Chapter Five

Chapter Five

A Chapter by Lonnie Paul Johnson

Vivian talks with her best friend about her experience with Jack and trying to find the right outfit for tonight date.


Chapter Five


The White Mustang pulls away as Vivian stands on the porch of her home watching it turn the corner vanishing from view.  Holding her chest trying to calm rushing nerves of excitement of this afternoon; swing open the front door dashing into her bedroom making a falling leap on to her bed.  Lying on her back with arms stretch out staring into the ceiling, but she is flying in the clouds, she cannot stop smiling and humming.  She is on fire and her soul is shooting fireworks through out her entire body, with cell phone in hand she wants to communicate this amazing afternoon to someone.  A loner by nature, Vivian only having a few friends, but one such friend is Susan a fellow ballplayer, the center of the team.  She is the same height as Vivian but broader, but she is all girl.  When she not playing basketball she loves wearing fashionable outfits, getting her hairstyle almost every week and trying to figure how to have long painted nails and play ball at the same time.


Vivian pressing the speed dial on her phone rolling on to her belly swaying her feet in the air, “Hey girl,” spoke Susan in a soft deep patient voice; her friendship with Vivian has lasted a few years.  She has a natural mothering instinct about her, she give advice, nurture and protection to all of her friends especially Vivian.


“I let Jack talk to me and I didn’t run away,” explain Vivian.


“Oh, that good,” Susan expresses excitement hearing the news.


“It was very strange, just us playing ball one on one,” said Vivian, placing her finger delicately at her mouth making delighted guilty jester holding back joyful giggles.  “We played intense and I was having my way on the court, we sat and talk about stuff, telling jokes and we started pinching and tickling that was fun.”


“Well Ok,” Susan voice tone is concern.


“We played some more he kiss me then he took me home…”  Vivian quickly pull the phone away from her ear as loud popping and thumping sound emanate from the speaker. 


“Whoa, whoa, girl back up I need more details.  He kissed you!”


Vivian leaping to her knees with a huge smile on her face blushing, “Oh yea, well you know we were playing.  He bet me that he could stop me from making a layup over him so I took the bet, I made my move faking him out and I had the angle.  The shot was difficult but you know it was like when we play against New Hope Christian Academy and that giant cow was all in my shorts defending me…”


“Vivian, Vivian will you get to the kiss,” said Susan her voice straining with anticipation, Vivian is giggling hand shielding her mouth.   


“I’m sorry, well like I said I was making my move on to the basket then he put his big strong arms around me spinning around and around.  I screamed at the top of my lungs.  When he stop we held each other in a tight embrace he felt so gooood, I was mad at him going off because he made me miss my shot, then he kiss me.  Susan, this was incredible, I do not know what came over me I just wanted to keep doing that forever, the passion was overwhelming, like an explosion.  We both wanted each other my heart is still racing,” Vivian sigh greatly her fingers clinching the fabric of her clothing eyes tenderly closed, “He sooo wonderful and we going out on a little date tonight.”


“Tonight, maybe you should slow down a little bit,” said Susan worried about Vivian moving too fast with this new relationship.


“No it’s ok,” she twirled off the bed floating to the closet sliding open the doors gazing into a space full of stylish garments, “Oh God I have nothing to wear!”  Tugging and pulling outfits placing against her frame Vivian wanting something amazing to wear tonight, but only getting frustrated in the process.


“Sure you do, just keep it simple and put on those jeans that make your butt look good.”  Suggested Susan, Vivian eyes fell on the dark colored jeans style with stones placed in a way to give it an elegant look.  Vivian is pleased finding a petty top to go with the jeans, wishing she could run to the mall to find matching shoes, but she will make do with the leather loafers she already have.


“I am glad that you got a man for a boyfriend now so you can drop that loser Zack.”  Explain Susan.


Vivian pauses, she have not thought about Zack this whole afternoon, “Zack,” Vivian spoke aloud she slump to her knees staring at her shoes, “What am I going to do about Zack?”


Susan notices her friend voice tone change from complete elation to depression in a moment when she mention Zack name.


“Hey girl, don’t you worried about him, he not much of a boyfriend anyway,” Susan trying to lift Vivian mood, but Vivian silently musing over Zack.


“I should call Jack and cancel tonight date, but I really want to see him again,” Vivian agonizing in her emotions.


“There nothing wrong going out with Jack, anyway Zack is a horrible boyfriend.  How many times has he even tried to kiss you or hold hands?  Like never!”  


“He just shy, but he does other sweet things for me like bring my lunch everyday,” responded Vivian.


“Mmmhps, That tied apple and boring sack lunch, he haven’t ask you on a real date except to that silent film festival at the college, how dreadful.”


Vivian smile shaking her head, “Yea, that was dreadful.  You right!  I will go out tonight with Jack we were friends long before I knew Zack.”


Susan amen her decision to keep the date with Jack if this means a possibility of dumping Zack, because she thinks Zack is not good enough for Vivian.  Gloria appear at the door tapping it getting Vivian attention, she turn her head seeing Gloria with concern in her eyes Vivian said her goodbyes to Susan rising up from the floor.  She steps inside the room noticing the clothing Vivian is holding. 


“What’s going on?”


“Oh, I’m picking out an outfit because Jack is taking out tonight, is that ok?”


“Yes sure, but you need to be back early it is a school night, who Jack?”


“You know he one of the boys I play basketball with, he was the one at the mall when I got made up.”


Then Gloria remembered, “Oh yes the boy who didn’t see you that way,” she slightly smile at Vivian.  Gloria taking Vivian hand leading to her bed as they both sat, Vivian looking at her thinking something is wrong.


“What the matter mom?  Ask Vivian.


“Your mother called me today,” Gloria wraps her small hands around Vivian larger and firmer hands, her eyes lighted up with excitement.  “She wants to come this Saturday afternoon, she has something important to tell you.”


“Whoa, that’s great!”  She hug Gloria full of excitement, thinking this is a wonderful afternoon having a date with the most handsome boy in school and her real mother calling her out of the blue wanting to talk.  She knows it is time to go home and be with her mother, she is ready. Vivian is thanking her lucky stars, she is so happy now.  However, she is looking at Gloria facial expression with concern in her eyes. “Is something wrong, mom?” Vivian honors Gloria and wants always call her mom no matter what happen in the future.


“Vivian please don’t get your hope up, she just coming to talk we need to see what she wants first.”


“Ok mom, I will,”  Vivian reassuring Gloria that she keeping her head concerning about her mother visit, but she good in shielding her true emotions, she is screaming for joy on the inside.




Stepping from his white Mustang to open the door,  Jack gaze with extreme delight as he view her coming down the porch in tight slimming jeans and over sized tee.  Taking her hand to guide her into her seat, he notices her derriere look very nice.  Shutting the car door, he walk head held high to the drive side very proud.


They arrive at a gourmet coffee shop they order chocolate lattes in over size cups and they shared extremely large fruit and nuts muffin.  Vivian tried to eat her portion without looking like she eating, but Jack is chomping down without any mind how he looks licking his fingers in the process.  Both of their finger would touch as they pull apart the muffin, Jack tickle and pull Vivian fingers try to get a reaction, blushing she felt embarrass showing sentiment in public.


They finish there little get together and Jack took her home because it was getting late into the evening, it is a school night.  The car park in front of the house they both look deeply into each other’s eyes, “I had a great time,” commented Vivian.


“Me too, I wish we had more time,” responded Jack, they lending toward each other to give a goodnight kiss, his hand reach up gently touch her cheek round the chin pulling closer as their lips touch.  The smooch started as a simple peck on the lips slowly separating they were drawn back together like powerful magnets, kissing with energy and vigor.  Vivian rested back into the car seat, Jack still holding her chin advancing forward while his free hand slides down her figure.  He proceeded to unclasp and unzip her jeans using the skills of an experience teenage lover.


Suddenly Vivian sober as she felt Jack hand undressing her, she instantly striking his hand he quickly withdraw she push him back into his seat.  Jack is dismayed, he never experience a girl doing that to him, Vivian seeing his facial expression she did not want to hurt his feeling.


“Oh I better get inside before mom gets worried and wonder why I have not come in.”  She opens the door stepping out, “Thanks Jack I see you tomorrow, Okay.” Shutting the car door turning quickly facing the house, in a flash she fasten her clothing, brushing her hair down with her hands trying to breathe normal calming her nerves. ‘Alright you ok, he looking at you just start walking, for heaven sake don’t look back,’ Vivian talking to herself as she started walk up the walkway toward the steps of the porch, feeling a little better but she concerned that she swing her hips way to much.  Reaching the steps of the porch she know once inside she will called Susan hoping she still awake.


Jack hand grab Vivian forearm swing her around facing him, she startle thinking he was in his car. “Jack!”


He holding her firm with zeal looking deeply into her eyes, “Vivian I got to see you again on a real date, you know dinner, movie the whole nine and we can go somewhere alone so I can get to know you more.”


Vivian eyes fell from Jack face as her head tilted down, “I sorry Jack, I can’t go out with anymore because I have a…”


“Baby girl you are making feel something that I never felt for another person before and I know you feel it too.  Your kiss is on my list are the best thing in my life, so lets stay together forever.”


“No I can’t, I already have a boyfriend, sorry for leading you on.”


“Oh yes the little dork.”


“He is a sweet boy very caring.”


Jack drawing closer to her, “You said it, boy, but I am a man who want to make love to a woman,” leaning for to kiss her, Vivian push back freeing herself running up the few steps opening the door mouthing the words bye as she step inside.  Jack turn hop into his vehicle, “You are mine, I will have you!” spoke Jack determine, starting up the vehicle putting into gear speeding off into the darkness.




rotating the dial to the right landing on 21, then spinning it to the left stopping on 7 and turning back to the right hitting the last number 30 which unlock Zack locker as he open it to gather his books for his afternoon classes.  He just finishes lunch with Vivian.  She seems to be quieter than usual this lunchtime, ‘she must have many things on her mind,’ Zack thought.  ‘Maybe I did something wrong and she not telling me,’ Zack trying to figure why Vivian is so down.  Then Zack shaking his head disappointed with himself because did not try to comfort her by holding her hands in an attempt to making her feel better. ‘I am a horrible boyfriend that I didn’t think to do that until now.’  He’s thinking ways to make it up to her, but now he must get to class, he turn right an a large body block his way, no mine go to the left but a huge body blocking that way, Zack look as the large boy stared down at him arms folded.  Zack gave a crooked smile, he could not go to the right or left so the only course to make is a 180, when he did he sees Jack in his way.


“Hey Zack, we need to talk,” spoke Jack standing tall wearing shades and yes he is to cool for school, “We have something in common, we are dating the same girl.”  Zack looking at him wide eyed and somewhat fearful of what he wants thinking this is a strange prank, but could not think of who the girl he talking about, “Vivian fool.”  Jack is reading his mind.


“Oh, are you Vivian boyfriend too?”  Zack is confuse but thinking it is the 21 century and maybe it’s proper for a girl to have more than one boyfriend, Jack stepping closer to him.


“She is struggling to choose between us because I know she want me, but she has some crazy pity for not dumping you.  That mean, it is up to us to figure this out, now we can fight and we know whom going to win that battle.  Therefore, I am going to save you from a few bruises and humiliations in losing to the best man on campus to walk away.”


Frowning at Jack, he did not want to look at him as Jack lend forward into him, “Have you really kissed her with passion and she kisses you back, no you haven’t.  Do you know what her hair feel like at roots, that will be a no or did you know she have a little birthmark right below a waist.  That would be a big fat no, you know nothing about her and you call yourself a boyfriend,” Jack started laughing and the other boys join in chuckling.


The second bell ringed, “You better get to class, you are late,” Jack spoke still laughing, suddenly his voice turn serious as he is thumping Zack in the chest with his fingers. “Just do me, Vivian and yourself a favor and back away before you get hurt.” after that he and his boys left Zack alone at his locker he lend back shoulder slump down thinking about what Jack said.  He focuses on his book bag on the floor picking it up walking slowly to class not caring that he late or not.


Zack did not pay attention to any of the afternoon classes his mind is on Vivian and Jack.  All he wanted to do is talk to her hoping this is some kind of sick joke or prank, praying that maybe her and Jack are just laughing how they are pulling his leg, ‘please God, please.’




Zack waited for Vivian at the entrance of the gym, she approach saw him jester that they go around the corner because she knew they needed to talk.  At first, they both stood without saying a word, and then Zack blurred out what Jack say to him about kissing and touching.  Vivian listens and not looked at Zack directly just moving her foot in short circles


“I’m sorry Zack, we did kissed like that and yes I do have a birthmark there but...,” she sigh greatly with such emotion, “I, he my boyfriend now.” 


“Ok I think we can work this out, I not selfish I can share you with Jack, he can date on even days and I can date on odd days,” Zack tried to lighten the mood without success.


“Oh Zack, you’re sweetest boy ever,”  she unclasp the tennis bracelets from her arm putting it into his hand closing his fingers around the object tears welling up, “I don’t deserve this, I got to go.”  Vivian ran away form Zack as she left a great pulling force rip from Zack soul that it took his strength from his legs falling to his knees.


“What’s the point Lord, why loved if it going to hurt this much,” spoke Zack in a low voice, “I want to go back to the way I was before all of this love stuff, God I want to go back.” Large tears droplets hitting the ground.



© 2013 Lonnie Paul Johnson

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Added on March 10, 2013
Last Updated on March 10, 2013
Tags: Romance, Fiction


Lonnie Paul Johnson
Lonnie Paul Johnson

fort Worth, TX

I loved writing stories, when I was young I wrote very simple and crude stories base off of TV shows and movies I seen at the time. An event happen when during that time I believe influence my writin.. more..
