Operation Panty Thieves

Operation Panty Thieves

A Story by Evan Spoonhunter

Okay, this won't make sense to a lot of people...but I find it hilarious either way. I wrote this fanfic for a friend of mine and her story "Soul Force Academy".


 "Aya it's so great of you to invite me over!" Megumi bounced cheerfully on the steps before her female teammate's humble abode.

Aya stood in the doorway and tried to be as calm as possible. This was a first for her, having someone come and stay at her place that is. It was somewhat nerve wracking for her. She stood anxiously there, shifting her weight from foot to foot, as if not to hint on her nervousness. She had to be the strong one after all.

"It's nice of you to come over." Aya put on a forced smile.

"Oh no! Don't be silly, Silly! I was so excited to have you invite me over tonight! This will be a night for just us girls!" Megumi beamed a smile ear to ear that looked far too big for her heart shaped face.

Aya cocked an eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked curiously.

Megumi reached into the front pocket of her bag and pulled out a humongous make-up bag that surely had to have been too big for the duffel bag that she had brought with her. She smiled an evil looking smile and slipped past Aya.

"We're going to make you all dolled up for Sakumo-kun." Megumi whispered eerily into Aya's ear.

Before Aya had a chance to protest Megumi grabbed her and dragged her into the apartment, shutting the door behind them both.


This is turning out just as planned
, Tatsuya thought with a devious grin spreading across his face. He focused his binoculars a bit more and watched as Megumi dragged Aya into the building.

"So, Tatsuya Sensei why did you want me and Sakumo to come over tonight?" Kazu asked.

"I would like to know why we're here too, Tatsuya." Sakumo folded his arms over his chest and looked at his sensei, who was peering out the window with a pair of binoculars.

Tatsuya set down his spying equipment and stood up before Kazu and Sakumo. He put on a semi-serious face and clasped his hands behind his back. For effect he began to pace in front of his two students.

"I have called you both here tonight to go on a secret mission." Tatsuya said in all seriousness.

Both of the boys' eyes filled with excitement, even though Sakumo tried to play it cool.

"What kind of secret mission? Will we be escorting someone important, along the lines of an heiress of some sort?" Kazu asked excitedly.

"Well, not exactly, although it does involve the fairer of the species if you know what I mean." Tatsuya smiled at them, breaking his serious façade. "I have called you both here tonight so we may do a...panty raid!"

Kazu and Sakumo both stared at their sensei with dumbfounded looks. The famous Tatsuya Ijiri did not just say something like that, did he?

"You're kidding right?" Kazu asked. "What's so exciting about that?"

Tatsuya's grin spread.

"These aren't any ordinary panties though. The panties we will be stealing belong to none other than Aya Umitake." Tatsuya burst out into manic laughter.

"Sorry I refuse to do that." Sakumo raised both of his hands and shook his head.

"Why not? It will be a test of stealth, agility, and perhaps your battles skills if she finds us!" Tatsuya practically whined.

Kazu smiled wickedly.

"It's because he's got the hots for Aya." He chuckled devilishly.

Sakumo went red.

"Oh you don't say?" Tatsuya cracked a smile too and looked at a now beat-red Sakumo. "Is that true, Sakumo?"

"N-no! I just have respect for her that's all!" Sakumo shouted in his defense.

"I wonder what kind of underwear she wears. They say you can tell what kind of personality a girl has by the underwear she owns." Tatsuya looked at Kazu and nodded.

"Yeah, I heard that too." Kazu nodded at his sensei. "What if she wears those silky, satiny..."

"Okay, I'll do it! But it's not for the panties! It's for the training I swear!" Sakumo lied to his accomplices.

Kazu and Tatsuya smiled at each other.

So began the mission Tatsuya had named:

Operation Panty Thieves

The three male members of C Squad 24 climbed out of the window of Tatsuya's home and rushed over to the apartment complex where Tatsuya had seen Aya and Megumi enter. They climbed up the wall and looked into a window and sure enough Megumi had Aya held captive in a bathroom while playing life sized Barbie.

Kazu and Tatsuya stifled their laughter while Sakumo felt his cheeks fill with heat just by looking at Aya. He had never seen Aya wear make-up and even though Megumi had gone a little overboard with it, Aya still managed to look pretty.

"Come on Sakumo!" Kazu nudged at Sakumo's head with the tip of his foot.

Sakumo looked up and watched as Tatsuya leapt into an open window, followed by Kazu. He looked at Aya one more time before following Tatsuya and Kazu into the open window.

The room they now stood in was a simple one, nothing really stuck out. There was a bed with black and red sheets, a bookshelf with hundreds of books upon it, and a massive pile of black clothes sitting in a corner. Nothing more than that.

"Wow, I knew Aya wasn't the type of girl to display herself so much, but this is ridiculous." Kazu said as he looked over the room.

"You're telling me." Tatsuya agreed. He took a step forward and nearly tripped over something. He looked down and saw a duffel bag at his feet. A smile spread across his face. "Well let's get started! Kazu, you hit the dresser while Sakumo and I look in the bag."

Sakumo's jaw dropped.

"Why does he get Aya's drawer?" He asked.

"Why? Did you want to look through her undies?" Tatsuya smiled and threw the bag on the bed.

"That's not it at all! Besides why are we looking through Megumi's bag?" Sakumo inquired.

Tatsuya unzipped the bag and poured out all of its contents.

"Because I accidentally put something in her bag by mistake on one of our missions." Tatsuya said, referring to a book he had hidden in Megumi's bag after Sakumo had found it.

"Fine." Sakumo said in defeat.

The three guys continued to search through everything in silence when unexpectedly...

"What the hell!?" Kazu shrieked.

Both Tatsuya and Sakumo looked up from their task of raiding the duffel bag to look at their comrade. Both of their eyes bulged when they saw what Kazu had obviously shrieked at. It was definitely unexpected.

Kazu stood there holding up a pair of butt-cheek hugging tidy-whities with a cartoon dragon winking on the butt.

"Sweet merciful God!" Tatsuya shrunk back in horror.

"You have got to be joking! Those can't be Aya's!" Sakumo gasped. He couldn't believe he was secretly in love with a girl who wore something like that!

"Why would Aya own a pair of these...these...these things!" Kazu dropped the underwear and backed away into the dresser where he had pulled them from. His arm bumped into the open drawer and he looked inside. He jumped back. "And why are there more of them!?"

Sakumo, having regained his cool and determined to prove that the undies weren't Aya's, pulled out his sword and poked at the underwear. He was afraid if he touched them they would come alive and somehow get attached to him. He would die before he let Kazu or Tatsuya see him in those hideous things, especially after the whole pink shirt incident.

"I'm not sure they're hers." Sakumo announced.

"Why do you say that?" Tatsuya, now interested, knelt down beside the underwear and eyes them suspiciously.

"Because the tag has the initials R.A. on them." Sakumo pointed to the tag and sure enough there was a R.A.

"Well if these aren't Aya's then whose are they and why are they in her drawer?" Kazu asked as he joined his teammates.

Just then footsteps neared the door in the hall and all three of them jumped. Someone was coming! The door opened up and entered a hideous monster wearing a heavy white cream on its face and slices of green over its eyes. It tried to fool them into thinking it was pure and innocent by wearing a white robe and a white head-wrap, but the men of C Squad 24 were smarter than that.

This beast was here to kill and eat them and it frightened them a great deal.

Kazu, Tatsuya, and Sakumo grabbed onto each other and started screaming.

The monster stopped in its tracks and pealed off the green covering its eyes. When it laid eyes on the three guys it too began screaming.

Something struck Tatsuya as familiar and he stopped screaming long enough to recognize this shrill cry of terror. He quickly covered Kazu and Sakumo's mouths.

"Ryuu Arai?" Tatsuya asked the monster.

The monster stopped screaming and both of its eyebrows rose up in shock before pulling together in confusion.

"Tatsuya? Ijiri Tatsuya?" The monster asked, who was now recognized as Ryuu Arai. "Why are you in my house!?"

"This is your house?" Tatsuya asked.

Ryuu nodded.

"Whoops..." Tatsuya chuckled. 

A distinct cracking of knuckles came from behind him, making him jump. He turned around and was met with the glowing red stares of Sakumo and Kazu. They both looked like feral demons, much like the ones Aya controlled.

"You made us panty raid the wrong house?" Kazu and Sakumo asked simultaneously.

"I didn't mean to!" Tatsuya shouted, but it was too late for both of the boys had already lunged at him in attack.

And just like that Sakumo's dream of finally seeing what kind of girl Aya was, judging by her panties that is, was crushed.

© 2008 Evan Spoonhunter

Author's Note

Evan Spoonhunter
Like I said above...might not make sense to most people, so if you want a better understanding of this story and it's characters check out this link:


Soul Force Academy...AMAZING!

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Added on September 10, 2008


Evan Spoonhunter
Evan Spoonhunter

Big Pine, CA

Well this is a bit awkward. I mean, here I am in the spotlight and I have no speech prepared for all the poor souls unfortunate enough to have stumbled upon my page... OH WELL! Let's wing it baby! O.. more..
