A Chapter by Maximus. R.



            Back on earth, Adam and Eve were actively searching for food in the forest, when a menacing bear rushes after them. They abandoned their supplies and ran away as rapidly as they could, but the bear still vigorously pursued them. While they were running, Eve fell along the way, but Adam did not notice until a while later. The bear was within inches away from devouring Eve, when suddenly Lilith appeared. With a simple stare from her, the frightening beast became as gentle as a cub. As Lilith graciously helped Eve get back on her feet, she said, “You should be more careful out in these woods.” That's when Adam came bursting back toward Eve. “Get away from her! Get away," shouted Adam. Lilith replied, "I was simply, implying that Eve ought to be more cautious". Adam angrily replied "You're the reason why we're in this circumstance in the first place” Lilith then replied, “I'm the reason why she's not dead right now" Adam in a calmer tone of voice asked “What do you want?” Lilith replied, “For how long do you think, you're going to outlive living like this? You two have discovered the gift of knowledge, but have yet to explore it fully”

            Adam stared at her in disbelief and said, “Gift, what gift, all that we've gotten so far is pain, hunger, and suffering, and in the end we will die. That's all." Lilith replied, “It doesn't have to be this way Adam. You're the key holder, and Eve is the gatekeeper. Together, you can sort of open the door to immortality, cheat death, you know, by having offspring. Be fruitful and multiply, remember?” Lilith advances closer toward Adam, and she starts to remove his garments. Adam stood unyielding, in protest. “Relax, just do as I do,” said Lilith. Adam felt the bounce of her luscious breast, against his own nakedness. She touches his lips gently with hers, and then fervently kissed him. The exquisite taste of her lips, and the sweet aroma of her flesh aroused Adam, and he wants more, more of this aphrodisiac that seems to daze his senses. Lilith then turns toward Eve, who was standing desirously to the side. With her index finger, she signals for Eve to come over, inviting her to participate in this unfamiliar but yet enticing adventure. The maiden Eve found herself intimately bound in between, as Adam and Lilith removed her garments, one by one until she was completely nude.

            Adam kissed Eve with all the loving tenderness that he could muster. He then parted his lips from hers, gently strokes her throat, and cupped her breasts, as his hands drifts lower and further, sweeping over her flat belly; his fingers slowly moved over her abdomen, as the hot moist trail of his tongue follows. His mouth tightly shuts upon her firm breast, as his tongue wandered teasingly over her hard n****e, sweeping it repetitively. He slowly sank himself against her, his forefingers tenderly brushing the utopian triangle that guards her innocence. Adam gradually parts her legs, first licking his lips, and with the extremity of his tongue, he warmly massages her clitoris. Very soon, he felt the warmth within her. She twists restlessly from side to the side, crying out and disoriented until she reaches a dramatic climax. He rose above her, and without hesitating, he lowered himself on and into her, feeling the initial wet warmth, and then the blockage of her virginal interior. Adam pressed on as steadily as he could, while she loudly moans. Her eyes met his briefly, glittering with the tears that she was fighting back. Adam gave thought to, if she was crying from the pain, or from the fury inside of her, or because he had managed to excite her to climax before claiming her innocence. Tremors soon seized him, overwhelming him time and time again, until at long last. He inwardly groaned as he reaches his climax. Adam's body filled hers excruciatingly. His very life seems to spill out of him and into her. Then he fell to her side, struggling to return to his sanity, after the blinding pleasures he had discovered.

            Lilith returned to the heavens resuming her conquest, where she sought out Samyaza, the leader of the Grigori. The Grigories also known as “The Watchers” were a small group of archangels, whose duties are covertly to monitor and record the events of humanity. Lilith approaches Samyaza and said, “Look but don’t touch, touch but don’t taste, taste but don’t swallow. Aren’t these some the decrees that you abide by Samyaza?” The archangel Samyaza stood there, non-responsive, not wanting to be disrespectful, yet he's trying his very best not to fall into her temptations. She then snaps her fingers, and in the midst of a fluffy cloud loomed the dramatic scene of Adam and Eve making love. Lilith said, “I know you were watching. It’s always fun to watch, but it’s even better to participate, don‘t you think? Now, haven’t you ever fantasized what it would be like to touch, to taste, and to smell the scent of a woman” Samyaza remained without a word. Lilith snaps her fingers again and the panorama was gone. Lilith said, ”You’ll never know until you try, Sam” then she vanished.

            Back on Earth, Eve had become pregnant and gave birth to a wonderful set of triplets. A daughter named Norea and two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain grew up to become a robust man, who labored the fields with his father Adam, while Abel shepherded the domestic animals and Norea generally catered to her mother Eve. One day, Lilith appeared to Cain, who was laboring alone in the field. Lilith said, “Poor devil, every day, you work tirelessly on this ill fated soil, the scorching sun on your back, your body aching. Your hands and feet badly blistered. What does Abel do all day? He spends his time relaxing under a tree, enjoying the gentle breeze” Cain replied, “I’m not envious of my brother’s function, nor do I resent him for his fairly easy chores. Quite frankly, Abel wouldn't last very long in these cultivated fields. That's the reason why he has been appointed as the shepherd. Besides, being a shepherd isn't as harmless, and pleasant as you point it out to be, there is always the danger of wild beasts and of getting lost.” Lilith replied, “That may be so, but my dear Cain, haven’t you noticed that your parents haven't provided you with a mate. In the future, to whom do you think Norea will mate with, an older, rusty laborer such as yourself, or your jolly brother. If Norea settles on with Abel, then by the time your parents have another child, if it’s a female you may already be dead. And Oops! There goes Cain’s legacy”. Cain stood attentively while being lectured by Lilith, she goes on to say, “Death, is the cessation of the connection between the mind and the body. Because of the harsh conditions of your occupation, your mind and body are depleting much faster than that of Abel isn't it?” Cain thought about it for a moment and said, “You could be right, but if she prefers Abel, I can’t do anything about it now, can I? I can’t make her love me” Lilith laughed and said, “You could always kill him. You know, take out the competition” She paused, awaiting Cain’s reaction. None was forthcoming. Then she laughed and said, “I was just kidding. However, I know of a way to help you win Norea's heart. Now listen, during its birth, the foal will produce a small fragment of tissue on its forehead. You must take this tissue, dry it, and reduced it to a fine powder. After that, take a red apple and carefully remove its core and the seeds. Fill up the inside of the apple with the powder, and then cautiously reseal the opening with that which you have removed. You must give the apple to Norea, while making sure that she eats it in your presence. Do this, and she'll be yours forever. However, you must act quickly! Now go” Cain left the field and went on to prepare the enchanted apple.

            Norea was in the cooking area preparing the daily meal, when Eve approaches her and said, “Honey, have you made up your mind yet as to whom you'll marry. Norea feeling annoyed by her mother constantly nagging her with the same question, to her, she said “Oh! Mother hadn't I told you a thousand times. I’m not yet ready; it's a very complex decision. I don’t think you can ever understand my ambiguous situation, because you never had to choose between father and any other” Eve replied, “You better choose fast honey, because you're not going to live forever” In the meantime, Lilith sought out Abel who was happily attending to a group of sheep and goats. Abel was looking for a lost lamb in the woods, when he heard the sound of someone humming nearby. Abel went on to investigate. He finds Lilith seating on a stone with the lost lamb on her lap. Abel was very cautious, for his father had already cautioned him about a female that resembles his mother. So, he kept a fairly safe distance from her.
“Don’t be afraid, I won't hurt you. I don't bite” said Lilith. Abel replied, “You! You're the one my father warned me about” Lilith to her wonderment replied, “Oh! Yeah! And what did your father say about me, which had gotten you so spooked. That I was this hideous being with hooves, two horns, and a tail perhaps” Abel replied, “No! He told me that you were an alluring being, who takes pleasure in deceiving others”. Abel seems unconvinced, so Lilith went on to say, “If I were a malevolent being, would I be here to tell you that, at this very moment Cain is enchanting Norea to be his spouse” Abel sarcastically replied, “Ah! I see, and I suppose, that you're going to help me get her instead”. Enthusiastically, Lilith replied, “Exactly”. Abel then said, “No discourtesy to you, but I don’t need your assistance. Norea and I have already pledged our commitments to each other, and she vowed that when the time comes, she would pick me”. Abel then nabs his lamb and left the forest.

            Later that evening, when he returned home, he found his family gathered around. “Quick, brother, fetch your best flocks, for tonight we feast." said Cain. Abel was a bit confused. He wasn’t wholly sure as to what was happening. “Norea and I are getting married tonight,” said Cain, as he wrapped his brawny arm around Abel’s neck, and gave him a kiss on the head. Abel felt betrayed, he looked deep into Norea's eyes, seeking a tiny fraction of remorse from her, but there were none to be found. The whole family was joyful except for him. Abel broken-hearted steers himself toward the pasturage to procure the animals for the feast. Lilith suddenly appeared to him and said, “I’d hate to say that I told you so, but I told you so. You can change this. It's not too late”. Abel replied, “We were so much in love and she… she promised me her heart. How did this happen? Lilith replied, “Uhmmm! It’s something I call magick. A little bit of this, and a little bit of that, and the next thing you know, love is in the air. Your brother used magick. He gave Norea an enchanted apple, and now she's forever his” Abel in a depressing voice said, “Magick, eh! It doesn't matter. What's done is done" Lilith then said, "You're not even going to fight for her". Abel collects his meager flocks and headed back to the ceremony. The following morning, the family made an offering to heaven. Cain brought an offering of fruits and vegetables, while Abel bore the prime of his flocks. Abel’s offerings were accepted, but not Cain’s. Heaven was displeased by Cain’s conning method of acquiring Norea’s affection. Cain was low spirited, for he knew that heaven didn't approve of his actions.

            “What's troubling you, my son? Why has your countenance fallen?” asked Adam. Cain replied, “It seems that heaven doesn't support my union, for my offerings were rejected.” Adam took a slow breath and said, “To look upon one's self, one must only have eyes, to recognize one's own ignorance, one must open these eyes. If you do what's good, why wouldn’t you be accepted?" Adam then walks off leaving Cain with a puzzling question, that only he could answer. Although, Norea was married to Cain, her heart faithfully belongs to Abel, and before long she began having an affair with him. When Cain was in the field, Norea and Abel would be out in the wilderness together, enjoying each other’s company. One day, Cain got an anonymous hint about Norea and Abel’s extramarital activities. That day, he went out to the woods and discovered them. Cain became enraged. His heart afloat with uncontrollable anger, as he strikes them repeatedly with his scythe and killing them. Cain then disposed of the lifeless bodies in a nearby river. Moments later, the angels, Uriel and Anael, appeared to Cain and said, “The voice of your brother’s blood, cried out to me from the ground. You're now cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood. From this day forwards, when you cultivate the land, it shall no longer yield its strength to you”. Cain fell to the ground in deep remorse. Then the angel Anael said, “The voice of your sister’s blood, cried out to me from the ground. You're now cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your sister’s blood. From this day forwards, you'll crave for passion and thirst for love, but the yearning and thirstiness will only be quenched by the blood of those you come to love” Cain replied, “My punishment is greater than I could bear. Behold, you have driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from your face shall I be hidden; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that anyone who finds me will kill me”.

            Then Uriel said, “You're wrong Cain. I shall set a mark upon you, to avert anyone who finds you from killing you. Each century, you shall phenomenally be revitalized, to the very age you are now. Indeed, you shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth forever”. Suddenly, Uriel extends out his hand, and a sphere of shinning light steers itself in the direction of Cain. The mystifying object enters Cain's body, and once inside Cain appears to be going into shock, he vainly tries to hold himself together, but the potency of the strange beam ultimately overcame him. Without warning, the sphere violently erupted inside of him, as rays of lights are dramatically seen escaping out of his eyes, mouth, ears, and nose. Once, the mark was implanted into him, the angels disappeared, and afterward Cain became extremely pale in the face. When he arrives at home Adam asked, “Where's your brother?” Cain unmannerly replied, “I don't know. Am I, my brother’s keeper?” The evening had almost passed. Norea and Abel had yet returned home. The family decides to use the last few moments of daylight to go out looking for them. Adam and Eve proceeded in one direction, and Cain went the opposite way. Down by the river, the couple found the lifeless body of their son floating in the water. Adam and Eve fell down in absolute agony, as they wept over him, and they grieved even more, because Norea's body wasn't found.

            Cain never returned home. He travels alone to many faraway locations, wandering on the earth. One day, while lodging by a riverside, he notices a beautiful woman bathing, he began waving at her. She smiles and waved back. Cain approaches her and asked, "What's your name?". She smiled and answered, "Serena". "I'm Cain" he said. They became acquainted and traveled together. Cain was beginning a brand new life, with better hopes and dreams. He had no regrets, never one day reminiscing of his past, that wasn't of any importance to him now. He often thought of the future he will be creating with her. Cain settled in a land he called Nod, which was situated on the eastern side of Eden, and later begot a son named Enoch. Cain built a city, which he also named after his son. Cain had many children, and he lived quite a normal life despite his curse, until one day his wife Serena went missing. Even after many months of her disappearance, Cain stubbornly refused to believe that she was gone. He then one day, decides to go looking for of her in faraway lands. Hence, the city was left under the leadership of Enoch, his eldest son.

© 2010 Maximus. R.

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Added on November 6, 2010
Last Updated on December 4, 2010
Tags: LUST
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Maximus. R.
Maximus. R.


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A Chapter by Maximus. R.


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