never falling
A Poem by poetman91
my friends, have courage,
for love defies,
love defines,
daunting is life,
drama ensues,
love pursues,
endures and then,
comes full circle,
back again,
love is at the door,
love embraced,
worth embracing,
nothing else worth dying for,
to love, to love,
what else exists,
there nothing but love,
in this great universe,
love does take vengence,
love cries, then smiles,
smiles and cries,
love the victim,
wishes only the best,
always hopes,
never fails,
never fail to give love,
and love will never fail you
there is nothing that even truly exists,
but love,
all else,
is shadow,
darkness, void,
and illusion |
© 2008 poetman91
Added on September 24, 2008
poetman91north versailles, PA
i am a 16 male my b-day is 10/2/91 and i love to write poetry draw and talking to my friends.Some of my hobbies are bowling pool and online gaming. more..