The Prince of Dallas: A Determine Woman part 2

The Prince of Dallas: A Determine Woman part 2

A Story by Lonnie Paul Johnson

Annie and her young grandson Jordan planed to make a hospital jailbreak to attend Brother Charles revival in the hope to be heal of her deadly illness by God.


The sunlight illuminated the black and silver 1990 Cadillac Coupe Deville, shining as if it came off the showroom floor.  The car had no scratches, dings or chip paint; the tires had chrome rims with a touch of gold.  He opens the door to sit on dark leather seats, the interior was perfect all original knobs and button with the aroma of cinnamon apple pie.  He turns the key to start the automobile swiftly lower the volume of the radio because Annie likes to play her praise music loud, The V-8 motor crank Jordan back out of the drive and proceed to the hospital.


Jordan is adapting to driving the vehicle keeping it below the speed limit he glance at the rear view mirror, sees a police car behind him, his heart drop to the floor, he was cold.  Wondering how long has that car been behind him, did someone see him take the car and reported it stolen, did his mom found out?  The emergencies light started flashing; Jordan tightens his grip on the steering wheel holding his breath.


“You are going to jail, speed up and lose this cop!”  Express the Prince.


Meanwhile Annie waiting for her grandson, she is becoming weaker and the pain constant.  She worrying did he change his mind, was he caught or worst maybe he in trouble. 


“Hey grandma,” announce Jordan in a low voice pushing a wheelchair next to her bed, “I thought I wasn’t going to make it because I had a police car behind me, then he hits it light and whip around me like a bullet.”  Annie was pleased to see Jordan; he assists her into the wheelchair.  He pushes Annie past the doctors; nurses and orderly rolling down the hall into the elevator thru the lobby into her automobile, putting it in gear leaving the parking lot, the Prince sitting in the back seat. 


“You are a fool, this will not work your grandson will see you die,” said the Prince, “why fight it’s over, you can’t stop death.”


Touring down the highway Annie trying to relax in her seat embracing herself looking out the window reassure in her mind that she is doing the right thing leaving the hospital and getting her grandson involve.  Jordan would glance at her to see if she comfortable hoping his driving is not causing any addition discomfort.  An hour later, they arrive at the church where the meeting is to take place the vehicle turn into the parking lot of the mega church and they both are puzzle, they did not see the amount of cars they was expecting for a major revival.


“Are we at the right place?” ask Annie


“Yes ma’am, I check his website and put the address in my GPS.” Reply Jordan, he roll the car to the main building leaps out to run inside to get information.


“Surprise, now you will give up,” Spoke the Prince grinning, “I admire your effort in this fight, but you are defeated.”


Jordan step out of the doors head down walking slowly to the car.  “What happen, are we at the right place, was it change for tomorrow?” inquire Annie.


“This is the right place,” explains Jordan depress, “The meeting was cancel.”


“Why!”  Annie is shock.


“Well the lady in there said Brother Charles has been accused of breaking the law scamming people out there money.”


“That not true, he is a good man!”  Cry out Annie, Jordan turn the dials of the radio hopping to find news.  He landed on a talk show.


“Welcome back friends, it seem like all you want to talk about is the breaking news from earlier this afternoon from Little Rock,” male talk show host voice,  “Charles Goodman, everybody knows as Brother Charles, ministries headquarters files was siege by the Post Master General in Little Rock no charges has been file as of yet.  Rumors are that indictments are coming next week, so one our local mega churches that were hosting a meeting tonight got spook and cancel.  So far, the televangelist and his team are still at the hotel and I guess hiding under their beds, line one you are on the air.”


An old man voice, “I’m sick and tired of these so called men of God flying in their private jets, riding in there in fancy cars, wearing expense suits making money off dump poor people perverting the Bible for gain.  I’m glad someone is doing something about that, my pastor drive an old beat up car and when he travel is always go Greyhound bus as it should be.”


“Well said, thank you caller, folks when I did attend church a few years back our pastor wanted to get a new car but I was on the deacon board and was against that because how it would look.  What would it look like if our pastor drove around in a new car when some of our members could not get a car or they were struggling with paying their bills.  Now I want to be fair and balance I want supporters of this slither Brother Charles to call, ok line 2 you are on the air.”


A male voice, “I think Charles is a good man, when he preach he make the Word come alive…”


“So caller you support a thief who take money from dumb and sick people and make wild and crazy promises, thank you next line 3.”


A woman voice, “I supported Brother Charles for years because a miracle that I receive…”


“Personally thinking it’s a miracle that he got away with this trick for so long, now he has been proven to be an evil man.   In our next segment I want to explore the type of people who fall for this pie in the sky; blab it and grab it…”


Jordan switch off the radio, Annie press her head against the window eyes closed tight as she repeated softly, “It’s not true, it’s not true.”


“You know it’s true,” spoke the Prince, “search your emotion and you know it true, go back to that nice hospital bed and die with dignity.”  Jordan cell phone is buzzing and chirping, they both glance at the screen, Kimberly calling.  “Answer the phone, tell her where you at, it was a nice try but you fail; when the chip are down you know that your Faith has fail you.”  The Prince settles back delighted.


Jordan elevates the phone and send the call to voice mail then he dials a number. “Hello,” said Jordan in a deep voice, “I have a delivery for Charles Goodman can you tell me what hotel is at.”  He call the church phone number, “Yes the Hilton Dallas West, thank you.”  He disconnects the call looking at Annie.  “We should go to the hotel maybe we can find him.”  She did not respond, tears slowly emerging down her face.


Jordan has seen his grand mother cried many times in his life, he seen her weep at church during an emotional praise service, at funerals and when she mediate about her deceased mother or husband.  However, these tears are difference it is the sobbing of no hope and he know in his heart he needed to say or do something, but what?  Suddenly a song appears in his mind lyric that he heard his grandma sung before.  He felt compel to sing the song.  He put the car in gear leaving the church parking lot heading towards the hotel.  Viewing his grandma droop in the car seat Jordan decided to sing the song:


            I feel like going on,

I feel like going on

Thought trials come on every hand

I feel like going on


The Prince howl with laughter, “What are you doing singing that nursery rhyme that not going help her,” chuckling grabbing the reporter arm, “If this illness don’t kill her, your sinning will.”  Jordan continues singing.


            I feel like going on,

I feel like going on

Thought trials come on every hand

Annie ceases from crying raise her head wiping tears from her eyes started to sing with Jordan the lyrics of the praise song.  The Prince laughter stops shaking his head with disgust.  “You both are ridiculous, you are not going to find Brother Charles and if by some chance you do he can’t heal you.”

© 2011 Lonnie Paul Johnson

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I'm loving the details that you give while narrating the story. It paints a clear picture inside my head. Oh, and I love Jordan's character. He is such a pure and sweet boy. The message of this part of the story is really amazing. No matter how hard or how many challenges we meet in this life, we must remind ourselves to continue trusting him and just keep the faith. Very great write Lonnie. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 18, 2011
Last Updated on November 18, 2011


Lonnie Paul Johnson
Lonnie Paul Johnson

fort Worth, TX

I loved writing stories, when I was young I wrote very simple and crude stories base off of TV shows and movies I seen at the time. An event happen when during that time I believe influence my writin.. more..
