![]() The WoodsA Story by Angel_Rose1979![]() Better watch your step.![]() In spite of the light fog, I could still see my own breath. It was such a cold night. There were clouds that blotted out the moon and stars, assuring that even if I wanted too, I wouldn't be able to see anything but a silhouette, if anything were to find me. I reached into the thin pocket of my jacket and felt the cold metallic touch of my small flashlight. It served as the only source of light I had. Though I had it, I still didn’t dare use it. Using it would be a risk all on its own. Even though a bitter wind, bit into my flesh, making goosebumps spread across my arms and legs, I didn't feel cold. At least if I was, I didn't notice. I was focused on staying alert. If I didn't, it could cost me my life. I was huddled up against the large roots of an old dead tree, praying that I wouldn't be found. I sat there, listening to the silence, and growing drowsy. From somewhere in the darkness around me came a noise. A twig, snapping. Somewhere in the dark, had it caught my scent? The noise came again and this time I froze. The noise echoed all throughout the silence. I scanned around in front of me, and seeing nothing move, I allowed my muscles to relax a bit. When it happened again. This time there was no mistake, the noise sounded like it came from behind the tree I was leaning against. Without hesitation, I lept to my feet, and took off at a full on sprint. As I ran I could hear something behind me start to run as well, tearing through the woods behind me. I slipped my hand into my jacket pocket and fumbled with my flashlight. I pulled it out, and as I ran I tried to turn it on, but only succeeded to drop it. I had no time to stop and grab it, so cursing myself under my breath, I continued running, not daring to look back. I ran and ran, on and on. The noise of something tearing through the silent woods behind me began to fade into the distance. Just as I thought my luck was gonna hold out and I’d get away again, I tripped over a loose tree root and fell, flat on my stomach. I hit the ground. Hard. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe. I struggled for a minute, when all of a sudden the air all rushed back to me. I began to breathe so fast I choked on the sickly sweet forest air. I sat there for a moment heaving, when it occurred to me that, it was close to me again. I could hear its ragged shaking breath, in the trees to my left. I jumped up and started to run in the opposite direction. But running was harder this time. I was still weak from my lack of oxygen just moments ago. I was tired and cold. I kept stumbling over my own numb feet and legs. It felt, that no matter how fast I ran, it was always at my heel. I could hear it. Out of sheer terror, I began to run in every direction. Making sharp rapid turns, randomly out of nowhere. I didn’t do this for very long before I suddenly stumbled into a clearing. The clouds seemed to part a bit, revealing a thin crescent moon. The weeds and grasses that covered the floor of the clearing where draped in a eerily silver hue. I just sat there sprawled out on my stomach again, looking around, bewildered. I had no idea where I was at. The bushes and trees that fenced off the clearing where dark. I could hear something moving in the bushes and trees around me. They rustled as if a strong wind was blowing through them. But the night was windless, and still. Panic filled my mind, as I realized that I was exposed. In the spotlight that mother nature had created for me. I’d be the focus of the forest. I moved to get up again and take off, only for something bony and pale to reach out of the darkness and grab my leg. It grabbed my leg so hard, I could hear the bones in my ankle crunch. It dawned upon me then that there was no escape for me. Even if I could get away, I couldn’t run now. My greatest defense was destroyed. Just as I realized this, the clammy hand dragged me, screaming and flailing into the dark woods. © 2018 Angel_Rose1979Author's Note
Added on May 1, 2018 Last Updated on May 1, 2018 Author![]() Angel_Rose1979Cedar City, UTAboutI'm 15, so naturally sometimes my grammar sucks, sorry bout that, but I mostly just write macabre and creepy poetry, sometimes based on mental health, just wanted to be able to put it out there more..Writing