO: Cain and Adam are laboring the field, while Abel and Norea are making love in the forest. CUT TO: Cain laboring the field, Abel’s unattended animals are destroying Cain’s garden. Cain chases them away. EXT. EARTH - FIELD - DAY Cain and Adam are laboring the field, and Abel’s unattended animals are once again eating out his freshly planted crops. CAIN Father, look. Abel’s stupid animals are eating out the vegetables again. ADAM Well, don’t just stand there push them away. Cain chases after them. The goats run away, only to return a few moments later. CAIN Oh! Not again. Why isn’t Abel attending to his flocks? ADAM Abel has been neglecting his duties for quite sometime now. Cain, summon your brother here at once. EXT. EARTH - FOREST - DAY Cain walks around the green pasture where Abel should have been. He notices that the flocks are out in the open-field eating, but without a shepherd. Then he continues walking toward the forest nearby the river. Down by the river he finds Abel and Norea naked, having intercourse. Cain stands still, unable to believe his eyes, his heart afloat with anger. He moves in closer. ABEL Cain, wait. It’s not what you think. Cain strikes Abel and Norea repeatedly with his scythe. Then, he disposes their lifeless bodies in the nearby river. He stares at his bloody hands, contemplating about what he had done, and what to do next. He picks up his scythe, and washes away the blood. Then the angel Uriel and Anael appear to him. URIEL Cain, what have you done? It is vain, to attempt concealment. Your brother's soul is crying out to heaven. You are now cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood. No longer will the earth give you her fruit as the reward of your work. Cain falls to the ground in remorse. CAIN The earth has already been cursed for Adam's sin, and was not so fruitful as in its original state, and now must it be cursed again for my sins? ANAEL Your sister's soul is crying out to heaven. You're now cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your sister’s blood. From this day forwards, you'll crave for passion, and thirst for love, but the yearning, and thirstiness will only be quenched by the blood of those you come to love. CAIN My punishment is greater than I can bear. You have driven me out this day from the face of the earth, and from your face shall I be hidden, and I shall be a fugitive, and a vagabond, and it shall come to pass, that anyone who finds me will kill me. URIEL You're wrong Cain. Uriel extends out his hand, and a sphere of light steers itself into the direction of Cain. The object enters Cain's body, and violently erupted inside of him, as rays of lights are seen escaping out of his eyes, mouth, ears, and nose. URIEL (continuing) I have set a mark upon you, to prevent anyone who finds you from killing you. Each century that passes you shall be revitalized, to your current state. ANAEL You shall be a fugitive, and a vagabond on the earth forever and ever. URIEL And ever. The two angels disappear. Cain starts walking toward home. His face becomes paler, and paler throughout the journey. INT. EARTH - FARM - AFTERNOON Adam and Eve are in the cooking area. Eve is attending to the fire, and Adam is cutting up the meat. Cain walks in looking famished. EVE Here’s Cain. Maybe he knows the whereabouts of Norea. ADAM Where have you been? Where is Abel? CAIN (rudely) How should I know? Am I, my brother’s keeper? Cain grabs a fresh peach from the fruit basket, and leaves the cooking area. As he walks away, he takes a bite of the peach, and soon realizes that it’s filled with maggots. He spits it out, and tosses the rest on the ground, and walks away. The peach changes color, as if it had been rotten for many days. EXT. EARTH - FARM - EVENING Adam and Eve walk into Cain’s hut. CAIN (rudely) What do you want? EVE Cain, your father and I, are a bit concerned. Norea has been absent all day. We are a worried about her safety. CAIN I’m certain that she and Abel are just fine. ADAM We’re going to go look for them, nonetheless. CAIN Then, go. ADAM (sternly) You’re coming along. Grab a torch. It will soon get dark. EXT. EARTH - FOREST - EVENING Cain, Adam and Eve are walking through the forest searching for Norea and Abel. ADAM (calling) Abel! Abel! Abel. EVE (calling) Norea! Norea. ADAM (calling) Abel! EVE (calling) Norea! ADAM Norea! EVE (worryingly) Oh! Adam, where could they possibly be? CAIN Maybe, we should split into groups, that way we could cover more grounds. ADAM Alright son, your mother and I, will go in this direction, and you go that way. And Cain, be careful. Adam and Eve proceed in one direction, and Cain goes the opposite way. Moments later, Cain hears the agonizing cries of his father from faraway. He stops for a brief moment, then continues walking. CUT TO: Down by the river Adam and Eve are weeping over Abel’s mutilated corpse. CUT TO: Cain keeps walking, and never looked back. He travels alone to distant lands, wandering on the earth without a fixed home. EXT. EARTH - EUPHRATES RIVER - DAY Cain lowers himself on bended knees to drink from the river. His garbs are torn apart. His body is shaggy with hair. He has a full beard, and long hair. After a few gulps, he notices from a distance, a woman bathing. He moves nearer to investigate. He meant to watch her unseen, he starts to walk slowly, and quietly toward her location, as he is getting closer. SNAP! CAIN - steps on a thick branch making a loud noise. He is discovered. He waves at her. She dives into the water, and he follows. Cain follows her throughout this underwater passage way that leads to a pool at the base of a spectacular waterfall. EXT. EARTH - WATERFALL - DAY Cain resurfaces, gasping for air. The woman swims with poise circling around him in the water. Cain catches his breath. CAIN Who are you? She moves in closer to him in the water. Cain can’t help but to notice how remarkably beautiful she is. WOMAN I’m Serena. There is an instant attraction between Cain and Serena. CAIN Where do you come from? SERENA You shouldn’t ask too many questions. You may not like some of the answers. Serena moves closer, and kisses him passionately. She holds onto his shoulders, and wraps her legs around his hips, her nails sinking into his flesh. They made love until sunset. VOICE OVER: Cain and Serena settle in the land of Nod. She later bore him a son named Enoch. They had many children after that, and lived happily as a community, until one-day Serena simply disappeared without a trace. EXT. EARTH - LAND OF NOD - DAY The settlement is a small progressive community, with an active population thriving for sustainability. Merchandises such as gold, and silver, cargoes of cinnamon, and spice are exchange daily in the marketplace. Cain and Enoch are browsing through the market shopping for traveling items. Enoch is dragging behind him several lambs, and goats to trade. CAIN Enoch my son, once I’m gone. you will be responsible for the community. Be kind, and fair to the people. Always remember a good leader does not command excellence. They build it. ENOCH Father, you don’t have to go. You are taking an unnecessary risk. You cannot keep blaming yourself for her disappearance. I miss her as much as you do, if not more, but the fact remains, she’s gone. CAIN She may still be alive, so I have to go son. I have to be sure. MERCHANT#1 Sire, I’ll trade you this fine dagger for only two goats. MERCHANT#2 Come buy over here, we have the finest wine in all the land. MERCHANT#3 This rucksack will accommodate all of your traveling needs into one easy carrying load. Limited time offer, only two left in stock. CAIN How much is it for the sack? MERCHANT#3 I only trade for camels, but for you Sire, I will trade it to you for two sheep, and three goats. CAIN This is an expensive item. MERCHANT#3 This is a great accessory. You will not find anything else like it in the land. ENOCH This is a useless over-valued junk. CAIN (To Enoch) Give him what he wants. Cain takes the sack, and Enoch gives the merchant the animals. They walk out of the marketplace together. Cain and Enoch are at a crossroad. One leads toward the village, and the other to the wilderness. ENOCH Father, I beg you to reconsider. CAIN I have, and my decision stands. Goodbye, my son. Cain hugs his son, and the two part ways. EXT. HEAVEN - DAY Samyaza and Azazel are standing guard at heaven’s watchtower. The two angels are clandestinely watching the evolution of humanity. AZAZEL Look how the humans have become their own masters, with the ability to procreate beings like themselves. SAMYAZA Indeed, but unfortunately for them their years are now limited. AZAZEL (enviously) Ah! The freedom to create, and to destroy, to love, and to hate. That’s amazing. Samyaza glares at Azazel with a cautious gaze. SAMYAZA What are you suggesting? That it is good to be a sinner? AZAZEL No, not at all, it’s just that. I once fondled my fingers through the hair of a woman. SAMYAZA You did what? AZAZEL I was completely invisible, and she was not even awake. It was such a thrilling experience, to peek underneath her garb, while she's lying fast asleep. My, my, my! She was beautiful. As if, the devil itself was reincarnated into her, to lead me astray from my eternal purity. SAMYAZA Be careful with your words Azazel, and most certainly your actions. AZAZEL Oh! Samyaza when she walks. When she dances. When she exposes her sex, she gets that look in her eyes. It's like an exotic bird, sprawling its wings, readying to take flight. I wonder sometimes, does my carnal desire for her, makes me a sinner? SAMYAZA If it were, I can assure you, that you and I, wouldn’t be having this conversation at the moment. Remember your oath Azazel. You are a Grigori. It is your duty to watch over humanity, not to mingle with them. AZAZEL Humanity has it all. As for us Watchers, what do we get? The dreary function of watching humanity evolve. Do we angels ever get to evolve? To become more than what we were predestined to be. No! Don’t you ever fantasize about what it would be like to make love to a woman? SAMYAZA This opportunity was once presented to me, not long ago. AZAZEL How, and by whom? SAMYAZA Lilith. AZAZEL Of course, who else would dare to defy heaven after Lucifer’s debacle. SAMYAZA Not, I. AZAZEL So, you met Lilith, in person. And she presented you with this golden opportunity, and you refused. SAMYAZA Indeed. AZAZEL (sarcastically) Samyaza the warrior of righteousness. You ought to be elevated to the angel of virtues, instead of being a Watcher. SAMYAZA You've heard the rumors about Lilith, there's always a catch with her. She promises to do one thing, but in the end, she does something completely opposite. Besides, I didn't want to upset Metatron, and end up in hell. AZAZEL Come on, what’s the worst that could have happened? Consider this, Lucifer sinned, and he ended up having his own dominion. The earth is now filled with sinners, and as you can see, apart from being mortal, their existence has turned out to be far more appealing than ours. As far as Metatron is concerned, I’m certain that he will not risk reopening the gates of hell, for the fear that the rebels might escape. You would have been fine. SAMYAZA You may be right. AZAZEL I am. Take me for example, I fondled a woman once, and nothing happened to me. SAMYAZA But, she was unconscious. AZAZEL Nonetheless, here I am, in heaven, with wings, and all. Imagine us, in a human form, living in the mortal realm with all of our knowledge. SAMYAZA What’s gotten into you? You would be willing to give up your immortality for a swift lifetime as a human just to be with a mortal. Have you taken leave of your senses? Have you truly thought over this? AZAZEL I have. And, she’s not just any mortal. To me, she’s the most beautiful woman on earth. Samyaza mulled over the matter for a moment. SAMYAZA Azazel, Azazel, my closest, and most trusted comrade. You and I, have fought side by side, during the battle in heaven. Your knowledge in the art of warfare is unquestionable, but this venture that you are intending to partake in is uncommon to any of our kinds. Therefore, as a fellow Grigori, I’m compelled to accompany you on your adventure, as dangerous as it may be. I cannot allow you go through with it alone. May you find the answers that you seek. AZAZEL I’m forever in your debt. Now, let us go seek out Lilith. Perchance, she may reconsider her offer. SAMYAZA But, I fear that you will not be able go through with this Azazel, and I alone will have to pay the penalty of this great transgression, and be cast out of heaven. AZAZEL Oh! I swear to you. I will be by your side, every step of the way. SAMYAZA You better be Azazel, you better be. Samyaza and Azazel abandon their posts to seek out Lilith. EXT. EARTH - REMOTE MOUNTAIN TOP - DAY Azazel and Samyaza appear on earth, on top of a mountain, far from any human settlement. Samyaza is surprised to find Lilith already standing there, waiting for them. LILITH Welcome to earth. I’ve been looking forward to your coming, Sam. Oh! Don’t look so surprised, I already know why you are here. AZAZEL (enthusiastically) We want to be humans. We want to be humans. Samyaza takes his time to careful choose his words. SAMYAZA We'll pledge our fealty to you, if you make us human. We want to have wives, and beget children. However, we don’t want to lose our immortality, nor our divine knowledge. And we most certainly don‘t want to end up in hell. LILITH Ah! I see. Given that you are already angels, I cannot transform you into genuine human beings. Unless, you want to be reincarnated at birth. Lilith waits for their reaction, but none is forthcoming. LILITH (continuing) But, you don't want to experience the tedious process of childhood. You want to have fun now. Yes? What I could do is, I can grant you interim bodies, so that you could immediately enjoy all the pleasures, humanity has to offer. How does that sound? AZAZEL Fair enough. Lilith blows a handful of dust into Samyaza's face. Then, a vortex of dust lifts up the two angels mid-air. Suddenly, their halos dissolve while their wing feathers get blown away by the wind. After the phenomenon, Samyaza and Azazel become fully corporeal, they shrink in sizes to resemble that of an average human male. They stare blankly at each other in astonishment. AZAZEL Wow! Azazel examines his new form. Everything seems to be in perfect order. He is satisfied. LILITH Enjoy! When these carcasses can no longer sustain life, I'll give you another one. Lilith disappears, leaving Samyaza and Azazel admiring their human bodies. AZAZEL This is awesome, isn’t it Samyaza? SAMYAZA Indeed. What’s the first thing are you going to do as a human? AZAZEL Find her. SAMYAZA Well, besides that. AZAZEL I don’t know. I never really gave anything else much thought. You? SAMYAZA Eat. AZAZEL (chuckling) You gave up immortality, for food. SAMYAZA (jokingly) Oh! Shut up. I hope your woman, find me more attractive. AZAZEL (jokingly) With a figure such as yours, only your maker would consider you handsome. SAMYAZA (jokingly) Look who’s talking. I can hardly tell if you come from heaven, or from hell. AZAZEL (jokingly) You look like hell. Samyaza and Azazel happily walk down the valley talking about nothing, but buffoonery from beginning to end. EXT. EARTH - VILLAGE - AFTERNOON Samyaza and Azazel come near a small settlement that is set on the foothill of the mountain. Suddenly, they notice the residents are fleeing in terror, so they went to investigate. As Samyaza and Azazel are approaching near the village, they see everyone else are running away from it. VILLAGER (running, and screaming) Run, men, run for your lives. SAMYAZA (stutteringly) What... What is happening? The villagers keeps running away as quickly as they can. Moments later, Samyaza and Azazel find themselves directly facing a ferocious forty-three feet long, twenty-five feet tall bipedal carnivore, wielding a massive skull, with rows of lengthy curving teeth, and an extensive lethal tail. The tyrannosaurus, has developed a voracious appetite for human flesh. As the villagers are scattering, Samyaza and Azazel confront the maleficent beast, who lets out a thunderous roar. AZAZEL How did these animals get like this? SAMYAZA Look out! The beast lunges forward, powerful jaw open wide. Samyaza scrambles into one direction, but Azazel can't go anywhere. His foot is stuck between two dead branches. He dexterously manages to free himself just in time as the beast approaches. He dives down between two fallen trees. Laying flat on his back, Azazel lets out a terrified gasp, as the enormous foot of the beast lands across the two trunks, mere inches from his face. AZAZEL Phew! That was close. After an intense battle, they manage to kill the beast. The people are now gathering around them, and the dead animal. Azazel and Samyaza become instant heroes of the village. A much older Enoch approaches them. ENOCH No man has ever killed a tyrannosaurus before. Where did you come from? How can we repay you? My friends come, come. AZAZEL We come from the north. SAMYAZA We, in fact, need to get going. ENOCH Stay, please. Let some water be brought, wash your feet, and rest yourselves a bit. Samyaza and Azazel are considering Enoch’s offer. ENOCH (calling) Ishtar, Atta, come out here. Then, two of the most beautiful women Azazel and Samyaza have ever seen, comes walking out of a tent next to them. ENOCH These are my daughters Ishtar and Atta. Azazel cannot believe his eyes, that the very woman he has given up eternity for, is actually standing in front of him, and staring right at him. ENOCH Go, ready the house to accommodate our guests. And, tell your mother to prepare a delicious feast, and bring us wine. INT. EARTH - ENOCH’S TENT - AFTERNOON Samyaza and Azazel follow Enoch inside the tent. ENOCH Come, have a seat. The men sit in a circle inside the tent. Momentarily, Ishtar and Atta comes walking into the tent, with mugs, and a jug of wine. ENOCH Ah! Here, we go, wine, the finest in all the land. When the women start serving the wine, Azazel and Samyaza blankly stare at them in admiration. The women also find the two men attractive. Enoch notices the mutual attraction between them. ENOCH You two, seems to be respectable men, and undoubtedly braver than all the other men in the land. Ishtar and Atta are my daughters. We ought to unite our relations in matrimony. AZAZEL I would be honored, if she would have me. SAMYAZA Likewise. Ishtar and Atta overhear the conversation in the backroom, starts giggling in excitement. ENOCH Well, that settles, that then. Enoch pours himself another mug of wine. EXT. EARTH - VILLAGE - EVENING Samyaza and Atta are strolling around the settlement. She is showing him around the town. They walk by several children of the village that are playing hide, and seek. One little girl has her hands covering her face, while counting. Meanwhile, the other children are looking for hiding places. NAAMAH Ready, or not. Here I come. The little girl uncovers her face, and opens her eyes, but no one was there. She starts to look around for her friends. She searches in several places, and discovers no one. Finally, she stumbles upon her older brother Tubal-Cain, who was hiding behind a tree. NAAMAH I found you. You’re it now. Tubal-Cain tries to cheat, and run to a different location. NAAMAH No fair, you’re it Tubal-Cain. You’re it. Tubal-Cain falls down while running, and cuts himself open in the leg. The bleeding is severe. He is laying down on the ground in pain. Samyaza and Atta approach him. ATTA Let me take a look at it. Atta realizes the severity of the wound, and begins to panic. ATTA Oh! This is bad. This is bad. SAMYAZA He’s going to be alright. Samyaza washes the open wound with the raw fluid of aloe vera. Then, he uses the flowering plant yarrow to staunch the flow of blood from the injury. Momentarily, the wound begins to diminish, until it is completely healed right before their eyes. The villagers are impressed. CUT TO: The men of the village are gathering around Azazel, who is teaching them the art of metalworking, and weaponry. He also produces before them a liquid fire, an incendiary weapon that is inextinguishable even by water. The villagers are impressed. EXT. HEAVEN - DAY Lilith returns to heaven to find three-hundred angels led by the archangel Anak waiting for her at the gateway. ANAK Hail Lilith, full of grace, the natural mother of all things, mistress, and governess of all the elements. The initial progeny of worlds, chief of powers divine. I come to you as a humble servant, and ask that you grant us corporeal bodies. The same as you had done for Samyaza and Azazel. We, too, would like to be humans. LILITH Very well, follow me down to earth, and your wishes shall be granted. EXT. EARTH - MOUNT HERMON - DAY The angels follow Lilith down to earth where they land on top of mount Hermon. She blows a handful of dust into Anak's face. Then, a vortex of dust lifts up the angels mid-air. Suddenly, their halos dissolve, while their wing feathers get blown away by the wind. She gives them all human forms. LILITH Henceforth, you shall be known as the Nephilim. Be fertile, increase in numbers, fill the earth, and be its master. Rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that crawl on the earth. Lilith disappears, leaving Anak, and the three-hundred men on top of the mountain. Tamiel is standing near the edge of the mountain, gazing down below. TAMIEL How are we supposed to get down from this mountain? We no longer possess the ability to fly, and there is no trail leading down into the ravines below. We are utterly stranded. Anak hurriedly walks over toward Tamiel to verify himself. He looks down below. ANAK Bloody hell. Anak sees that there is no possibility of getting down on this side of the mountain, so he quickly runs to the other side of it, looking for a path that may lead down below. Nothing. ANAK No, no, no... This is not happening. GADREEL (sarcastically) Lilith, had done it again. TAMIEL What do we do now Anak? ANAK We are now humans. We are going to do what humanity does best. GADREEL Die? ANAK No! Survive. Anak takes a moment to gather his thoughts. ANAK (continuing) We are going to build our city right here, on top of this mountain. Gadreel turns to the rest of the men to give them the command. GADREEL You heard our leader. Improvise, adapt and overcome. Now, get to work. The multitude of Nephilim gathers timbers, metals, and precious stones. They use their divine knowledge to build a magnificent city on top of the mountain with inter-locking stone stairs leading down the mountain. In commemoration of their origins, the Nephilim builds two great cherubim statues of olive wood, both cherubim were of the same size, and shape. Then they set the statues inside the inner rooms. They extend the wings of the cherubim, so that the wing of the one touches one wall, and the wing of the other cherub touches the other wall. Their wings touch each other in the middle of the room. They've also overlaid the cherubim statues with gold. GADREEL (satisfactorily) Necessity is the mother of all inventions. The Nephilim are marveling at the splendor of the city. TAMIEL This is only the beginning of what we can do on earth. ANAK The greatness of our city will shortly fade away, if we don't produce offspring soon enough. We are indeed, mortals. We don't get to live forever anymore. Come, let us go down to the cities of men, and choose us wives. EXT. EARTH - JARED CITY - NIGHT Anak, and six of his men go down to the city of Jared to acquisition women to bring back to Hazor. When they arrive there, they did their best to blend in with the local population. However, their elegant outfits, and sophisticated weapons give them away. GUARD#1 Halt! You men are not from around here. The guards in a threatening manner brandish a wooden spear. GUARD#2 You are coming with us. Gadreel uncovers his cloak to reveal his armor breastplate. The guards take a step back, for they have never seen anything like this. Gadreel draws his sword readying for a fight, but Anak signals him to comply with the guard’s orders. Gadreel obeys, and drops his weapon. INT. EARTH - MAGISTRATE OFFICE - NIGHT Anak, and his men are seized, and taken before the magistrate of the city. Jared is sitting hunched over his writing desk. GUARD#2 We found these men, sneaking around in our territory your Highness. JARED Who are you men? What is the nature of your visit in my city this late in the night? Speak. ANAK Your Excellency, we are the citizens of the city Hazor. JARED In all my years, I’ve never heard of such a place. Speak the truth. Where do you come from? ANAK We are new settlers. The glittering gold on Anak’s bracelet pique Jared’s interest. He moves closer to have a better look at it. JARED Where did you get this item? ANAK I made it from a metallic element called gold. If you want it, you can have it. Jared takes the bracelet from Anak’s forearm, and put it on his. The bracelet shines, and shimmers in the light. JARED Where did you say you were from again? ANAK Hazor. I can present you with more of this metallic component if you would like. We have plenty of it in our city. GUARD#2 They were also carrying these items, Sire. The guard hand-over Gadreel’s weapon to Jared. He slowly draws the sword from its scabbard. He holds it to the light. It’s even shinier than the bracelet. He then runs his forefinger on the edge of the sword, and accidentally cuts himself. JARED Ouch! GADREEL (proudly) You ought to be more careful with that, this sword is made of fine steel. Jared realizes that these men possess weapons that are far more advanced, and deadlier than any known society. JARED What is it that I can do for you noblemen? ANAK Our city is situated at the peak of a mountain. Therefore, the soil quality is poor, and it produces meager crops. We need foodstuffs, and women, and in return, we will give you all the gold, and weapons you need. JARED This is an unusual request. ANAK We bear unusual gifts. JARED My most distinguished guests, it is late in the night. I must retire to my chambers, or I too will be without a spouse. Allow me to sleep on it tonight, and I will give you my answer first thing in the morning. JARED (To guards) Give them warm hospitality. GUARD#1 (To Anak) Follow me, this way. INT. EARTH - JARED CITY - GUEST CHAMBER - MORNING Anak and his men are still fast asleep in the guest chamber. Two guards come to wake him up, and to escort him to Jared. GUARD#1 The magistrate summons you. The guards escort Anak to Jared’s office. The guards stand post outside the entrance, while Anak enters the room. INT. EARTH - MAGISTRATE OFFICE - MORNING Jared is sitting hunched over his desk. A colleague is leaning over his shoulders, eyeing his calculation tool. Anak enters, and stands at attention. Jared seems unaware of his presence. Anak hesitates, and then turns his gaze to Jared. ANAK You sent for me, Sire. JARED Tell me again Anak, why are you, and your men here? ANAK We need foodstuffs, and women, for our city. JARED Oh! Yes. We are giving you all the foodstuffs that you, and your men can carry back to your city. However, we cannot give to you, any of our women. ANAK Please, I beg you kindly to reconsider. If we are to live without women, our existence won’t last no more than one generation. JARED I’m sorry, but our sisters, mothers, and daughters are too valuable to us to let live in some distant land. ANAK I can assure you, that your women will be well taken care of. I swear it. JARED I’m afraid my decision is final. Guards! Escort him back to his chambers. The guards are escorting Anak back to the guest chambers. As he’s walking by, he takes notice of the multitude of beautiful maidens who inhabits the city. He covetously stares at them, while he’s walking away. INT. EARTH - JARED CITY - GUEST CHAMBER - MORNING Anak enters the room to deliver the disappointing news to his men. TAMIEL Is everything alright? Are they going to provide us with what we asked for? ANAK As far as the foodstuffs, yes, but, for the women, no, not a chance in hell. GADREEL We are inevitably doomed. We’ve come all this way for nothing. ANAK Well, not for completely nothing, at least we will have better foodstuffs. GADREEL What are we going to do? What are we going to tell the rest of the men back in Hazor? Gadreel starts to pace nervously up, and down the room. GADREEL (sternly) I’m not going back to Hazor without a woman. TAMIEL What are you going to do, carry three-hundred women on your back? GADREEL Do you have a better idea? ANAK Shut up, you two, let me think of something. Anak is tapping his fingers on the table, trying to think of what to do next. TAMIEL I have a proposition, but I fear you will not indeed agree to do this deed. GADREEL Let’s hear it Tamiel. TAMIEL What if we invite all the Jaredians to Hazor for a lavish feast, so that way, they are voluntarily bringing to us their sisters, mothers, and daughters, and in large numbers. After the feast is over, we kill all the brothers, fathers, and sons, and abduct their women. GADREEL Now you’re talking. ANAK Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan, but to do this deed. That day, they swore an oath to each other, that they would execute this scheme when the time comes. INT. EARTH - MAGISTRATE OFFICE - DAY The people of the city have ensured that the visitors are fully loaded with foodstuffs for their journey back to Hazor. Wagons after wagons of wheat grain, rice, flour, and fresh vegetables, cheese, milk, and tea are made available to them. Gadreel, and the others are standing outside the magistrate’s office with the provisions, while Anak, and Tamiel are inside with Jared. ANAK On the behalf of the citizens of Hazor, I would like to express my deepest gratitude, for the generous hospitality, that you, and your great city had bestowed upon us. We are forever in your debt, and in return to show our gratefulness, we are cordially inviting you, and all the residents of Jared to the inauguration of our newly developed city, Hazor. TAMIEL Your Excellency, I would like to present to you, this parting gift, a small token to show our appreciation for your extraordinary generosity. Tamiel hands over Jared a huge, one of a kind, ruby gemstone. He takes it, and he seems to be very pleased by the luster of this bright red-colored stone. JARED I’m pleased, and honored to accept your kind invitation. Rest assured that the citizens of Jared will be in attendance. We look forward to continuing the historic collaboration between your city, and ours. I bid you, farewell. VOICE OVER: The citizens of Jared went to Hazor for the sumptuous feast, and while they were inebriated with wine. Anak gave the signal to his men, and all the Jaredians men were killed, and their women were abducted to become consorts to the Nephilim. INT. HEAVEN - DAY The four cardinal angels are looking down to the earth through a vortex of angels spiraling down from heaven. The venerated heroes have gathered to seek each other’s counsel, they are worried about what is becoming of the earth. MICHAEL Do you see what the Nephilim had done? URIEL Humankind, and angels were never meant to occupy the same realm. RAPHAEL Azazel taught mankind how to make weapons of war, and made known to them the minerals of the earth. GABRIEL They have taught all unrighteousness on earth, and revealed to humanity the secrets of the universe which an accursed mankind was forbidden to learn. URIEL And now, humanity is further defiled through the works that are been taught by them. RAPHAEL Behold, the souls of the Jaredian men who have died are crying out to me from the ground, their lamentations have ascended to the heavens, and are demanding justice. GABRIEL Samyaza and Azazel along with the other three-hundred Nephilim are to be punished. MICHAEL (To Raphael) Go forth, bind Azazel and Samyaza, make an opening in the desert, and bury them in the darkness, and let them abide there forever. Let this serve as an example for all angels who follies becoming human. RAPHAEL It shall be done. MICHAEL (To Gabriel) Proceed against the reprobates, and cause them to go forth; send them one against the other, that they may destroy each other in battle, for length of days shall they not have. INT. EARTH - FARMHOUSE - NIGHT A sick pale looking boy is lying in bed, coughing from time to time. He is playing with his wooden toys over a fur blanket, then he’s hit by another spasm of coughing. He puts the toys down. The boy’s father enters the room, goes to him, fluffs his pillows, and briefly feels his forehead. AZAZEL Are you feeling any better son? ICARUS A little. I can’t fall asleep. Can you tell me a story? AZAZEL Sure. Have I told you about the Leviathans before? ICARUS No. AZAZEL Well, the Leviathans are completely fearless beasts who dwell in the sea. Their backs have rows of shields tightly sealed; each is so close to the next that no air can pass between. They are joined fast to one another; they cling together, and cannot be parted. Their snorting throws out flashes of light. Their eyes are like the rays of dawn, firebrands stream from their mouths. Smoke pours from their nostrils as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds. Their breaths set coals ablaze, and flame darts from their mouths. Azazel suddenly makes a scary noise, trying to scare him. Icarus startles a bit, and giggles a little. AZAZEL (continuing) Their superior strength resides in their necks, dismay flees before them. The folds of their flesh are tightly joined. They are dense, and immovable. Their chests are as hard as diamonds. When they rise up, the mighty are terrified, they retreat before their thrashings. The swords that eventually strike, they have no effect, nor does the spears, the arrows, and the javelins. Weapons made of iron are treated like straws, bronze like rotten wood, and catapults do not make them flee, sling-stones are like chaff to them. They laugh at the rattling of the lance, a club seems to them but a breeze. Their undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge. They make the depths churn like a boiling cauldron, and stir up the sea like a pot of ointment. They are... When Azazel finally looks over to the bed, Icarus was already fast asleep. He takes the kid’s toys off the bed, and put the fur blanket over him, and then he exits the room. He peeks through the doorway of the other chamber, and sees that his beautiful wife Ishtar is already fast asleep. He stares at her with sincere gratitude. AZAZEL (thinking to himself) Look at all the wonderful things, I’ve been blessed with. EXT. EARTH - FARMHOUSE - NIGHT Azazel walks outside his comfy cottage, to take a breath of fresh air. He strolls around, gazing over the desolate vista, and then he looks up for a moment at the stars. He hears an unusual sound coming near the stable, so he goes to investigate. Suddenly, the angel Raphael appears to him. AZAZEL (surprisingly) Raphael. RAPHAEL Azazel, you have been weighed on the scales of justice, and found woefully inadequate. You have reached the end of your years. Prepare to meet your doom. Raphael tosses the decapitated head of Samyaza to the ground. AZAZEL (frighteningly) Samyaza. RAPHAEL He is no more, much like you, soon will be. AZAZEL I was part of the legendary Grigori legion once. And, I’ve fought on heaven’s side to defeat Lucifer, and his followers. Please, allow me to live out the rest of my days on earth. I have a wife, and a son. RAPHAEL An abomination. AZAZEL I have not caused any wrongdoings to humanity, that in due time they wouldn’t have caused to themselves. RAPHAEL You have gone to the daughters of men, and have slept with them, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. AZAZEL (proudly) Sins? If it be a sin, ascending mankind from the stone ages, to the iron age. Then, I'm the most offending being alive. RAPHAEL Indeed, you are. AZAZEL They may have had Freewill, but never the freedom to use it. And now, through the preparation of nine charm herbs, many illnesses can be cured, from highly venomous snake bites, to simple bacterial infections. Without shields, and swords. How does a man protect his family against the ferocious beasts who prowls the land? Tell me Raphael? RAPHAEL (shouting) You gave them weapons of war. AZAZEL (shouting back) I gave them tools to fend for themselves. They chose to go to war with it. As I recall, not so long ago we angels did just the same. RAPHAEL (shouting) It is not the same. AZAZEL (passionately) You can shut your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel. Unlike the humans, I don't have a soul, but I know how to love, how to feel. It is love, not blind obedience, that is stronger than death, Raphael. And so it seems, my amorous way is the sole cause of my punishment. I am deemed guilty, because I loved. RAPHAEL Azazel your day of destruction has come. I hereby, condemn you to an eternity in absolute solitude, and darkness, buried deep under the earth. Raphael procures two flaming swords, and attacks Azazel. He narrowly escapes Raphael’s syndicated attacks. Azazel dodges to his left, and then to his right each time barely evading Raphael’s attacks. He finally manages to secure one of Raphael's flaming swords from him. Surprisingly, he doesn't get burn by the intense heat of the sword like a regular human would. Azazel is now advancing offensively, clutching Raphael's own sword in his hand. Azazel and Raphael, fueled by supernatural speed, lunges at each other in a blurred ballet of fatal manoeuvres. They match each other blow for blow, until one makes a mistake. Their weapons locked together, and then, Azazel forces Raphael backwards. Azazel lands a powerful blow on Raphael's wings, the sword-edge biting deep into the flesh. Raphael screams. Azazel withdraws his sword for another strike. AZAZEL (gloatingly) Sometimes, even angels deserves to die. Azazel moves in for the finishing blow. Raphael leaps into the air, and over Azazel's head, and does an acrobatic stunt. He lands behind his adversary. He brings his flaming sword down in a slashing swing, cutting Azazel across his back, spinning him around. Azazel falls down hard to the ground in defeat. CUT TO: A rush of cool wind blows through the semi-open window of the cottage. Icarus is in bed, lying fast asleep on his back, the cooler breeze sweeps into his face, causing him to turnover on his side. As he does, he exposes his backside to the window. Suddenly, we see white feathers on his bed. CLOSE UP: A single white feather is blown away by the wind, and slowly falls down on the floor. INT. EARTH - HAZOR - NIGHT Anak is pacing nervously outside of his bedroom door, and inside of the chamber, behind the transparent linen drapes. A woman is in labor. She’s deathly pale, and surrounded by midwives. The woman is having increased difficulties delivering the child. MIDWIFE#1 Come on, push. A little more... Push. The woman’s belly is extremely large, and it appears to be getting even larger each time she tries pushing out the child. She is gasping aloud for air, sweat dripping into her eyes, her mouth stretching open to a cry of pain. MIDWIFE#1 Come on, push, push, push. The woman gives her best efforts to push out the child. She dies immediately after giving birth to a giant. FADE OUT. THE END © 2011 Maximus. R. |
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Added on September 10, 2011Last Updated on October 19, 2011 Tags: Lilith, Heaven, Hell, Religious Thriller, Michael, Fall of man, Paradise Lost, Eve, Angels, Demons, Supernatural Previous Versions Author