Spiritual Divorce Part Two

Spiritual Divorce Part Two

A Chapter by Little Mouse

Saga continues.


God, this prayer stuff is working…
“Make it known if this is not your plan!”
All the sudden things start moving
Onto Spiritual Divorce, I should say Separation, Part Two!

I finally saw “that” counselor
Yes, the Christian one
By the time five people recommended you
I can’t avoid you any longer
Validation so sweet
Agreed gone is good
Now make those separation papers complete!

Then Hope for the Separated
Lands in my lap
Seeing all sides
Testimonies abound
We stand for marriage, but you don’t have to reconcile!

Nice lawyer… finally checked off my list
Soon to retain
Prayer for agreement
No contesting for the simple flat rate.

So alright already
How many more boxes to check off my list
Neither resolving or pursuing
So get on with it!

As my mentor quips
You’ve done well with this
Unraveling nicely
But this snails pace must quit!

And so many fine reviews here of Spiritual Divorce Part One
Thanks to Celtic Cat for sending it along!
Too bad “alert all” is now gone!
But at least we got back our black and white tree!

You are all so smart here!
Been there, done that…and so can you
God hates divorce, but also hates abuse
And read all of Romans, there are answers there too!

Are you with me? I’m still going
Here comes the deep spiritual stuff
Close yours eyes, say a prayer
Ask for wisdom, don’t rush!

A bible study flipped me to Romans 7:6
“…having died to that which we were bound,
Serving in the newness of the Spirit, not the oldness of the Law.”

Soon to be delivered from this unequally broken yoke
So lost
Now found
This graceful asunder
Can only be better for both!

An escape hatch of sorts interpreted here
All that matters is what sits well with you, me, but first God!

It is He who will see me and judge me that day
We have choices, He forgives,
Not to be cavalier,
But he’s paving the way!

Continually carrying me
While I lace my new shoes
Can we pick up the pace?
Or for that matter,
How about setting me down
I promised to always walk by your side
No worries your hand will still be holding mine!

Flashback to a poem “The Blank Sheet” written full speed
Not a word changed, free flow thought, there was no stopping me!
“…What could be better than a lampshade in December?
What did that mean…?”
It meant nothing then
But today in December
My tabernacle study complete!

Prayers sent up like incense and he sets you on your feet
The tabernacle model for Christ
The burnt offering, the washing, the showbread…

The lampstand to my delight!

A lampshade covers the light trapping it within
No lampstand should be ever be covered because
…One cannot keep the light contained!

Keep moving me from the ashes
Perhaps you are removing my lampshade
Safe at peace on firm grounds
Shining in, out, all around.

Little Mouse
December 1, 2007

© 2008 Little Mouse

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I remember well reading Spiritual Divorce Part 1, and how you were still confused and unsure. Glad to see the confidence in this one...knowing that while God might hate divorce, that does not mean you are to stand abuse for marriage's sake. So happy your spirit is light and sure through this time.


Posted 17 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


I believe that sometimes things can only get better, looks like this has happened for you as well. It may not mean much, but I'm proud of you for getting better. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I believe that sometimes things can only get better, looks like this has happened for you as well. It may not mean much, but I'm proud of you for getting better. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is larger than my thoughts. I'd have to live with this for a week. I could, if you like, to see what happens. I feel you so much it is profound. The words are intoxicating. The positivity effects my spirit beyond sense, beyond my sense. I am open, my tightly sealed soul is slowly opening and the more I think of this, the more something, love perhaps, becomes exalted in me.

At times you may not believe in yourself, despite your words. I know I often miss myself, despite mine. I sometimes feel invisible, valueless until words come from nowhere. Amongst everything you do believe, I want to add the truth that your existence, words included, have a positive effect on me, for which I thank you.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is such an excellent write. Since I know most of the background, it is a great recap as well as to see your reflective view of what has been you recent life.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

THere is great strength and understanding expressed in this piece. Having been through a divorce myself I truly understand the emotions you so eloquently express. Thank you for sharing what must be very difficult with such candor.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Absolutely lovely.... so glad you heard what you needed to help soothe your soul. Thanks for the nod...and I too agree it was a bad thing to remove the ability to send to all friends. You sound like you have been doing the right things... saying the right prayers... seeking the right people for advice and trusting in your God. Beautiful.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

whoa!! thats so weird, because Im learning about the tabernacle in church right now!! XD lol, so that means I can totally relate to that last part... in a way. I can see you are become more religious, so did you just convert to a religion or something? seems like it... I'm pretty sure that's what this poem is talking about. I like the style you're developing where you're referring to scriptures and church and all that. Im quite religious, so Im definately enjoying it! ^_^

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It seems you have found your answer :) I am very happy that you finally have some peace of mind... While I think you have known for a while in your heart what you need to do, I am glad you got the validation you needed...and it seems on many different levels. YAY :)

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love the way this one speaks of so many things. Just like our minds work - we're thinking of so many things at once. I concur - God doesn't "like" divorce - but who DOES? Is that ever the intent? God doesn't like a lot of things but that doesn't stop the love ever.....I won't preach but I do appreciate where this writing goes. And also I was tickled by the stanza about Cat and the tree....made me smile. Great writing.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This was a clver snap shot ofyour life blended with a renewell of your faith.

I think most people look to god for comfort when our lifes pains become too much to bare. I'm no different. I do read the bible once in a while and I do believe in God butI do not go to church or walk around praising the lord and such. I really like Joel Osteen and his manner of preaching. It's uplifting and inspirational instead of the doomsday sermons heard in alot of churches. I believe strongly in the teachings of the apostal Paul but would beconsidred a hypocrite by most. I live my life the way I feel comfortable and choose to keep my realtionship with god personal. I feel good when I look in the mirror.

I blend biblical takes into my writing and touch on spiritual matters like the after life. But in writing I've also studied spirtualism, jewish beliefs, creoles, african american, hatian and jamican voodoo. Rootworking. Pretty much anything that tackles issues envolving the soul I've looked into. Supernatural included.

When you have time start the Tuckers Creek novel I wrote and see how it moves you.

Thanks for suggesing this piece. I liked it.


Posted 17 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Added on February 6, 2008
Last Updated on July 19, 2008


Little Mouse
Little Mouse


Little Mouse -:3 )~~~ If I wasn't working I'd be writing. I'm a new writer, poet, venturing into stories. I think it's best to review each others work prior to sending a friend request, please,.. more..


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