what is love?
A Poem by poetman91
What is love?
Love is love,
Love is snuggling under the sheets,
Love is holding you in my arms,
Love is arguing, and making up,
Love is excepting differences and
making comromises,
Love is knowing how to play,
and not to go too far,
Love is knowing your partner, and
them knowing you,
Love is not hurting you or them,
even if they hurt you.
But what is Love?
Love is....
You and Me |
© 2008 poetman91
So cute! I loved it and who can really define what love is....unless they are in love, and at that can one really put it into tangible words? One may never know. But I know short of one small spelling error....compromises. (Heck I suck at spelling) I could totally relate to this cute piece!
Posted 16 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on September 24, 2008
poetman91north versailles, PA
i am a 16 male my b-day is 10/2/91 and i love to write poetry draw and talking to my friends.Some of my hobbies are bowling pool and online gaming. more..