1. First Day

1. First Day

A Chapter by British Kennedy



*Spencer, Lawrence, Nathan and Lynn are standing just outside the front doors of the school. It's their first day, and everyone around them is buzzing with excitement. They gather inside a little group to talk*


Spencer: *gasps, laughing* I can't wait! I hear there's a biology course that takes up two credits, and a physics course that continues all year, and a sociology course--


Lynn: Okay, Spence. You don't have to be all dorky.


Spencer: But... I mean gosh... This school is so awesome!


Nathan: To dorks like you.


Lynn, Nathan and Lawrence: *laugh*


Spencer: *pouts, folding his arms across his chest* Not funny! I know I'm a dork, but you don't have to point it out so often!


Lynn: Spencer. *pats him on the back* You know he's kidding.


Spencer: *mutters something inaudible*


Nathan: What was that?


Lawrence: Guys, I think we should leave him alone now.


Nathan: Huh? *turns around, grinning at Lawrence* What, have you got a guy crush on little Spency?


Lawrence: No, no! *is disgusted* Sorry, Spence, but NO.


Spencer: *is a little hurt* None taken...


Lawrence: I'm just saying that we should be  buddies. Y'know, so that all the guys don't look at Lynn and drool.


Lynn: What's that?


Nathan: *sighs* True.


Lawrence: Lynn's so gorgeous, all the guys will be wanting a nibble at her!


Lynn: Guys, I'm in tenth grade. I've had plenty of guys go after me.


Lawrence: But...


Lynn: Don't worry. Lawrence, you're amazingly good looking, and I'm sure there's some women out there that love dorky-ness, Spence.


Spencer: Oh ha-ha, very funny. *dryly*


Nathan: What about me?


Lynn: We-ell... Not so much.


Spencer, Lynn and Lawrence: *laugh, while Nathan fumes*


Nathan: Are you kidding me?!


Lynn: *laughs* You know I'm just kidding, Nate. I'm sure there's plenty of men out there for you.


Nathan: WHAT?!


*Before Lynn can maim Nathan's reputation even further, Lance walks over to Lynn, smiling at her*


Lance: Lynn McDewitt, right?


Lynn: Oh my gosh, Lance, right?


Lance: *grins* Yeah. You remember me?


Lynn: How could I FORGET you? We went to summer camp together in sixth grade. You were my first kiss!


Lance: Yeah, I guess I was... *rubs the back of his neck*


Lawrence: *nudges Nathan* *whispers while they're reminsicing about summer camp in sixth grade* See? I told you.


Nathan: *whispers as well* Damn, we have to do something.


Lawrence: Yeah, but what?


Nathan: *lightbulb* Spencer!


Spencer: Er.. What?


Nathan: *pushes Spencer into Lance*


Lance: *stumbles* Oh, hi there. Can I--


Lynn: SPENCER. What the hell?


Lance: No, really, it's fine...


Spencer: It wasn't me! *waves his hands frantically in the air, innocence claimed* they pushed me!


Lynn: *fumes* GUYS.


Lawrence: *points at Nathan* It was him.


Nathan: Way to rat me out, bud.


Lynn: Wow. Really. *sighs, then turns back to Lance* I guess we'll have to talk elsewhere.


Lance: Cafe, this evening?


Lynn: Sure, where?


Lance: *writes his number down on a piece of paper, then hands it to her* Here. Call me, so that they don't overhear and follow us there. *smiless brightly* I'll see you tonight! *runs off*


Lynn: Bye Lance!


Nathan: *mimicks* Bye Lance!


Lynn: *whirls around, angry* WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.


Nathan: *is startled* M-me?


Lynn: Yes, *mimicks* y-you. I was trying to have a nice conversation with some guy other than you three and you scare him away!


Nathan: He was giving me the creeps!


Lynn: *evil stare*


Nathan: *sighs* Fine. I didn't want him to take you away.


Lynn: *is exasperated* Take me away? *sighs* Now you're just being melodramatic.


Lawrence: *shuffles his feet*


Spencer: So, what courses are you guys taking?





*Not far from where Lawrence, Lynn, Spencer and Nathan are, Audrey, Blair and Nicky are having their own conversation about school*


Blair: I'm so damn NERVOUS.


Audrey: What do you POSSIBLY have to be nervous about?


Blair: Y'know... The guys... The teachers...


Audrey: And...?


Blair: ALL RIGHT. I'm nervous about Andrei Owers.


Audrey: Who?


Blair: A guy that I met at drama camp last summer. He said he was coming here this year.


Audrey: Ooh. Do you like him?


Blair: Kind of. *eyes Nicky, who's reading a book*


Audrey: *grins evilly* You still have a crush on Nicky, don't you?


Blair: SHUSH.


Audrey: It's kind of obvious.


Blair: Still, SHUSH.


Audrey: Okay, okay. Fine. But you gotta ask him out this year.


Blair: HOW?!


Nicky: *is startled* W-what?


Blair: *is very suspecious, not on purpose* N-nothing, Nick.


Nicky: This book is very good. *holds it up for the girls to see* It sucks you right in.


Blair: Cool.


Nicky: Yeah. *goes back to his book*


Audrey: Easy. Use books.


Blair: what?


Audrey: Drop lines from his favorite books. He's GOT to be turned on by that.


Blair: T-turned on?


Audrey: *cracks up laughing* Seriously--


*Over with his band is populars, Troy sees immencely pretty Audrey laughing and walks over, placing a hand on her shoulder, causing a shiver to go down her spine at the same time*


Troy: What's so funny?


Audrey: Oh, hi. Who're you?


Troy: Troy Lemmonds. And you?


Audrey: I'm Audrey Gahring, and this is Blair Jacobs and Nicky Henderson.


Nicky: *half waves, still in his book*


Blair: Hiya! *is happy that someone popular is interested in their little group* I'm, uh, Blair Jacobs, as Audrey already said. Hi! *holds out her hand*


Troy: *shakes it firmly* Hm, you seem happy.


Blair: Excited. It's the first day to school!


Troy: True, true.


*Emma sees her boyfriend talking to someone unpopular. She walks over, her hips swaying cockily, showing off her curves to anyone interested*


Emma: Troy, baby, what're you doing?


Troy: Oh, hi, Emma.


Audrey: *holds out her hand* Audrey Gahring. And you are?


Emma: *looks at it though it's diseased* Emma Kiehl. Erm, nice to meet you, I guess?


Audrey: *pulls it away, disappointed* Yeah, I guess.


Emma: *quickly, sharply* Troy's my boyfriend, by the way. So don't go stealing him, okays?


Blair: *is angry* She wasn't planning on it.


Emma: And you know what she's thinking... how?


Audrey: Blair...


Blair: Hey, mind your own damn buisness, lady.


Troy: Girls... Girls...


Emma: Hands off my baby, b***h. *snarls* *walks away*


Troy: Sorry about that... She's very overprotective.


Audrey: *is dazed* You don't say.


Troy: *sees his friends calling him* I... gotta go. See you 'round, Audrey?


Audrey: Yeah, sure.


Troy: See ya. *leaves*


Blair: *grins* You have a crush on him, don't you.


Audrey: What?


Blair: *grins wider* Good luck with that, then. Emma Kiehl seems like a bit of a... witch, for lack of a nicer word?


Audrey: Yeah, agreed.


Blair: You'll have to fight through hell to get him.


Audrey: Who says I want him?


Nicky: *looks up suddenly* Your face does. *Goes back to his books*


Blair: *gestures to him* See?





*Again, not far from where Nicky, Audrey and Blair are, Andrei, Mercy, and Evelynn are standing together in a group*


Andrei: I hope she's here. Kinda.


Evelynn: Who?


Andrei: That girl from drama summer camp. Blair Jacobs, I think her name was.


Mercy: *laughs* Ooh, ANDREI has a crush?


Andrei: Not a crush...


Mercy: I know a crush when I see one, love.


Andrei: I met her a drama camp. Besides you guys, she would be the only one that I would know here.


Evelynn: What, we're not enough?


Andrei: I didn't say that?


Mercy: I think you did.


Evelynn: And I think we should punish you for it.


Andrei: Oh no... *thinks up something* What about that guy from Central Public?


Evelynn: *freezes* What about him?


Andrei: Lawrence, his name was?


Mercy: Ooh, another crush!


Evelynn: It's not a crush! He was really nice and really, really hot...




Evelynn: NO.





*Troy and Emma rejoin their popular group. The others move away to join their own seperate group, but Emma and Troy remain with Ellie and Mel, two other extremely popular girls*


Mel: Who was that b***h?


Emma: I dunno. Some skank that was trying to steal Troy.


Mel: The nerve!


Emma: I know.


Troy: Baby, *curls his arm around Emma's waist* I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere.


Emma: They're vicious, high school b*****s. They want to steal everyone's boyfriends, and they're usually successful.


Troy: Doesn't the boyfriend have a say in it.


Emma: They'll find a way to seduce you.


Ellie: It happened to me last year, with... what was his name?


Emma: I don't remember.


Mel: You've had so many boyfriends, I lost count of names.


Ellie: Oh. Well it happened with him.


Mel: What happened?


Ellie: Some b***h thought she was better than me. And she stole him.


Mel: Just like that?


Ellie: Yup.


Mel: What the hell?


Emma: Well no one's going to steal Troy. *hugs his chest* I've got ahold of him too tightly.


Troy: Don't worry, Em.


Emma: Oh. *grins evilly* I'm not worrying at all.


*The bell rings. Everyone goes inside to their first period classes*

© 2011 British Kennedy

Author's Note

British Kennedy

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Interesting. I like how you put it in script form. I like your idea too.


Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 6, 2011
Last Updated on July 6, 2011


British Kennedy
British Kennedy

New York City, Baby!, NY

I'm Kennedy. I'm fourteen. I write a lot of novels, so get used to it. :) I love British people, even though I live in New York City. I speak French, too. Bonjour~ more..
