Chapter 4 The Four Winds

Chapter 4 The Four Winds

A Chapter by Lonnie Paul Johnson

The Prince celebration stops and mounts a defense with his host of demons against Mark and Tracy Faith to undo has been do to the President.




Janet sitting in the conference room sloughing watching with revulsion as the Prince celebrates his victory on top of the table shaking his hips, rolling his shoulders jerking his neck performing his devil dance.  She glances at the doorway and slightly grins when Mark and Tracy enter making their way to the President.  All the demons stop their revelry and the satanic melody fall silent when they felt the presence of Mark; they begin to tremble with fear because they know he has the authority to cast them to the pit.  The Prince halted his frolicking leap off the table seething, “What do you think you going?”  shouted The Prince.


“I think he’s going to see the President,” spoke Janet pleased.


“Noooo, he’s not strong enough to stop me,” calling out orders to David, “Stop him!”  David blocks Mark and Tracy at the entrance to the infirmary.


“David let me pass,” express Mark, David gripping his arm.


“No one pass this point, you need to go back!”  David shoved Mark away,


“I want to see the First Lady,” Mark move forward, but David held firm shouting with anger.


“I will restrain you if you don’t go back!”  David emotions frayed after watching the President die, it was his duty for the last 2 years to protect him from all enemies and if it requires sacrificing his life, in his mind he failed.  Mark thinking he may have to fight David but he is a trained secret service agent.  Praying within seeking the Spirit for wisdom one word came from his spirit ‘wait’, David pushing Mark but he would not move.  “GET OUT OF HERE!”


Eleanor staring at the tranquil face of her husband, he looks asleep but the ‘flatline’ indication on the monitor says he dead.  She wants to shake his shoulder so he wakes up ending this nightmare.  Mia hugging her from behind tears flowing trying to comfort, then she heard the loud voices of David and Mark stepping from the room seeing David pushing Mark shouting. 


“David, let him pass,” she called out, swing his head facing her stepping aside obeying nodding, Tracy squeezing Mark hand tightly extremely nervous.  Mark observe Eleanor eyes heavy with despair, his knowledge of the First Lady is limited, year older than he is she graduated from the same university he attended a year earlier.  However, he cannot remember every meeting her on campus.


She examine Mark stepping towards her face is not full of grief like everyone around her but peaceful.  Eleanor remembers as if it was yesterday when she first met Mark that fateful day at school.  Sitting alone in the college café wanting to quit dealing with her parents separation, failing her classes and the straw that broke the camel back finding out that her then boyfriend having a secret sexual relationship with her best friend.  Mark working as a waiter viewing the young woman deeply disturbs not knowing the detail paid for her meal and gave her a few words of encouragement.  She took those words as a sign from God to keep going and she discover that her server wrote for the college newspaper and she became a fan ever since.  She read every article he written and watches every video he made, she had the editors of the newly form to seek and recruit Mark to join the staff.


Mark and Tracy standing in front of Eleanor without speaking viewing her strong but  stressful face trying to stay sane not wanting to break down into hysterical grief.  Tracy move by Spirit took both hands to cover the First lady cold hands, her eyes connect with Tracy’s, Mark sense it is time to speak.


 The Prince enrage at Mark, “Why are you here unrighteous man?  The evidence is clear of your guilt…Now you want stand here to proclaim you a man of God, hypocrite!  Charge the Prince.


“Ma’am I heard about your husband with your permission I want to pray for him.”  Said Mark


“He’s dead, I don’t know what your prayers can do for him now,” dejected eyes looking at Mark.


“She is right your prayers can’t help him,” explains the Prince, “pray for her to have the strength cope with her husband demise, don’t bring her false hope that would be cruel.”


“It’s not over and I’m expecting a miracle tonight!”  Mark spoke confidently.


“Turn him away he’s crazy,” The Prince speaking into Eleanor, “there nothing that can be done your husband is dead, it’s over God wants it this way and you know in your heart there no miracle.”


Eleanor closing her eyes lost in thoughts should she let Mark pray for the President, knowing that everyone around her looking with disbelief that Mark can do anything.  She searching her mind for signs from God to guide her, eyes open gazing at him nodded yes, and the Prince yelled punching the wall.  Janet covers her ears as the Prince screams orders summoning all his demons to charging into the infirmary to form a wall of resistance. 


Demons obeying their masters pulling and stretching themselves for the fight, some sprout wings, fur and tentacles flying shouting curses.  Others shape into evil snakes slithering moaning fear, the rest grew snouts formed hoofs charge into area shriek anger.  Mark and Tracy step in as the Prince flick his finger the door slam shut behind them.  Janet plugging her ears crouching as the hoard of devils constantly screams, shrieking and yelling fouled language and chanting spells.  


Tracy in her spirit feeling the demons attack causing heaviness in the room, goose pimple appears as she felt the strange coldness, “I don’t know, but some is not right in this room,” Worried Tracy rubbing her arms.


Marks eyes looking intently at the President lying on the table, “I think that a good sign, because hell is stir up!” facing her, “We will have to work together; please pray in tongues and don’t stop we need to clear the air.”


“How dare you!” bark the Prince in Tracy mind, “Thinking you can come before Almighty God in your falling condition and expect your pitiful prayers to be honor!”

Tracy blocking her minds of condemning thoughts started to pray in tongues aloud and praising God inside her soul.  All the Demons laughing at the gibberish she is speaking suddenly they stop as her Spirit power charges each syllable.  Every devils squeal in pain as the unknown language slice, stab and shred them like a sword.  The baldheaded gray skins creatures are running confuse smashing into each other as their skinny legs and arms tangle scrambling to leave.  They are jumping out of windows and others breaking through walls exiting from the jet taking their chances in the depths of the ocean below.  The Prince held his arms up to stop his horde from fleeing, they thrust him against the wall of the aircraft others kick him as he drop to the floor as numerous feet stomp, scratch and stab as they ran in terror for their devilish lives.


A bloody trembling hand reach up slamming against the wall the Prince stood to his feet bruise and sweaty every breath he took it is painful.  He stretches out his arms to access all the powered of hatred from hell and absorbing the entire negative energy on Air Force One.  Every single one of his cuts and bruises disappeared from his body and clothing like new. The Prince station himself nose-to-nose shouting at Mark. “This is my time, my hour and no tiny virgin or an overgrown boy scout is going to stop me!”


Mark eyes looking toward Heaven to release the Spirit within him, “Thank you God for your great love, it’s your will that all be blessed.  Lord I know today is not by chance, but your will at work to show your love and power.  Thank you God for taken weak things to express your Grace and strength through and making it great.”  Then Mark eyes landed on the dead corpse with Faith and no doubt in his mind.  The Prince seeing Marks eyes step back as fear gripping him because he knew who is behind those eyes of fire.


“NO! NO!  IT’S NOT FAIR, IT MY TIME, THIS IS MY KINDOM!”  Yelled the Prince furious, Mark took hold of the President hand with a calm voice with confidence call his first name gave the order.




Immediately strong winds blast into the plane from the north, south, and east, west spinning together filling the infirmary, the power shove the Prince against the wall rolling his body over the ceiling and out the doorway.  The Prince grabbing on to objects trying to stay, but the wind punch him through the jet ripping and tearing his body.  The mighty winds dragging him causing carpet burns as the jet frame open up a hole throwing the Prince into the night sky in front of the large turbine engines.  The power of the colossal apparatus pulled the suspended body into it, he grab the top lip of the cylinder, determine not to go in, pull his self up as his legs dangle missing the spinning blades.


Then he saw at a distance a single white dove feather floating toward him landed on top of the engine a small angel smiling at the Prince laying on her belly hands cupping her chin glowing a sparking blue light of heaven.  “Hello Prince I have a message for you.”


The Prince grimacing, “Well what is it?”


“First there is a bloodline around the first family for a season,” the Prince shaking his head, “and the other is you must go through this jet engine.” The Prince refuse firmly gripping the metal, the little angel touches his hand burning it, ‘ouch,’ the Prince using one hand swatting at the angel missing as she hover.  Then she taps shocking the other hand out of frustration the Prince used both hands trying to grab the tiny angel, suddenly his dangling body drawn into the engines as the many blades started to slicing and cutting the Prince, yell out horrifying sound of pain.  The mighty motor started shaking, sparks popping and smoke spooling out. In the cockpit, light flashing and alarms call out as Capt Frank Eisenhower wondering what wrong with the engines trying stabilizing the plane.  The angel made a fist with her small hand hit the motor and it spit out a fireball that fell like lighting to the earth plunging into the sea creating a huge splash as the body sank to the bottom of the ocean causing a huge ‘thud!’, the engine back to normal.


The mighty winds from the four corners enter into the President filling his corpse with the Breath of Life destroying the evil virus and restoring the blood and organs.   He took a deep breath in his lungs then sneeze, “God bless you,” said Tracy, she pop open to see the President awake sitting up on his elbows puzzle. She hurried to open the door pulling Eleanor inside to see her husband alive talking with Mark.


“Oh my God,” Swiftly pushing Mark aside crying tears of joy as they embrace each other, he confuse wondering ‘what’s going on?’  Dr. Hondo enter the room inspecting the President scratching and shaking his head then Jo, Mia, David, Calvin, Joyce, Joseph and other came in to witness the miracle with broad smiles on their faces.  Tracy could not help to cry as she watch Eleanor hugging and kissing him turn to find Mark, but did not see him wondering ‘where did he go?’  Pushing her way through the crowd looking for Mark pass the conference room she found him sitting alone.


Tracy sitting beside him as he glance at her, “Are you ok?”  Mark nodded yes.


“I needed to be alone trying to take all this in, before today I believe in the power of God and miracle, but this is the first time I saw it like this.  Seeing a man Raise from the dead that overwhelming.”


“Yes that astonishing,” said Tracy, “but why us?”


Mark sigh, “I think God needed a few people who will totally without doubt trust Him, but why us, maybe He trust us.”  They both sat back thinking, suddenly Tracy bound to her feet and shouted for Joy.


“PRAISE THE LORD!”  Grabbing Mark hands yanking him up on his feet, “We need to celebrate this is a great miracle…”  Mark agreed and they both praised God, laughing and singing feeling great mind, body and soul. 


Janet is leaping and jumping overjoyed that the President is not dead tears flowing arms spread out spinning. She stops waiting for her head to clear finding herself out side the restaurant, Six-I-Six a few bystanders watching her laughing.  Embarrass she look at her phone then try to open the doors but they where lock, ‘was I just dreaming?’ she thought looking up the website trying to find Mark contact info, she did.

“There you are, Mark we got to talk.”  Said Janet walking away calling her editor.


The Prince is standing behind the podium fill with microphones tied together glaring at the audience of reporters holding writing pads and phones ready to take notes, cameras in the back with spot lights focusing on him a few pops of flashes from professional digital cameras.  The Prince wet from coming out of the oceans burns, cuts and bruises, a tall extremely skinny woman dress in all grey is directing press conference.


“Thank you for coming, the Prince is willing to answerer a few question, we recognize the reporter from the Satan Times.” Spoke the Skinny woman.


Thanks, your highness why didn’t your assault on Mark work?”


“Well you must realize that he is a troublemaker, but at the time a weak one so I thought.  I attack him four ways, the third one made him weak and the last one got him the temptation of young flight attendant, and he was a mess but recover because he accepted another Word in his spirit instead of mine.”  The reporters clamor raising their arms try to be select by the woman, she pointed to a reporter from Hell’s Telegram.


“Thank you, do you plan to go after the President and First Lady again?” ask the reporter.


“No, not direct but I will spread some little rumors about Eleanor and Mark,” the Prince started to smile, then the skinny woman felt compel to acknowledge a tall man standing to the side of the room dress in all white.


“Hello Prince, I am from Horn Bower Journal,” all eyes swiftly turn to glare at this man wondering how he got into this room, the Prince smile quickly turn into a frown as he focus on him. “How would you compare your latest defeat to the one you suffer on Calvary?”


The Prince eyes became red with anger, his hand gripping the podiums breaking the wood into fragments, the woman step back nervously, “You have to bring that up again, it was not fair, I played by the rules and I won that fight…”  Snap the Prince, but the tall man in white kept staring at the Prince, “No!  No!  This is my kingdom I will not give it up because it’s mine, I am the god here!,” the Prince in rage flip the podium down as the ground breaking in pieces microphones smash on the floor as he storm away seething.  The skinny woman step up where the podium was to speak.


“The Press Conference has concluded, thank you.”


The Prince of Dallas

Hail to the Chief

By: Lonnie Johnson

© 2012 Lonnie Paul Johnson

Author's Note

Lonnie Paul Johnson
This is the final chapter of Hail to the Chief, I hope everyone read this extended short story enjoyed it as much I had fun writing it. The Prince of Dallas character truly enjoy writing about even doe he is the devil. I guess it's my feebly attempt of teaching Christan principle by way of devil point of view. I hope I can dream up another story soon.

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Added on February 26, 2012
Last Updated on February 26, 2012


Lonnie Paul Johnson
Lonnie Paul Johnson

fort Worth, TX

I loved writing stories, when I was young I wrote very simple and crude stories base off of TV shows and movies I seen at the time. An event happen when during that time I believe influence my writin.. more..
