ideas & stars

ideas & stars

A Poem by regan jorgensen ♥

universe. n. all existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos.


"The universe may forget me, but I'll have to be dead before it does," she said.
"The universe has forced me naked and melted away my skin,
my only wish was that I was dead before it did," he whispered back.
"Sure it ripped apart your body, but in its place it left stars,
your mind and spirit are beautiful, bub, you are simply art."
"Art that is created of mistakes and dried blood, teardrops and heroine needles.
my humor and my love should be considered lethal."
"You're definitely a downer, a nuisance to joy,
but you are a stunning, spectacular boy," she beamed, engulfed in her false truths.
"Stars are made to explode, and people are the same.
my sadness and my insecurity has twisted around my brain."
She opened her mouth to speak, but he snapped first.
"The earth is spinning on its axis, many people with it.

But my head was left within a black hole, destroying me from within.”

© 2016 regan jorgensen ♥

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Added on March 30, 2016
Last Updated on March 30, 2016


regan jorgensen ♥
regan jorgensen ♥


aspiring poet and short story author :-) more..
