A block from where I was raised stood Woodberry Street, a regular street with houses. Returning years later, I discovered an underground pathway led to the most amazing place. I traveled there to solve a mystery. Despite the darkness of the undergrowth I followed with good vibes as far as I could go. It was there I finally found the very tree responsible for it all. It was the most unique branching tree I'd ever seen. It was holding this entire space open, separating me from above while in this dark space below. Continuing forward by a show of splintering light. I knew this space held something for me. It was earthy, empty, and large stretching vast distances, yet still nothing, but always the tree. The trunk wider than I'd ever seen with roots buckling and twisting beyond. The entire space elevated by planks of decking separating me from the dirt and the tree. Finally a piece to this puzzle came into focus on the right. I had walked far enough and discovered something of man occupied in this vast place. The bare furnishings of a simple single bed, table, and lamp sat alone, the tree now parallel to my left. I walked to the edge of the open planking, yet still far from the gigantic tree. To journey any farther would have required me to step from the safety of the planking. So there I stood as my eyes followed the roots to the center base. It was there I saw a single pair of flip-flops resting alone. I realized you were camped out reading at the base, safely on Woodberry Street, at the very tree of purpose, light, and life! Branching out where succulent berries bloom as the growing wood abounds and roots take deep hold of you intertwining your heart with love and your mind with purpose. I'd never woken with such peace. This continued belief has inspired me with so much hope.
Little Mouse
March 4, 2008