Chapter 2 Battleground

Chapter 2 Battleground

A Chapter by Lonnie Paul Johnson

The Prince attack the only troublemaker (Mark) on the plane that threaten is plans of killing the President.




Mark twirling his pen looking at the screen of his laptop tiring to decide what to write for his last article of the Presidential European trip, the last 14 days was awesome.  He never thought in his wildest dreams to be up close and personal with royals, prime ministers and chandlers.  Mark traveling in the motorcade through romantic streets of London, Pairs, Amsterdam and Rome, lodging in five star hotels and dining in majestic palaces.  He only wishes he could have brought his wife Kate, along with him but this trip was a sudden invite.  He still has the email from the office of the First Lady inviting him to be part of the journalist core flying with President for this overseas trip.  Mark know when he arrive home his wife will want to know every detail about the trip. Therefore, he took numerous pictures and made notes on his phone so he will not forget the type of hat the Queen of England was wearing, the color of shoes the wife of PM of France had on and much, much more.


Mark knows in his heart that Kate is the best wife in the world because he thought she would be upset separated for two weeks while he travel in style all over Europe. When she kiss him goodbye he knew that she was fine, but he was already missing her until he step aboard Air Force One, ‘Wow!’  Sometimes he wishes that everyone could have the same temperament as Kate like the elders of church that he attends.  They were concern that he took the position at the White House knowing that it’s principles on social issue is totally opposite from the current President and his administration, but he reassure them that he just reporting news as if he was working for a news agency the only difference he’s employed by White House.  Some members could not help to show their displeasure of his decision by saying little unkind remarks while attending services.


Mark heard a light tap on the door Tracy Bush the young flight attendant, “Are you ok?”


“I don’t know if you can help, I have a bad case of writer block,” Answered Mark.


“I can not help you with that,” smile Tracy, “But maybe say a little prayer that will help.”  Mark nodded agreeing with her, Mark knows on this trip to pay attention to Tracy bits of wisdom because she wise beyond her years.  He knows her wisdom come from God, because on the third day before the jet was to depart from London to Berlin she chooses his office to say a quick prayer.  Knowing she would not have time to pray when the President and his team boarded.  Mark the first one on the plane saw her from the doorway sitting at his desk eyes closes; hands folded softly speaking in tongues.


She did not hear Mark approach his small office space, the sun light shine through the window giving her an angelic glow.  He thought to leave until she finishes giving her some privacy, but he admires the beauty of a woman speaking to God.  Then she heard the noises of the people boarding her eyes pop open seeing Mark at the doorway embarrass she quickly stood apologizing trying leave not looking at him directly, he touch her arm.


“Thank you,” she gaze at him, “for showing me you can pray at anytime and anywhere.”  Tracy meekly smiles.


“I’m sorry Mr. Johnson this will not happen again.”


“No, if you need anyplace to be alone to pray you are always invited here.”  Promise Mark, since that day Tracy always made sure that he had everything he needs.


Still twirling his pen with his fingers admiring Tracy she step to the side allowing Ken Hoover, Assistant White House Spokesperson to dash into the office plopping in the chair stressing, noticing Tracy leaving committed without thinking in a low voice, “Mmmm she fine!”  Mark is disappointed that he not able to chat further with Tracy turn to focus on Ken.


“Look Mark, let me give head up before we din with the President,” Mark is surprise that he having dinner with the President on Air Force One.  Since the start of this trip, he always has taken his meals on the jet in his tiny office.  “Your opinion piece has gone viral; the opposition is using you’re talking points to hammer the administration views on pro-choice issues.”  


Mark is perplexed, “The article wasn’t about abortion, it was about my sister decision to keep her baby when the doctors said she would be born seriously handicap.” 


“That not the point they using your words against us, so I thought you should know and have a response if he asks.”


Meanwhile the conference space transforms into the dinning room; Mark strategy is to stay quiet hope everyone at the table is more concern with the mid-term election than his article.  The Prince position himself behind Mark press down on his shoulders.  Minutes later into the meal it seem like Mark plan is working the talk around the table about policy and the best way the administration can help the party in the upcoming elections.  Eleanor, the First Lade bored with the current conversation decides to speak to Mark.


“I like your article about you sister, Abigail and her daughter Eve; she should be about four years old.”


“Yes ma’am we call her the miracle baby because she born healthy when the experts thought other wise and let my sister tell you a major hand full,” smile Mark.


“Miracle are great but not everyone gets them,” spoke Mia, “It beautiful about you sister charmed life married to a baseball player and her precious baby girl.  The first part of the piece I am not clear about your opinion on pro-choice.”  Mark can feel all eyes are on him while Mia is speaking.  “Would your supported for your sister be as strong if she has chosen to terminate her pregnancy, because like I said not everyone gets a miracle so this child would have been born seriously handicap, her quality of life horrible and a great burden on society.  The abortion in my opinion would have been a merciful decision.”


Joyce Kennedy, assistant to civil right dept., sitting next to Mia join in the conversation, “I’m thinking you want to take away the women rights burden with unwanted children and force them to back to days of dirty allies unsafe place to get abortion…” while she was speaking Mark can see everyone nodding in agreeing with her.  “…This is more than an outdated moral concern it’s a women health issue.”


The Prince with a sneer spoke into Mark ear, “You have lost this battle they have made too many logical points and everybody at this table agree with them.  Now just concede defeat and just get along, keep your Faith to yourself.”


Mark took a sip of water scanning the table as all eyes are staring at him, he clear his throat.  “I am blessed to have a sister like Abigail, she show me how strong the love of God is.  When the doctors and specialist told her if she has her baby and if it lived would be seriously handicap she was devastated.  My views on abortion are the same back then as its now, but I would have made an exception for my sister and I was not alone, family and friends would have supported her decision to abort because we saw no way out.  My sister just trusts in God, the Grace that God gave her is powerful.  I saw her during that pregnancy full of joy, happy and with peace, it change my life,” he pauses taking another sip of water, “When that lovely little girl came into this world everybody was shock that she was perfectly well except for Abigail.  She knew everything was going be alright, now I know there is nothing too hard for God.” Mark finishes his speech he reaches for a glass a wine and tastes it.  Everybody at the table was quiet and pondering what Mark said.


Eleanor glance at Mark and survey the table smiling very proud of his response, turn to her husband noticing he not eating much food.  The Prince releases Mark shoulders sit in the chair confuse and incensed looking toward Janet.  “What the H#@% was that?” Janet shrugs her shoulders, “This troublemaker is no threat, and I think he has lost it.  We are not talking about the God love--vomit, but about abortion, pro-choice and his outdated moral code.”  The Prince is confident that he winning the day commands the demons to keep up the assault.  Other at the table peppered Mark with tough moral question, but he kept talking about the love of God to them.


Later the meal concluded everybody is leaving the conference room Mark thinking he came away from it ok not too many bruises then he heard a voice calling him he rotate to see, Andrew Carter the environmental czar.   Mark is curious because this is first time he speaking with this person other than friendly greeting.  “Listening to you talk about your sister and Gods love, I guest you our spiritual expert here.”


“No I’m no expert...”


Andrew cutting off Mark, “Maybe you can help me understand something.  You Christian preach and sing the love thing until you found out who I am or see my partner.  Then it change some will give us the silent treatment other will come and say ‘Change your lifestyle or burn in hell.’  The worst maybe for me is the look on your faces with disgust and hatred in your eyes.  So Mark, where the love, where the understanding or the tolerant,” Mark observing Andrew angered and sadness while talking.  “So I will have to change who I am to get this so called love of God, but how can that happen when I was born this way.  I’m a good person I don’t hurt people, I don’t cheat on taxes and I volunteer at a homeless shelter, so tell me the truth this love of God is only for a select few that meet some unnatural standard.”


The Prince circling Andrew, “Look at him---he need to be shun---don’t stand to close you might catch something.  God is all about the law and punishment, he the worst one of all with his ugly sins.  Show your contempt because he is what’s wrong in American, his type flaunting their terrible lifestyle openly.”


Mark gathering his thoughts to respond, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16 NIV).  I know you have heard that a thousand times that maybe lost meaning but that one verse explains everything…”


“Oh great another worthless sermon,” snap Andrew.


“I’m only speaking what I know about my Father in Heaven, he loves me and the whole world.”  Andrew rolling his eyes, “I accept his righteousness, love and power to have a wonderful life here now and in heaven.  I am sorry if I made you feel that your transgression is the worst ever and can never be forgiving, but we all fall short that why I need Him…” Andrew phone started to buzz he turn too answered the call.  Mark sieges the opportunity to get into his small office space to hide until this jet land in DC.  Walking briskly, he can see the prize a few more step he be home safe, but a heavyset man step in front of Mark.  Joseph Ford reporter for Christian World News grabbing his arm visibility upset.


“What’s wrong with you?” said Joseph angrily, Mark surprise because he never seen Joseph mad always happy.  “I thought when you join this administration you could be that common sense voice in a cesspool of evil socialist, progressive and alternative lifestyle freaks.  When I forward your article about the evils of abortion groups on our website I thought you where standing up for what is right…”  Mark looking at Joseph realizing it is true that people only see what they want to see.  “…You miss an opportunity of getting those baby killing women straight, but no you join with them that you could supported your sister if she made that decision.  That makes me question your salvation talking like that; oh yes how you can feel sorry for that fruitcake Andrew.  You know what he does is an abomination; the Lord destroyed a whole county with fire fill with people like that.  Come on you know we are in a fight for the soul of our country from these clowns.”  Mark shoulders slump as his mind depress, then he felt the touch of soft firm hand clinging his hand the other tapping his shoulder turning to behold Tracy.


“Sorry, but I have desperate need of Mark assistant,” Tracy speaking to Joseph, Mark did not hesitate as she swiftly lead him by the hand through the hallway, down the stairs behind the galleys into the storage area.  Inside the quiet room, Tracy is pleased to have Mark alone with her.  Mark mulling the sharp words spoken by Joseph in his mind scans the area trying to see how he can assist Tracy.


“Well, how can I help?” ask Mark somberly, Tracy release his hand turn to him with a sheepish grin.


“Nothing, I thought you might want a place to hide.”  Mark breath out a great sigh leaning back rubbing back of his neck, “You can keep me company while I grab a few things.”


“I must have a target on me because I feel like I’m being attack on all sides.” Mark observes Tracy moving around bending and stretching opening and closing cabinet’s doors pulling out small boxes placing on the counter, The Prince station next to him.


“She has a crush on you,” whiper the Prince, Mark hearing those thoughts shaking his head slightly no, “she looks very fine.”  Tracy grabs a stepladder to reach the top shelf, placing her foot on the top ledge, it concern Mark that she might fall advance toward her.  Janet monitor the Prince grinning as his hand stroking the fuselage then ‘thumps’ by his finger causing the plane to violently jolt, at same time a demon claw wrap around Tracy ankle yanking making her lose her balance falling out of control into the arms of Mark. Catching her, they both spin into an embrace.  Tracy rested her head on his shoulder holding firm as he cradles her petite frame in his arms.  The Prince raises his arms up in the victory stance shouting with glee, “I got you Mark!”


He watches as Tracy feet touch the floor Mark arms wrap around her waist Tracy hands caress up from his shoulder blade to his face, their eyes focus together both breathing heavy.  The Prince pounding his hand fist with excitement, “One kiss Mark that’s all I need.”  Their foreheads touch softly as Mark took hold of her hands.


“Are you OK?” ask Mark calmly, she quickly nod yes, he wanted to stay with her but in his spirit he knows if he don’t leave now or he wont be able too, releasing her hands he hurry out of the storage room, the Prince sneer as he left.


“Oh the Genesis 39:11 play, that won’t work,” two demons appear in front of the Prince transformed them self into deformed mutated gray dogs chase after Mark.  He trots up the stairs and dash into his office as the demons over taken him perch on his mind filling it with lust and condemnation.


‘Her eyes sparkle and lips full of passion,’

‘The skin is soft to the touch,’

‘Her pleasurable scent is all over you,

‘I wish to continue embracing Tracy voluptuous figure all night.’

‘You call yourself a man of God,’

‘Tonight show that you a very far from perfection, fantasying after that young woman.’

‘Touching a woman that not you wife,’

‘God hate sin and you are a sinner,’


Mark slump in his chair hands clasp his forehead ashamed as lustful and condemning thoughts bombard his mind.  Tracy Remaining in the storage room clinching her shoulders humiliate, the Prince whispering in her ear.  “They where right about you, trying to allure a married man, yes you know who you are, Jezebel!” One hand covers her face tears flow between her fingers dropping to her knees sobbing.  The Prince twirled grabbing Janet by the hand drawing her close brushing her hair,


“Ohhhh, Janet---Now, let watches the President die!”


© 2012 Lonnie Paul Johnson

Author's Note

Lonnie Paul Johnson
The most effective weapon for the devil to used against his pray is to challenge who we are in Christ. If he can make us react to life pressure in a bad way then he will accuse us that we are not what God said we are. The plan is simple temp Mark, then when fall then condemn, by that he would be confuse, ashamed and unable to be what God would have him to be.

In this chapter I used political issues that has are major concerns in American culture for many decades as the tools the Prince used to weaken Mark. I hope the chapter is entertaining to the reader.

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Added on January 30, 2012
Last Updated on January 30, 2012


Lonnie Paul Johnson
Lonnie Paul Johnson

fort Worth, TX

I loved writing stories, when I was young I wrote very simple and crude stories base off of TV shows and movies I seen at the time. An event happen when during that time I believe influence my writin.. more..
