Meanwhile, the city of Enoch came to be under the leadership of Tubal-Cain, son of Lamech and Zillah. As soon he took power, he changed the name of the city from Enoch into Canaan. Although his warfare methods were considered rather barbaric, his enemies highly respected him for his craftiness. Tubal-Cain was a blacksmith by trade, who became very proficient in the art of war. He was capable of forging some of the best implements of war. For that reason, his legions were well armed on the battlefield. His weapon of choice was a rune battle ax, commonly known as the ax of destruction. His battle ax mainly consists of a blade, topped with a spear, mounted on a long shaft. A spike on the back end of the blade, exists in order to grapple mounted adversaries. The ax was further reinforced with metallic rims over the shaft, thus increasing its effectiveness in battle; making it an efficient weapon for blocking other weapons. The runic symbols inscribed into the battle ax, gives him supernatural advantages on the battlefield. When Tubal-Cain came to power, he and his armies invaded most the surrounding settlements, and he annihilated those who refused to live under his domination. Heaven saw that the wickedness was great upon the earth, and there was evil in the minds, and hearts of mankind. Metatron regretted that he had created humankind on the earth, and grieved in his heart. Then, the Spirit said, “My Spirit, shall not strive with humanity forever, for they’re sinners, at their darkness moment, they’ll tear their clothes off, and beg the heavens for mercy, and they'll shout; heaven saves us, and heaven will reply, no. That day will be a day of wrath, a day of distress and anguish, a day of trouble and ruin, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness. They will be exposed to the darkened sun, the light-less moon and all the stars of the heavens will fall from the sky, which they have loved and served and which they have followed and consulted and worshiped. Moreover, their wealth will be plundered, their houses desolate; they'll build houses, but shall not inhabit them. They'll plant vineyards, but shall not drink the wine thereof. Alas, for that day”. On account of mankind's wickedness and the Nephilim debauchery on earth, heaven entirely ceased the morning dews, and a widespread famine came upon the land. Tubal-Cain then assembled his armies, heightening their morale by promising them a city flowing with milk and honey. Cain well advanced in age, has now lost all hopes in finding his wife, Serena. He returned to the location where he first met her to reminisce a bit about the past. He thought to himself that perhaps his damnation has finally caught up with him. Shortly after this realization, Cain lifted his head and looked toward the extremity of the river, where he caught a glimpse of a young maiden bathing in the water. Cain moves closer toward her. Surprisingly, the woman was none other than his Serena, who looked the same as she did the first time they had met. She had not aged a day more. Cain couldn't believe his eyes. When Serena saw him approaching, she dives into the water in an attempt to get away from him, he dives in the water after her. As Cain plunged down deeper into the depths of the river, he began to lose consciousness, and his life began flashing before his eyes. While he was drowning, he starts to realize that his wife, could not have been from this world. Cain took one final gulp, before passing out, and slowly sunk to the bottom of the abyss. Later, Cain wakes up, struggling for breath as water came pouring out his mouth and nose, unaware of where he is and how he had survived. Nevertheless, he was alive and felt surprisingly energetic. Unconvinced of his own existence, Cain checked closely the gloomy cave, it reeks of sulphur. He approaches a nearby river to take a brief look at his reflection. However, he couldn't detect his own reflection in the water. He panicked, quickly placing his hands on his head and his chest, and then he inspects the rest of his body. Everything was in place, except for his canine teeth, which seemed to be abnormally longer. Then he heard an eerily echoing voice said, “We meet at last”. He scours around but there was nobody else present. Cain shouted, “Show yourself”. Cain scoured the entire area at lightning speed, without him realizing it. Despite his heightened sense of vision, he couldn't uncover anyone else being there. Out of the darkness, abruptly appeared Lucifer, the desolate one. Cain unblinkingly stared at the wingless Seraph. Lucifer had transfigured into a frightening form, that most human beings would be horrified by his hideous shape. Therefore, when Lucifer became fully visible to him, he expects Cain to cower away in fear, but Cain wasn't intimidated by him. In a provoking manner, Lucifer expeditiously stirred closer toward Cain, in an attempt to startle him, but Cain remained unflustered. He, in fact, intensely disliked Lucifer from the moment he laid eyes on him. Lucifer had also developed a bitter hostility toward humanity, ever since he became aware that mankind possesses a Soul. An element that made humankind far more superior to all other created beings in the heavens, greater than even to him. The celestial beings were each made from one of these four elemental substances, earth, air, fire, or water. However, mankind was different and special, having been created with the combination of all four elements. In addition to that, humankind had an additional element, an ethereal soul, a fifth element, that no other beings possess. Because of that, humankind was very exceptional. From the Angels, humans have acquired the element of the earth, and so their outer layers are made of the earth. From the Seraphim, humans have acquired the element of fire, and so their corps constantly emits its own heat. From the Cherubim, humans have acquired the element of air, and so their respiratory systems process air to breathe. From the Thrones, humans have acquired the element of water and so humankind’s sweats, and tears are bodily fluids. Lastly, humanity had acquired their unique souls from the Spirit. Meanwhile, in heaven, Metatron, Lilith and the Spirit got together. Apart from their personal conflict, the fate of humanity was the primary topic of discussion. Lilith was still angry at Metatron for banishing Lucifer to hell, and for causing Eve to lose her immortality. Lilith said to them, "You hypocrites. When you were casting my Eve out of Eden, if you had known that your beloved Adam, would have sacrificed his place in paradise for her, I wonder if the punishment would have been the same" Lilith severely criticized the Spirit for granting humankind Freewill, and then unequivocally condemning them, when they do exercise it. The Spirit foresaw mankind as an eminent threat to the universe, shortly after the fall of Adam and Eve. The Spirit had even proposed for humankind to be erased completely out of creation, but Metatron and Lilith didn't support this idea, given that they were both fanatics of the human race. In spite of Lilith’s infidelity, Metatron still, had strong sentiments for her. A part of him desperately wanted to forgive, and forget all about their sordid past. However, there was also a matter of principles that impeded him from seeking a reconciliation with her. Metatron thought to himself, "She was wrong. Therefore, I won't succumb to her". It wasn't long until the progressive debate turned into a bitter feud. Lilith also exposed during the gathering that it was, in fact, the Spirit that tipped off Cain in regard to the informal bond of Norea and Abel, which culminated to Cain’s atrocious deed. The heated arguments went back and forth, a truly divine turmoil. Metatron not wanting to lengthen this bitter quarrel any further, stood up and angrily yelled, “Silence”. His thunderous voice echoed throughout the entire universe, and all around, there was an extensive calm. Metatron turns to the Spirit and said, "Our views on this matter coincided". The Spirit concurred that the wickedness of humankind was too great on the earth, and that all their intentions were continuously evil. They firmly decided to eradicate the Nephilim from the face of the earth, including beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air, for they were very disappointed by the comportment of humanity. Lilith vehemently disagreed with their decision, and proposed to them an ideal solution. “Consider this” she said, to exist three completely separate worlds on earth. The outer surface humanity will continue to inhabit. The middle earth will be the dwelling place of the Nephilim, and every other wild beast, and the inner earth, already is the asylum of Lucifer”. Still, Lilith was incapable of altering their decisions about deluging the earth. “It’s the only way” insisted the Spirit. And so, Lilith departed from heaven, yet again in a feisty state of mind. It seemed that Lilith had misled the Nephilim clan, by not providing them with additional bodies when they passed away, as she earlier promised them. The ghost of the Nephilim became absolutely furious by this deceit, and so they unified themselves into a singular life-form and summoned Lilith. Once in her presence they said, “Liar! You assured us other bodies when our old one dies". Lilith replied, “Be content, you fiends. Most angels don’t get the opportunity to experience life as you have. At this very moment, heaven is preparing to destroy the earth. If I were to grant you other bodies, it would inevitably be destroyed by heaven’s wrath” The news of inescapable destruction saddens them even more, because they had relatives still living on earth. The Nephilim’s ghost grew angrier by the announcement of earth‘s approaching destruction, and to one another, they said, “These atrocities must end. Heaven must be stopped”. Shortly after, the abominable phantom split into three groups, some remained loyal to Lilith and tended to her willingly; others became non-partisans not wanting to associate themselves with anything whatsoever; and there were those that sought their redemption by assisting humanity under the false pretext that they were deities, those were known as Rephaim or the dead ones. Lilith metamorphosed the neutral ones into groups of stars; they were eighty-eight in total, forming the constellations. The Rephaim became wild spirits, unable to assume any physical forms, since they had exchanged their angelic shapes for mortal bodies. At times, they would take possession of humans or animals to manifest themselves. As for those loyal to her, they became known as Devils. The ubiquitous devils’ functions are to incite every living creature into transgression, and not even the angels in heaven were safe at their constant temptations. Meanwhile on earth, Tubal-Cain leads a terrifying and relentless cavalry assault against his enemies. Tubal-Cain said to his combatants, “I have no interest in taken prisoners. Kill them all” he ordered his men. Five-hundred mounted troops led the attack, his mighty warriors begun howling fearsome war cries, as they expeditiously gallop across a muddy valley toward the encampment of their adversaries. The cavalry whams into the insurgents with full force. It's a bloodbath. Fire pots and flaming arrows are pouring down everywhere around them. Tubal-Cain and his men slashes ruthlessly with their weapons, slicing and dicing a path of sheer destruction, but the opposing rebels also fought with the same level of savagery. They fought ardently, with the desperation of a hopeless last chance. The flaming darts, and the exploding fire pots, produces a ferocious inferno all around the battlefield. On the ground, Tubal-Cain proves his absolute worth as a warrior, as he slashes through and dodges his opponents vicious attacks. His eyes burning with a zealous fire, as he valiantly fights for his own survival. In the end, victory was their final cry. Tubal-Cain bloody and spent, walks through the aftermath of the carnage. He knew that seizing Hazor would require a vast army, certainly needing lots of resources, in an already barren land, gaining control of all the surrounding cities, gives him direct control of the remaining assets for his continuing quest. At last, he was now ready to strike his revenge on the Nephilim clan. Once his legions were fully replenished, he veered his Canaanite warriors towards the municipality of Hazor. During the night time, as they reached nearer to the vicinity of Hazor, they could see the shining lights of the enchanted city from afar. Their enthusiasm to possess it grew firmer, but they all knew that getting to the core of the city itself would be a daunting task. After traveling for many miles across the land, the fatigued army encamped on the lower slope of mount Hermon to rest. Soon they were fast asleep, and Tubal-Cain and his men began experiencing lucid dreams. They were dreaming of themselves desirously making love to their most fancied women. The men were in sexual ecstasy, but after several periods has passed, the men could not be awakened from their current phase. They were mentally, and physically incapacitated in this state of mind. That's when Tubal-Cain realizes that he and his men were under the influence of a malignant group of Rephaim spirits called the succubus. During Tubal-Cain's apprenticeship as a necromancer, he overheard the mention of the incubus and succubus cliques. However, he thought that they were mere fables told by the perverted elderly. As the tale goes, the incubus and succubus groups were the wild spirits of the Nephilim clan. They were once angels living up in the heavens, but due to their fondness of earthly pleasures, they chose to become mortals and inhabits the earth with humanity. After their deaths, they were forever damned on earth, ceaselessly yearning for the lustful desires they once delighted in as mortals. Unable to assume any corporeal forms, they manifest themselves in dreams, in the appearance of the most seductive beings in order to ravish mankind. The male phantoms were known as incubus while their female counterparts were called the succubus. And now, they have possession of Tubal-Cain and his men in a hypnotic trance. They to begin with took away his vocalization, rendering him mute. Then they paralyzed his entire body, so to prevent him from easily awaken. And after that they excessively aroused him, deliberately inciting intense sexual pleasures in his hypnotic trance. In reality, Tubal-Cain was asphyxiating, paralyzed and unable to scream himself awake. He struggled, but in vain, he's being restrained by that dreadful feeling of helplessness, which paralyzes him in this illusion. He desperately wanted to cry out, but he couldn't, for he was voiceless. A simple maneuver, he couldn't execute, for he was motionless. He tried making sudden strenuous efforts, in an attempt to throw off this vile creature who is crushing him, and suffocating him, but he simply couldn't do so. Tubal-Cain was gradually dying in his sleep, and he couldn't do anything about it. Then, he vividly recalled the legend. He recalled his mother Zillah, teaching him the sacred words to pronounce, if ever he stumbled upon such malign creatures. He began to reflect vaguely on the words, "Adam, Kadmon, Hawwa, Adam & Eve". Then it all started coming back to him. He recalls his mother saying, "If a man is being attacked by a succubus, all one have to do is think of, the name Adam and the spirit shall go away. And if a woman is beleaguered by an incubus, all she has to do is, think of the name Eve, and the spirit shall flee". Hence, Tubal-Cain thought of the name, Adam but the evil spirit was reluctant, then he expressed it with more certainty, "Yod, he vau he, by the name of Adam be gone". At last, he was at liberty. Tubal-Cain woke up panic stricken, and covered in sweat. Tubal-Cain briskly grabbed his magickal tome, and from that book, he called upon the most powerful conjuration he could find. He liberated his men from under the submissiveness of those vile creatures. Then, Tubal-Cain and his men sprinkled the four corners of their camping ground with salt, so to prevent the spirits from coming back. Even after reaching the foothill of mount Hermon, Tubal-Cain and his warriors had still another nine-thousand, three-hundred and thirty-two more feet to climb, before getting to Hazor. Approximately, half way into their trek, something very enigmatic began to take place on earth, something nobody had ever seen before. Water beginning to pour down from the heavens. After several days of rainfall, the water level had significantly risen, and began to flood the fields below. The Leviathans perceived this strange manifestation, as an indication from heaven, given them the endorsement to take over the earth. They were all united under the ocean floor, getting ready for an amphibious assault, against the only beings on earth, that could prevent them from wiping out mankind. From above, Tubal-Cain looked down below, and he saw the damages the downpour had already caused the coastal settlements. He and his men had reached the point of no return, for there was nothing else to return to now. If they were to survive this tragedy, they had to succeed in their crusade. It had been thirty-seven days, and the rain continued to fall. Here at last, they had reached their journey's end. At the edge of the city, Tubal-Cain and his men desperately tries to get through its colossal gate. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a resounding horn, coming from the inner walls of the city. Tubal-Cain assumes that this sound was a signal to the residents of Hazor, acknowledging the perils of his menacing presence. Shortly thereafter, an enormous monster emerges from the sea. Then, the other Leviathans arises from the surface. The creature's below were so deafening, that the soldiers began stumbling in panicked retreat. Meanwhile, inside the city, the Anakim was readying themselves for battle. “Prepare yourselves, the Leviathans are coming,” shouted Icarus. The half-human, half-angel, Emim has become an adult, and an advisor to the Anakim King; Og. Outside of the gate, Tubal-Cain’s and his warriors were panicking. They were terrified by the sight of the Leviathans. A number of them tossed their shields and weapons, and fled, but to where. They were trapped in between the horrifying Leviathans, and the impenetrable gates of Hazor. Tubal-Cain tries persistently to maintain order, but there was nothing he could have said, nor done to instill courage into his men. A great number of them had already fallen victims to the great wrath of the Leviathans. Tubal-Cain and his men fought bravely, but they couldn't overcome Dagon and his Leviathans. After seeing so many of his men fall, Tubal-Cain knew then that death was certain. When all hopes seem to fade, they heard the screeching sound of deliverance, as the gates swing wide open. Tubal-Cain and the remainder of his men rushes inside, unconcerned by what other dangers that may be behind those adamant doorways. It couldn't possibly be as dreadful, as to what they had witnessed outside. The massive gates slammed hard behind them, with such great force that the ground slightly trembled. Tubal-Cain and his men slowly strolled on towards the unknown, to a lengthy, and dark vestibule. A brief shadow of what seemed to be a large fowl speedily flew overhead. The men gazed above, but there was nothing there. They assumed that it was perhaps an illusion, but in actuality, there was something, or someone was, in fact, there. Suddenly, a shadowy figure landed behind them, requesting that Tubal-Cain and his men, to surrender their weapons, and they indecisively put their weapons on the ground. As the stranger moves closer towards the group of men, the burning torches gleaming overhead reveals that this mystifying character to be a tall, dark and handsome man. It appeared that a modified limb, which seems suitable for generating aerodynamic lifts proves that, this personage was much more than just a man. He had a well proportioned, and imposing appearance similar to that of an angel. They kneel down at the stranger's presence. They thought that he was an angel sent from the heavens to rescue them. However, the unusual being told them to rise, and revealed to them that he wasn't an angel. He said, “My name is Icarus. Please follow me”. He then escorts them to the King's chamber. When Tubal-Cain went in front of King Og, he expects to hear the condemnation of himself, and his men from a cruel tyrant. Instead, he found himself at the clemency of a wise, and compassionate King. Despite Og's sagacity, he was a renown warrior whose tallness measured nine cubits and a span. He wore a bronze helmet, and was dressed in a scale-mail armor that heavily weighed five-thousand shekels. The greave armor on his legs, and the javelins slinging between his shoulders were the color of bronze. The shaft of his spear was like a weaver’s beam, and the tip of his javelin weighed six hundred shekels of iron. While lecturing Tubal-Cain and his men, King Og clarified the rivalry that exists between the Anakim clan and the Leviathans. He emphasized that if the Leviathans were to gain control of Hazor, humankind would surely become extinct. King Og then said, "Hypothetically, if you were to gain control of Hazor, how would you have dealt with the Leviathans? Can you pull in the Leviathan with a fishhook, or tie down his tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through his nose, or pierce his jaws with a hook"? Will he keep begging you for mercy? Will he speak to you with gentle words? They certainly will not hear mankind pleas for mercy, nor consort with them to any agreement. They wouldn't even consider the human race as their slaves. Complete annihilation is their main conclusion in regard to humanity". Tubal-Cain became even more humbled when he learned that, if the Anakim had not previously intervened on the behalf of humanity, the Leviathans would have already exterminated mankind. The former Nephilim ruler, before he died, saw the stubborn pride that exists in the hearts of the Leviathans. He made Og vowed, that upon his death the Anakim clan would always look after the humans. King Og disclosed, yet of another danger that looms ahead. King Og revealed to them that, Lilith had forewarned him about heaven's plot to destroy the earth with a deluge. Tubal-Cain, shocked by this startling revelation, never conceivably envisioned those in heaven committing such an ill-natured act. Nevertheless, the evidence was obvious. It had been raining relentlessly for many days now, and he saw with his own eyes, the environmental devastation that the deluge has already caused. Icarus then said, "Rest assured men. We've made preparations". Lilith had instructed King Og to have the Anakim build an ark. It would have been virtually impossible, for the humans to have built such an immense and complex vessel. Therefore, Lilith specially commissioned the giants, the only clan on earth that could have accomplished this challenging task in a timely manner. The length of the ark was to be three-hundred cubits, with widths of fifty cubits and heights of thirty cubits. The ark was to have three levels. The first level, to lodge the animals. The second level is reserved for the humans, and the third level houses the fowls. Inside of the ark, exists a special chamber with a coffer made of acacia wood. The coffer is encrusted with gold, inside and out. Four golden rings are constructed on each corner of the frame, two rings on one side, and two rings on the other side. Then, poles made of acacia wood, and overlaid with gold, are set into these rings, so that the chest could easily be carried. Above the casket are placed two golden cherubim, with their faces turned toward one another. The cherubim had their wings extended, covering the top of the casket. And inside of this chest laid the remains of Adam and Eve. Icarus said, "We have already gathered the absolute best of the species. A comparable pair of every kind of animals, of the birds after their kind, and of every creeping thing on earth". The men were to get on the ark, and sail away before Hazor became entirely engulfed. They followed Icarus outside of the palace, to the location of the ark. The men marveled with utter amazement at the sight of the gigantic vessel. Tubal-Cain asked, "Why isn't your kind embarking the ark" Icarus simply replied, “We have family issues, to take of, once and for all”. In fear that they would wreck the ship, the Anakim clan stayed behind to ensure that the Leviathans are killed. Tubal-Cain and some of his men firmly decided to stay behind and fight. Icarus upon seeing this, shook his head in disbelief, and burst out laughing, and said, "Ah! Where do you think you're going? Fishing? Will the Leviathans make an agreement with you, for you to take them as your slave? Can you make a pet of them, like a gold fish, or put them on a leash, for your children to play with? Will you fill their hides with harpoons, or their heads with spears? I can assure you, If you ever lay a hand on Dagon, you will remember the struggle, and never do it again. Any hope of subduing him is false; as you have already seen, the mere sight of him is overpowering. Nevertheless, if you men truly want to fight, then go ahead and fight, but I'm warning you. It’s suicide". Even so, the men stood their grounds, and stuck by their decisions. Tubal-Cain rally around his men and said, “Brothers, I seek not earthly treasures, nor do I care whom benefits at my expense. These vanities reside not in my heart, but if it be a sin, to yearn for honor. I'm the most offending soul alive. He, which has no guts for this fight, let him embark unto the ark”. The men were suspiciously looking around to see who's going to be the first to get on the vessel. Then one soldier made his way unto the ark, followed by another, and another, until there were a few of them left behind willing to fight. Tubal-Cain chose a young warrior named Noah, to be in command of the ship. Tubal-Cain then turned toward the rest of the men and said, "He that sheds his blood with me today, shall be my brother; we proud few, we band of brothers. From this day, to the ending of the world, we in it, shall eternally be remembered. For what we do in life, echoes in eternity". The men roared in approval, waving their weapons into the air. The huge waves of the ocean struck the gates repeatedly. The once impenetrable walls of Hazor, began showing clear indications of collapsing. Water soon came pouring into the lower bottom side of the wall. Paying close attention to the vulnerability on the defensive barriers, the Leviathans pushed and pulled on the enfeebling walls. A few moments later, the walls came crumbling down. Then, they heard the raging howl of Dagon, the leader of the Leviathans. The city has been breached. Icarus turned towards the two Kings with an ailing expression on his face. Tubal-Cain intuitively sensed that something was horribly wrong. Icarus spreads his wings, and flew towards the eastern front gates where the battle had taken place. The Centaurs already are in place on the higher rise of the palace, firing armor-piercing arrows at the Leviathans below. © 2010 Maximus. R. |
Added on November 6, 2010 Last Updated on December 4, 2010 Tags: GLUTTONY Previous Versions Author