Today was a
slow crawl. Morning melodies into an epiphany. Poets sing in the sky. I look at
the flowers cradling the tree called flame of the forest. They form a beauty
that cannot be described. Today is a Sunday and all the Quakers dressed in
white are going to the church. I believe that life has a meaning and purpose
given by God Jehovah Jesus. I always wonder what to write? Some days are more
creative. Writing is the passion of the pen. Writing is a poetic ornament.
Writing is the heart of desire. Writing is the dance of literature. Writing is a song of music. I am still
reading the Old Testament. Wonderful is God’s way in leading Israel from
slavery in Egypt. The Israelites were a grumbling lot. God looked after them
well while they were traveling in the wilderness. God provided them water from
a rock and rained down quail and bread as manna. If we look at the Old Testament, it shows how
the Israelites struggled for existence.