

A Poem by Jack

Just a bubble ready to pop,

Like rain, will drop.

Floating away,

Feeling dismay.


Anxiously wait for it to burst,

consumed and cursed.

In need of help

Inside I yelp


Leave this crippling feeling I will,

Just one last pill.

Have no control,

My addict soul.

© 2010 Jack

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Great write with amazing flow. Nice work, keep on writing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Cool poem. I enjoyed Jack.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Loved it... You captured the emotion perfectly... I love your word play.. Keep it up!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Distraction helps.

You describe the overwhelming claim on our souls, of addiction, very well. I love the generic adds surrounding this poem!lol Reminds me that 'Addiction' is profitable.

Smiling at you


Posted 14 Years Ago

I love this, it feels so real! Wow amazing write.

"Anxiously wait for it to burst,
consumed and cursed"
"Have no control,
My addict soul."
Best verses!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I know a few addicts and I feel that this poem gives me some sort of excerpt of their thinking.

This is a short poem, but it reveals so much.

"Leave this crippling feeling I will,
Just one last pill.
Have no control,
My addict soul."

The "Just one last pill" line is a nice touch. It's always, just one last pill, but it never really is. And the two following statements sums that up.

"Have no control,
My addict soul."

Very nice. Although I really hope it's not from experience! :/

Posted 14 Years Ago

I can relate this to my own self.. this feeling never fades.. addiction.... u portrayed it in an awesome way ..!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

As a fellow addict, I can relate to this poem. Very well written. Describes the pull of the addict.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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... wow ... you must be a master of brevity ... this is deep, powerful and moving ... and it has that quaint lingering ache of an addiction ... "leave this crippling feeling i will, Just one last pill" ... is such an intense set of lines ... amazingly well-written ... outstanding verse ...

Posted 14 Years Ago

Your writing is good. I love it. Are these your thoughts? Be strong and work through them. Keep writing, Good writers are always needed. You are needed in this world

Posted 14 Years Ago

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11 Reviews
Added on May 13, 2010
Last Updated on May 18, 2010
Tags: addiction, minute poem, sad, sadness, lonely, alone, pathetic, loss of control



I live in the U.S.A. I began writing my Sophomore year of high school. I love writing, drawing, and playing music with anyone who can hold a beat. I am motivated by the feeling, although elusive, when.. more..

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A Poem by Jack

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