![]() Terram Novam: Chapter IA Story by littleluigi92![]() In a world where demons plague the land, powerful deities, and magic still runs amok. Heros are born or destroyed in a world where one wants to be king.![]() Chapter One: The Ricochet The sound of thunder and rain pours hard but the slow rhythmic beat of the midnight bar The Ricochet still lingers around the town. The traveler wet, hungry and uneasy slowly walked in the bar. Inside only a handful of people are drinking next to the bartender, one passed out at the end and a small dog resting near the door. One would think the bar would be empty at this hour but one closer look at the people and they are not who they seem. While walking to his seat the traveler notices that the men of the bar come armed and prepared with daggers, blades, and small items, including the bartender. The traveler steps towards the end of the table near the bartender wet and groggy and ask " cranberry juice, please..." The Bartender raises an eyebrow but pours the drink the traveler. "You know supposedly there a rumor that at the castle of grimoire, that there is a demon that's roaming around." "Aye laddie?", says the second hunter. "yes I was around the area the other day and I felt an omniscience presence that pulled you towards the castle. Luckily, I was with my friends and they even felt the presence of dark matter that revolved around the area. In the end we all took another road to get to the town but get this, we all are going to inspect it tomorrow." says the Hunter. "Now didn't you say laddie, that the place feels strange and yet you have the balls to go and check it out? "the second hunter unsure of what the first hunter is trying to explain. "No you don't get it, my dear old friend, see we had a shipment to take to town but we knew that once we got to the shipment to its destination we were going to head back to check the place out. we even asked the town what was up with the castle but nonetheless no one gave an answer except this guy," the First hunter points to the bartender. The bartender cleaning one of the glass cups puts it down in front of the hunters and pours a drink to the first hunter. The bartender knowledgeable of the towns surroundings yet an air of mysteriousness surrounds the gentlemen. The bartender with an eye patch while carrying a small mustache. The bartender not only knowledgeable but also carries an air of fortitude for there is no fear when he is surrounded by all the hunters. The Bartender looks directly at both the hunters, 'Are you sure you and your party are ready to head to the castle?" "whats it to you laddie, you don't think we are quite strong enough? I'll have you know we have some of our best men on this excursion. but I am quite curios as to see what kind of hubbabuloo goes around this town." I will speak, only if you pay a fine. said the bartender with a firm voice. ayyye, what is it gold, money women, an elixir? The traveler having finished his cranberry juice overhears the whole conversation. I would like to join you guys says the traveler. Both the hunters and the bartender look suspiciously at his remark. "Well, The more the merrier I always say little old chap." "Hey ,Barnry I dont think its a good idea we dont even know who this person is,"the second hunter aggrivated at the thought that the traveler would like to go to the castle with the hunters. Chuckling, i dont know if its the booze but I reckon he will be a good use to us, Mackenze now see he'll just be the first in line in case the whole plan goes out. With a big smile and red cheeks ,the drunken hunter accepts the traveler with the hunters party. "Agreed, I want to check something out at the castle for myself "Aye just make sure you dont mess with our bounty, young lad" The bartender, "now if you young gentlemen are done with your tea party I can now tell you what I heard from my sources. At the castle supposedly there is a demon that lurks around but it is certainly not of this world. it could be a zombie or better yet a dragon for people have said that the castle has been making strange beasts sounds." everyone in the pub slowly turned their heads. A dragon? now thats impossible dragons are sealed away and high powerful magic in order to summon the beasts are required. I hear that if there is a dragon nearby that must mean that either one one is looking for a host or it is on the verge of dying. Mackenze slowly takes out a map onto the table. pondering at the map Mackenze points at the map. well the area is suitable for a dragon to make it home but im jusst wondering why would it make it home at this particular castle. The traveler not paying attention to Mackenze and Barnry whilst they talk to themselves. " A dragon, its true that dragons are secretly hiding from the public but to have one be in public is weird. I definitely need to check it out and verify if a dragon is roaming around." Alrighty Mackenze lets head oooout! and call out troops to the castle. Before you guys go there is that fine that I was talking about and quickly the bartender took off his eye patch and a red seal was passed onto the traveler. "Now since the young one seems to be the only one with nothing to offer i suggest that you bring back something for me. I have sealed you with tracking magic so you cant escape my territory unless I willingly let you." Fair enough, Ill bring you back a souvenir and I'm guessing if i don't it means death. sarcastically the traveler calls out to the bartender. that and you will be pray to every living animal since the seal makes you irresistible to every animal within a vicinity. So please tread cautiously back with a cheesy smile the bartender gives them a farewell as the group leaves the ricochet. © 2015 littleluigi92Author's Note