![]() The HunterA Chapter by Gregory StiresThe Hunter Orion, constellation of the hunter, Handsome giant son of poseidon god of the sea, Gifted with the ability to walk upon water, Once served the king of chios as his huntsman, But was blinded and exiled for raping Merope the king's daughter, Traveling to the rising place of the sun his sight was restored, A chaser of the pleiades, Retiring to Delos he became a hunting companion of artemis, Dieing while in her service she place him amongst the stars, His death a mystery, Some say the goddess was tricked into shooting him while he was at sea, Or artemis killed him for raping her attendant, But most common guess is that he bragged about hunting all beasts of earth and for that Gaia sent a scorpion to destroy him. By Gregory David Stires
© 2016 Gregory StiresAuthor's Note
Added on February 22, 2016 Last Updated on February 22, 2016 Tags: hunter, Orion, Artemis, Giants, Greek Myth, Greek mythology, Apollo, Gaia, Scorpio Author