I quite like the point here. It makes me think the world produces anxiety, and it is ignorance and a desire to push reality under the rug that makes people think it isn’t normal.
I also like the triumphant attitude at the end that seems to touch on the point that fear does not equal cowardice.
Enjoyed reading.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
There was a short youtube video that inspired me to write this... I forgot to post it underneath the.. read moreThere was a short youtube video that inspired me to write this... I forgot to post it underneath the poem.
I'll post it to your page, I think you'll really enjoy it.
Fear is just a state of mind, people living deeply have no fear of death.
Nice write, liked the way you described it.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
That was not at all the way I described it. If you have no fear of death I would argue you are livi.. read moreThat was not at all the way I described it. If you have no fear of death I would argue you are living shallow. If you read closer, that poem means the complete opposite of your comment.
6 Years Ago
I meant that my comment is my opinion on fear and I said that I liked the way you described your vie.. read moreI meant that my comment is my opinion on fear and I said that I liked the way you described your views.
6 Years Ago
But I don't quite agree with you saying If you have no fear of death I would argue you are living s.. read moreBut I don't quite agree with you saying If you have no fear of death I would argue you are living shallow.
6 Years Ago
Given that you're not about to die due to old age or noble sacrifice... If you have no fear of death.. read moreGiven that you're not about to die due to old age or noble sacrifice... If you have no fear of death that implies your life lacks personal meaning. Even adrenaline junkies aren't trying to die, the rush affirms life.
Why do you think having no fear of death is a good thing outside of old age/noble sacrifice? I could be wrong.
6 Years Ago
I believe that fear is just a state of mind. People fear death even though they know that it is inev.. read moreI believe that fear is just a state of mind. People fear death even though they know that it is inevitable.
By fearing about your death in future wouldn't help you rather it will not let you live the present.
Seeing death as a tragedy is physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially a reality – existentially, it is not.
6 Years Ago
Fear is an evolutionary trait. If you ignore that you will eventually get sloppy. I do insane s**t.. read moreFear is an evolutionary trait. If you ignore that you will eventually get sloppy. I do insane s**t constantly, things that would shock you... but it's not because I ignore fear... quite the opposite, I did/do those things to feel more alive. Fear affirms life, it slows time and makes you focus in a primal way... it is absolutely a real thing. I think that to pretend it away robs you of it's benefits. I do understand that not everyone is built that way but, people who willfully suppress the most basic emotions are missing out on crucial parts of what it means to be a human being in my opinion.
6 Years Ago
I agree that fear helps you feel more alive, but mostly people fear death because they fear of losin.. read moreI agree that fear helps you feel more alive, but mostly people fear death because they fear of losing things and people close to them, they fear that their death will be painful etc.
Birth and death is what keeps the balance in the universe , and fearing death doesn't change the fact that you are going to die.
6 Years Ago
If we didn't fear losing things and people close to us we would lose a certain appreciation for havi.. read moreIf we didn't fear losing things and people close to us we would lose a certain appreciation for having those things in the first place. Of course we are going to die eventually, but if you pretend fear doesn't exist you'll probably die sooner than you have to. I'm not sure why you are clinging to this "ignore fear" mantra when it's quite obvious how valuable and integral a trait it is to the human condition. To be able to ignore fear isn't "balance" or "enlightenment"... it's the "privilege" of taking things for granted. To be able to overcome fear is a different conversation that you seem to be unable to transition to. Good luck with that.
I didn't say you shouldn't fear losing things and people close to you and I am not clinging to this.. read moreI didn't say you shouldn't fear losing things and people close to you and I am not clinging to this "ignore fear" mantra, I am just saying that like happiness and sadness , fear is just a state of mind, If you wish we can control fear and convert it to something different.
Like I said our attitude is everything, and I am saying that you should fear or not, but being fearless has its own advantages.
6 Years Ago
Now your just dropping clichéd sentiments. Re read your previous comment (of clichéd sentiments)... read moreNow your just dropping clichéd sentiments. Re read your previous comment (of clichéd sentiments)... I addressed it properly, your argument is weak. I'm pretty sure you're just talking to talk out of stubbornness at this point. Have a nice night.
6 Years Ago
Maybe you are right, I said so because I saw many people depressed and sitting inside the room the w.. read moreMaybe you are right, I said so because I saw many people depressed and sitting inside the room the whole day , thinking they may die tomorrow morning because of their old age and ill health.
Maybe you are right, I am just saying from my personal experience...
It's the dead who sport the highest honours. Victoria crosses pinned onto the uniform of smartly dressed corpses.
Have to tip my hat to anybody who serves their country, is willing to lay their life on the line for a pittance.....not for me.
Morning squire hope you are well.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
The soldiers who sign up merely for the pittance usually stick to non-combat arms jobs that just abo.. read moreThe soldiers who sign up merely for the pittance usually stick to non-combat arms jobs that just about never actually see combat or leave the safety of the forward operating base if/when they get deployed. They aren't really laying their lives on the line, that is a misconception those people have no problem not correcting. The vast majority of legit combat soldiers aren't there for the money, the sacrifice is usually something personal or patriotic or both. Of course, there are those who just like to blow s**t up and wanted the free college money.... (that would be me). Ever since we did away with the draft and went to a completely all volunteer army the average profile of a soldier has become far more professional. We also make more than you'd think and never really have to pay for food or housing... either you live on the base in military housing or they pay you a certain amount depending on your rank to live off base in the civilian market. Your average soldier with average experience will make more than the national average, including benefits, significantly more than the national average.
I agree with Hannah Rose, I really like the ending of this piece, how it lets you know that if your afraid, you are not hopeless. Great piece.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
I think that even the hopeless aren't really hopeless. Well, maybe some of them are... nevermind.read moreI think that even the hopeless aren't really hopeless. Well, maybe some of them are... nevermind.
It's always nice to see people rise to the occasion in that moment of truth.
Fear keeps us alive because without fear there would be no courage, and the two combined equal survival. Just my opinion.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
I'm inclined to agree with you opinion, it's an excellent way to look at it.
Could there be technical flaw here? What about the 'fight or flight' response? If the threat looms high beyond the danger mark or the opponent much stronger, it may not pay to be brave which may lead to annihilation. Flight, which also arises from fear would be more prudent. The best is not the best if it doesn't survive. Or perhaps, there is courage also in flight?
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
The fight or flight response is basically what this is about.
If you are forced to .. read moreThe fight or flight response is basically what this is about.
If you are forced to fight, an entirely different part of your brain takes control and all your normal problem solving skills go to s**t... the all or nothing part of your brain floods you with adrenaline and norepinephrine, it's very taxing not just intellectually but physically.
But when adversity is approached willingly, the creative/problem solving part of your brain takes control... learning can take place even under pressure.
Bold words and true. Do it afraid is sometimes all we got. One of my favorites.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Thanks Cherrie. This is easily one my favorites as well. I wish it was one of my longer ones but, .. read moreThanks Cherrie. This is easily one my favorites as well. I wish it was one of my longer ones but, eh, being good in small doses ain't the worst thing in world.
6 Years Ago
I prefer shorter poetry. If you can say it with less, (at times)you can create a more clarity
That whole "show don't tell" game. You make a fair point. It's not just for clarity though, being .. read moreThat whole "show don't tell" game. You make a fair point. It's not just for clarity though, being too descriptive can alienate the reader. If I was to truly describe what the motivation for this was particular thing was I don't think anyone would read it or me ever again.
6 Years Ago
Lol, you have a good point. Even tho I think you like weeding them out a bit.
A well-struck, interesting write, John, expressing your keen insights on perceiving and handling everyday dangers and impending death.
I can't say I agree that there are not those who grasp and come to terms with the inevitability of death who are "never less afraid" … though, I've heard it said that in war a soldier will bravely forge forward, in spite of his fear.
Thank you most gratefully for sharing your craft! ⁓ Richard
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
That's very gracious of you Richard. Especially given my less than friendly behavior towards you. .. read moreThat's very gracious of you Richard. Especially given my less than friendly behavior towards you. Thank you, you're a good man. But still, kind of a d********g.
6 Years Ago
I can take it, John … drop by for a read sometime. : )
I quite like the point here. It makes me think the world produces anxiety, and it is ignorance and a desire to push reality under the rug that makes people think it isn’t normal.
I also like the triumphant attitude at the end that seems to touch on the point that fear does not equal cowardice.
Enjoyed reading.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
There was a short youtube video that inspired me to write this... I forgot to post it underneath the.. read moreThere was a short youtube video that inspired me to write this... I forgot to post it underneath the poem.
I'll post it to your page, I think you'll really enjoy it.
your best men die in alleys
under a sheet of paper
while your worst men
get statues in parks
for pigeons to s**t upon for
-Charles Bukowksi, from Betting on the Muse
meo.. more..