The beginning

The beginning

A Chapter by Lord of mad men

10 - 13-1999 when it all started and it was in the newly built town of Kingzbridgeston, U.S, A. it all was a big mistake but there’s no time for that I will tell you the whole story so other time tell them no not now! Fine!Yes fine. Now where was I? Oh I remember now! It had infected the whole town but an unlucky few. You might ask why they are the unlucky one because that’s how they met your truly. They have to help me clean everything up.
There were about 150.000 up ageist like 10 if that. The illness was known as the HEJS or it was to be named the high evolutionary jump starter. It was turned in to a was a manmade illness it was made with DNA ,RNA, and a lot of other illness and life forms, microorganisms, worms, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis and other fungi and much more. It was turned in to a gas. It was relisted in to the water, the air, and everywhere else.

© 2016 Lord of mad men

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Added on August 30, 2016
Last Updated on August 30, 2016


Lord of mad men
Lord of mad men

The void., PA

I am broken I am scarred I am twisted I am burned I am corrupted I am warped I am distorted I am me After all this time? Always...... I was born the first day of the tenth month of the ye.. more..


A Story by Lord of mad men

Idk Idk

A Story by Lord of mad men