![]() Typical School DayA Chapter by ellieOne day at school, one girl named Marie walked down the main hallway of her high school, Northview High in NYC. Usually, every time she walked down the main hallway, she would always be made fun of because she was not popular, and she was not exactly in style. What “in style” meant that she did not wear clothes that were popular lie Aeropostale, Hollister, Roxy, Abercrombie, and American Eagle. Marie was geeky (in a way), and she had a deep and dark secret. But, it cannot be revealed in the story right now because it is too early to reveal it. Anyway, back to present. Marie got to her locker, and her good friend, Quinn came up to her. Quinn was not popular also, but she was not made fun of as much as Marie. “Hey Marie,” Quinn greeted. “Hey Quinn, what’s up?” she questioned. “Well, yesterday night, I’ve been working on this math problem for about an hour because my parents didn’t know how to solve it. It sucked.” Quinn took all honors or AP classes because she wanted the Academic Honors diploma when she graduated. Her goal was that she would be accepted to go to Stanford. But Marie instead decided that she wanted to travel half way around the world to attend Guildhall School of Drama in Marie had a social issue. She has been stuck with people making fun of her especially Paige Dove, Natalie Trueblood, and Victoria Hilton. Victoria and her group walked by Marie’s locker and decided that it would be funny to make fun of her. Her fingers clanged on the locker door, so that Marie would have her total attention. “Hey geek.” Marie sighed. “ “Sorry. You don’t tell me what to do, because I do whatever I want, and that’s that!” she answered. Natalie gave Marie an evil smirk. Quinn stepped up to Suddenly, Braden walked up the hallway by Victoria and her group. Marie blushed. “Hey Braden,” He slightly waved back, and then he talked to the other guys like David Caruso, Kenny Marino, and Joey Butler. They were all in the school football and basketball team. Braden was the best player in basketball and football. Sometimes, he thought that “Sorry,” the boy said, and his name was Josh. Quinn and Josh helped Marie pick up her World History stuff. Josh left after he knew that Marie was okay. Afterwards, Marie headed to World History AP, and Quinn headed for Pre-Calculus. There was only three periods of the school day that they were together: English 12, Physics, and Lunch. Otherwise, during passing period, they would talk for a brief moment because their lockers were next to each other, and they only had five minute passing periods. As Marie entered into her World History classroom, she noticed that most of the girls were in a circle texting on their cell-phones and gossiping about people. Some of the guys and girls gave others answers on their homework that was due today. Marie was smart enough to finish her homework at home. The bell rang. Everybody jumped to their desks quickly, and they also turned off their cell-phones. Mr. Paxton sauntered into the room with his bag with graded papers. “Good morning everyone.” He paused for a second. “Now today, we are going to continue watching the movie, Kingdom of Heaven with the Director’s cut. When we are finished watching the movie either tomorrow or the next day, I will assign you a 1,500 word essay about the movie.” “Are you serious?” a guy named Tyrone groaned. “Yes Tyrone. I am serious. If you would like, I could make this a 2,500 word essay instead if you would like,” he offered. “No thanks,” he retorted. Kingdom of Heaven was one of Marie’s favorite movies because her favorite actor was in it, which is Orlando Bloom. Since his first debut movie, which was, The Lord of the Rings, she had dreamed of meeting him. A lot of the girls also wanted to meet Orlando Bloom at Marie’s school, including Victoria and her group. The movie was about a blacksmith named Balian, whom had lost everything, his wife, his child, and his life. One day, a group of crusaders came to his village in After World History was over, she had Pre-Calculus. She did not like the subject in particular, but it was worth-taking. Her other friend, Mackenzie was in her Pre-Calculus class as well. They talked during the passing period, because Quinn was in a hurry to go to French. “Hey Marie, did you finish your homework?” Mackenzie asked. “Yeah, it was totally easy. I finished it in about forty-five minutes. Quinn told me that she worked on one problem for over an hour. Even her parents couldn’t help her solve the problem,” Marie explained. “That must of sucked.” Marie nodded. After Pre-Calculus, Marie went out to her locker to put her math stuff away. Quinn walked up to her to say hi. “Hey Marie.” “Hey how was French?” she wondered. “Fun as usual,” she replied a little cheerfully. Marie also took French. But her French class was after lunch, which she had next. “Well let’s go to lunch.” Marie and Quinn talked all the way to the humongous cafeteria. They were in line to get their Mozzarella Sticks, garlic bread, and a salad. Coincidentally, Victoria and Paige were in line behind them. “Oh, looks like the Losers are in line for their lunch,” Paige noticed. “Ya.” Victoria and Paige cut right through them rudely. “Hey; you just cut in front of us!” Quinn complained. Some of the people in the line could hear her. The lunchroom ladies got annoyed with Quinn, sometimes that they yelled at her. “Sorry. Popular girls can cut in line through geeks and losers!” Sometimes, Marie just wanted to punch But now, Marie has pearly teeth and beautiful layered brunette/blonde hair. After Quinn and Marie got their lunches, they sat down at the corner table away from the popular people. “Don’t you just ever wish that…well…” “What?” Quinn asked. “Don’t you just wish that people don’t make fun of people because of their race, looks, or intelligence?” “Yea! This world would rock if people treated people equally. Sometimes, I wonder what our lives would be like if we were in Marie didn’t know what to say. “I mean she has all the name brand items she wants in the world. She’s going out with the cutest guy here, which is Braden Riley, and she gets whatever she wants.” But the thing is “Are you serious? You still have a crush on Braden Riley?” Quinn gasped. “Shh!!! Yes, I’ve always had a crush on him. Is it really that obvious?” she asked softly. Quinn nodded. Marie munched on her garlic bread. She didn’t have breakfast this morning because she was in a hurry to go to school. Everyday, Marie’s parents had to go to work early in the morning, so she decided to ride her bike instead of riding in the bus with annoying kids. Braden, Kenny, David, and Joey sat with Victoria and her two friends in a table. They were probably talking about, football, basketball, or gossip. After lunch was over, Marie had theater arts. Next, she had English 12 with Quinn. Finally they had Physics.
© 2008 ellieReviews
2 Reviews Added on July 3, 2008 Author