Spinning While Building
A Story by Lloyd Potter
A rough copy of a brief synopsis on creation, destruction, and also art vs ego.
I come out of the door and look too the railing to see a spiders web strone across the top of the staircase, some would cross directly through with no remorse and ruin there art, but i choose to simply sit on the stoop and watch them create, and record the pennsee. As i sat down and lit a cigarette slowly with a lighter i could hear the abundance of moths and large female mosquitoes buzzing around the town. It of course is that season 90 degree weather... bug humidifier, and with that a pleasureful ness in the thought that the spiders would be eating happily tonight, seeing as how the game is so prime with moths and there web a intelligent trap in a prime location. At first i only noticed the one directly in front of the stoop, but as i glanced to the right i noticed another separate masterpiece being developed by not one but two clever spiders, and for that matter built off a of a beer bottle filled half way with cigarettes, pollution can cause creation eh. I gander to my right and glance at the triangle the souls created off of the bottle, and again admire the natural design by an unbiased energy, its quite moving in the most simplest of ways. I then notice not two spiders but three little ones with it, ahh the splendor of teamwork with only the spoils to share for all who helped. Movement occurs and already mosquitoes have caught themselves in the web looking lazily for small insecti. My thoughts then begin a dichotmacy of whether its purer to design webs for reasons of catching "evolution" or whether the quite dumb; but crucial mosquito wandered in on this evening for a simple meal but in the end fed a larger meal, that of life's building blocks, eating and breeding. Now im not one for soul talk, unless its in a strictly singular format of us all, that which is the only soul, but my mind is now split like "to be or not to be, that is the question" in a very literal format. Now in defense of that though of weakness i think life is everything and as obvious as that sounds, i accept pain and pleasures and accept both with minimal emotional contact, and the focus should be aimed at a steady level of de-learning bias and terms. Now that was enough of that banter, but back to the point of which i'm attempting to make, isn't life so beautiful in the most unusual and funny ways. Just to watch the spiders building dual webs , trapping only food to eat to survive, and not like humans for currency to spend on cloths. The spiders were all working together for a common purpose, that purpose being survival, and in a melancholy happiness sense that's what humans do but tie egos into the mess and create two levels of suffering for ourselves. One being in a sense that we all need to eat, and the second that we all need to feel loved, and only one of those the egos in human consciousness ties into that of course which is we all need to feel loved, thus human suffering occurs infinity in our current states, and for that matter the next the next and the next. Now some people would see that last statement i made as pessimism, and it is, but the goal to see life and suffering as is a optimistic, pessimism. I watching the spiders i felt there suffering as well, for they will only live for another three days tops in all optimism, and cant feel pain or for that matter happiness, which i admire, but also in that feel infinity grateful for being in my current state of cycles a human being, that which feels pain and happiness, which in effect links all humans and animals for that matter, we are all the same energy, its not you vs the world, you are the world the same damn energy. So if Shakespeare is dropping the question "to be or not to be" on us, the answer should be for a man and women of even temperance, values and intellect should be, not to be. If one really dosent exist and reduces ego to only a minimal shell of light crust, though is "nothing", but in that nothing he realizes the hollow existence were in currently as humans with consciousness, is everything, masters know that beauty comes from pureness, and in just simply watching spiders build a web, that is heaven and pureness. I walk inside to meet a friend, the go back out for another cigarette, and walk right thought the one spiders web in the front of the stair case, failure reeked through my blood instantly, again i think humans ruin another institution.
© 2013 Lloyd Potter
Author's Note
Ignore the grammar issues in due time they will be fixed. I would also love some feed back as to how to make this piece more approachable, and there take on art vs ego.
Thank you
Lloyd PotterBurlington, VT
I'm from Vermont, a quaint mountain town, and I love creating art of all kinds from painting to writing to sketching random themes. more..