Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Evan Spoonhunter

This is the beginning of the twisted events that will soon enshroud the young Xander Laughlin's life...


Chapter 1

A young woman cowered on the bed as best as she could with her hands bound up and her body exposed. Fearful tears rolled down her cheeks, each one reflecting the image of the naked man sitting at the foot of her bed watching smut on the late night network. His face was cast in shadow and his features obscured, the woman was only able to make out the hungry smile he wore, complete with gleaming white fangs.

He sat in front of the television, pleasuring himself to the scene on the show he was watching. His mouth was slightly open and a glistening liquid dripped out of the corner of his mouth. His head kicked back and a long moan filled the air, making the woman cringe. It was obvious what her fate was.

She let out a scream, muffled due to the bloody gag in her mouth. She began violently struggling against her blouse, which served as a restraint around her wrists above her head. She continued rub her wrists raw against the blouse and let out her shaky sobs, but as soon as she had begun she had been caught by her captor.

The man's head swung around to look back at her, that same haunting smile plastered wider than ever on his long face. A tongue slipped out of his mouth as he licked his lips with it. He climbed onto the bed, getting on all four shaking limbs, and began towards the woman.

"Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?" he whispered as he drew closer.

The woman cringed when her captor reached her, quickly placing a leg on either side of her hips to straddle her. She could feel his hot fingers running over her exposed breast and down to the apex of her legs. In a vain attempt, she tried to close her legs, denying him access to what he wanted, but he overpowered her easily.

He spread her legs and forced himself between her thighs as a wedge. The man then leaned down to her face, revealing glowing yellow eyes.

"Who's afraid of this bad wolf?" he cackled. He lowered his lips to her neck and his lower jaw morphed into a wolf's snout. "You are!"


I felt my heart thudding harshly within the confines of my ribcage as I lunged up from where I laid. My body dripped with sweat as I gasped for much needed air. My eyes flickered about the room as a sickening feeling built up within my gut. The sudden urge to release the contents of my stomach overwhelmed me and I flung a hand up to meet my mouth to wait for that feeling to die down. 

Always that sickening feeling. That all too familiar sickness in the pit of my belly...

Ever since I was a small child, my mind beheld graphic premonitions just like that. Those nightmares where I bore witness to those horrifying images of what is to come. For some strange reason, they always bring this feeling of illness, almost as if watching those dreadful scenes play within my mind's theatre wasn't enough.

The feeling soon dissipated and I ran my hand up the side of my face to brush the flaxen hair from my sweat-drenched forehead. I took in a few sharp breaths and waited for my heart rate and breathing to settle. After a couple minutes of those relaxing breaths everything returned to a regular state…well somewhat.

There was no taking that nightmare back. What was done was done and nothing could change that, even if I did try.

I sighed and laid myself back down, the sheets and blankets now down around my waist. I felt way too hot to even think about pulling them back up and I was feeling far too anxious to go back to sleep. It was quite uncomfortable to be honest and teamed with the sickening feeling that lingered still, I just felt exhausted, even though I had only been awake for no more than three minutes.

Damn premonitions and the toll they had on my body, both of them were unwanted as far as I was concerned.

My eyes fluttered shut and I rested an arm over my closed eyelids. A deep sigh slipped from my chapped lips as I just laid there, relishing the sweet silence in the room. It had been awhile since it was that quiet around the house. Normally I could hear the television blaring downstairs, always on the news channel of course, or sometimes Jeraud’s deep voice belting out some songs from his younger years. Never, was it this quiet.

Suddenly, my cell phone started ringing, shattering the soothing silence that once filled the entire room. 

“Oh of course it can’t be quiet while Xander tries to go back to sleep.” I muttered sarcastically while pulling my arm away from my face.

I opened my eyes and looked to the nightstand where I normally left my phone, but found an empty spot. My eyes widened and I lunged up from the mattress, the phone still ringing. I recalled talking to Jer earlier that night in bed, and upon realizing that I leapt up from my mattress and started tearing away at the sheets covering that itchy mattress. 

“God damn it!” I hissed as I threw my blankets and pillows over my shoulders and onto the floor. After pulling away just about ever last sheet, blanket, and pillow the cell phone suddenly appeared in a mess of sheets beside me. 

I dove into the pile of fabric and grabbed onto the silver phone. Quickly, I flipped it open and put it to my ear, not even looking to see who it was.

“Hello?” I asked as I inhaled a sharp breath.

“Guess who.” I hear a familiar voice singing, breaking through the airwaves.

Of course the only person who would call this early in the morning just to wake me up would be Jeraud. 

"Ugh, why are you calling so early?" I moaned, throwing myself back onto the massive pile pillows, sheets, and blankets behind me.

"What do you mean, 'so early'? It's nearly three in the afternoon, my boy!" Jeraud shouted at me in disbelief. "You're just lucky I don't throw you out on the streets so the wolves and bats can eat you!"

"But you are a wolf." I growled, still agitated he called in the first place.

You see, Jer isn't exactly what most people would call 'human'. Sure, the man looked human enough, but unbeknownst to the mortals who see him walking amongst them he was much different. He was what myths referred to as a werewolf and he had been for over four hundred years. I had to admit that he was very good at concealing his true identity. If I would have met him under different circumstances I would have never guessed that he was one of the cursed. 

But, despite him being the creature he was, he was the person most dear to me in my life. I had been living with Jer my entire life, so he was the closest thing to a parent I had ever really had. My birth parents passed away when I was but a mere infant and Jer was the first to find me. He said it was only instinct that he took me in as his own. So I guess Jer was the father I never got to have.

"Yes, but I wouldn't eat you." He said matter-of-factly.

I groaned at his attempt at humor and scanned the room over with my bright blue eyes.

My room was anything but kept in order. There were case files and other such information strewn about on my desk and scattered about the floor. I had more than just a few dirty dishes and empty take-out boxes from working through dinner along with Jer. In one corner of the room I had my dresser and television, something many teenagers had in their rooms, while right next to it was a massive corkboard bearing all of the information of past cases I worked on, complete with crime scene and victim photos and other various information.

All in all my room would have been the typical teenager's room, if it hadn't been for all the macabre photos I kept and other such things.

"Anyways, I need you to come into the office today. We have a major case for you to work on." Jer stated in a tone that would normally tell someone that he was a hard working man, who was quite dedicated to his work, unfortunately I knew him better than that. When I heard him all uptight it clearly told me that he had to pretend like he was working because someone was watching him.

"But I don't have a uniform. I totaled it in the last case, remember?" I said, referring to my last uniform, which was shredded to pieces by a pack of raving demons. I'm sure they would have eaten me for dinner like they did my uniform, but lucky for me I had one last round of silver bullets left.

"Xander, is it just the uniform or is it that you don't want to come in today?" Jer quizzed.

I opened my mouth to answer, but I only stammered. Damn, he was good. If I told him that it was just the uniform, I would be lying. I had gone in every day all that week to do case filing with one of my idiot associates, Joshua Salling, and to be honest I wasn't exactly jumping at the chance to go risk my chances at seeing him again.

"Of course it's just the uniform." I lied.

There was silence on the line and for a second I thought Jer was actually going to blow-up on me. I swallowed the knot in my throat, ready to hear what Jer was going to scream at me, when I heard a light chuckle come from him. The chuckle quickly turned into a roar of laughter, but it was short lived, most likely because another person had caught Jer in the act of being himself of all things.

“Xander, I’ve raised you since you were just a baby and I’m practically your father. Don’t you think I would be able to see through a pathetic lie like that?” I could almost hear the smirk pulling at his lips.

I sighed.

“Ah, well you see, lying has never been my forte.” I said with a smile curling my lips.

“Yes, I know all too well.” Jer agreed with me. “But seriously now, it’s high time you came to the office.”

“But my uni-”

“Did you honestly think I had forgotten about that issue? Come now, Xander, give me more credit than that! I picked you up a new uniform yesterday evening. You’ll find it hanging on the front of your door.” Jer said.

Damn and that was my only excuse, I mentally muttered to myself.

“Now that that was resolved, come now! Hurry up!” Suddenly his voice was cheery, most likely sensing my defeat. 

Before I could sneak in another word of protest, or anything else at all for that matter, the line went dead. 

I growled and closed the phone, throwing it onto my mattress. I laid, staring at the ceiling for awhile, debating whether or not to obey Jer, before deciding to get up. I figured, not only would I get a scolding from him as a father, but also running the risk of him punishing me in the workplace. Neither of those were chances I was willing to take.

I slunk over to my bedroom door and opened it up. Sure enough on the hallway side of the door there was the normal Society uniform.

There was a note pinned on the clear plastic covering the uniform.

Best hurry up!


I smirked at the note and grabbed the black and silver suit. 

"Jeez, Jer, couldn't you have at least used a phrase from this century?" I lightly smiled as I held the uniform up to my body. I returned to my room and clicked the door shut behind me so that I could get ready.

It was just another day as a supernatural investigator for Section One.

© 2008 Evan Spoonhunter

Author's Note

Evan Spoonhunter

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Added on September 10, 2008
Last Updated on September 10, 2008


Evan Spoonhunter
Evan Spoonhunter

Big Pine, CA

Well this is a bit awkward. I mean, here I am in the spotlight and I have no speech prepared for all the poor souls unfortunate enough to have stumbled upon my page... OH WELL! Let's wing it baby! O.. more..
