Well said. Great write and I can totally relate having been on the other side of the Narcissists mental games of hide and seek. Manipulation at the very best. I love the style, it grabs the reader and allows you to feel as you move through the poem. Nice job!
It's an autobiographical poem.... I apologize on behalf of all the horrible narcissists you've enco.. read moreIt's an autobiographical poem.... I apologize on behalf of all the horrible narcissists you've encountered. They are a good time from time to time though, in small doses. A little bit goes a long way.
8 Years Ago
1 was enough. I'm sure I have encountered more in the world but living with 1 was plenty. I am fre.. read more1 was enough. I'm sure I have encountered more in the world but living with 1 was plenty. I am free of the craziness! I will read more of your poetry, I do like your style :)
3 Years Ago
Oh dear - two science nerds - and me - too funny 😂
I know I have said it before tho' not often but .. I think you may well have something here ..
Posted 7 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Months Ago
Why thank you. I always love compliments on this poem... because I totally hate myself.
7 Months Ago
People should use me more as a resource on how to avoid NPD. Very few of us are aware, let alone fi.. read morePeople should use me more as a resource on how to avoid NPD. Very few of us are aware, let alone find insight... let alone are open about that insight. Most of us have too much to lose or are just cowardly.
Your poem delves into the complex and disturbing nature of narcissistic personality and the impact it has on those entangled with such individuals. Through vivid imagery and stark contrasts, it paints a picture of the inner workings of a narcissist, or "narcopath," and the emotional devastation they can cause.
As a fellow poet I want to discuss the strucure and form:
The poem is free verse, allowing the poet to manipulate line breaks and punctuation to emphasize certain themes and emotions. The lack of a rigid structure mirrors the chaotic and unpredictable nature of interactions with a narcissist.
Let me say that the title and opening lines are superb:
"Forth and back so on and so forth / Madness masking more madness"
The repetition in the title and opening lines suggests a cyclical, never-ending pattern. It reflects the repetitive and often exhausting dynamics of dealing with a narcissist. The "madness masking more madness" hints at the layers of deceit and manipulation.
As a poet I adore these lines:
The Narcissist's Tears
"When a narcissist cries / Big, fat, salty / Crocodile tears of self love"
The description of the narcissist's tears as "crocodile tears" indicates insincerity. These tears are not for others' sake but are another tool for manipulation, crafted to evoke sympathy and control.
I could go on and on about your poem. But I will make it short and say overall, the poem is a powerful exploration of narcissism, offering both a psychological portrait of the narcissist and a cautionary tale for those who might fall under their influence.
Posted 10 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Months Ago
Thank you for that review. You have insight. I can tell. Either you are one or you are way too cl.. read moreThank you for that review. You have insight. I can tell. Either you are one or you are way too close to one. I'm not a bad person these days, if you need advice I will help you. Cluster B personality disorders are... well, we need to share with each other... the only way to fix this is to talk about it. I do understand how painful it can be. I know why no one talks about it.
Tell me why specifically. It's good therapy if you can. This stupid poem is good for that... it is.. read moreTell me why specifically. It's good therapy if you can. This stupid poem is good for that... it is partially a warning to normies.. but, really it's warning to narcs. Change is possible... do you have it in you? Most do not.
9 Months Ago
I'm interested in personalities. Years ago I thought about going to medical school to become a psyc.. read moreI'm interested in personalities. Years ago I thought about going to medical school to become a psychiatrist. Narcissistic people are interesting albeit not my cup of tea to be around! :)
Having had a multiyear relationship with an intelligent, interesting, desirable narcissist, I have nothing to add, I don't think you missed anything. I still love her but have no desire to look upon her ever again.
They never learn.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
You sound like how all my ex partners feel about me. Some bpd people can worse than others though,.. read moreYou sound like how all my ex partners feel about me. Some bpd people can worse than others though, some never become even a little self aware and it's very sad for everyone involved. Usually substance abuse becomes a factor eventually if it wasn't already. It's a shame a lot of these types of illness are stigmatized or even enabled because no one wants to deal with or acknowledge the root of the dysfunction, which is usually almost forgotten or highly distorted traumatic memories that are too repressed to really talk about anyway... a recent trend in psychotherapy is the clinical use of psychedelic mushrooms. I think everyone should do more drugs anyway.
"Madness masking more madness," and "In an emotional waiting room, Preparing for an appointment, That was never made, Not for you anyway," is incredibly profound.
This piece struck me. I’m dealing with this personally, and your poem was very insightful.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
I'm glad you enjoyed it, or found it interesting at least, enjoy isn't really the word for it I gues.. read moreI'm glad you enjoyed it, or found it interesting at least, enjoy isn't really the word for it I guess. If you need any advice on how to deal with these people let me know, I am very intimate with several and one in particular.
May thosse that have been targeted, tied down, realreased, and caught again finally be freed from the narcissists that leave indents in our souls so visible, almost like the hair ties we wear on our wrists, finally be cut loose and freed...
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
I'm one of these people. Or was. We can recover you know, we can come back. Don't stigmatize all .. read moreI'm one of these people. Or was. We can recover you know, we can come back. Don't stigmatize all of us. Sometimes we all just need a little love unconditionally. (but not for long, the capacity for evil in us is great... never gives us too many chances)
Just had to read another one of yours...
And once again
Disturbing..but again that is probably a good thing.
There were several lines that really worked.
Preparing for an appointment that was never made...
I see you requested a friend with me..and I replied.. but i do not see that you have read any if mine.
The one I think you might like is Screams..this I wrote when I was quite young..in 1970
Now that was an interesting read. And you don't make (n my humble opinion) the common mistakes of those that write free verse here on WC. You don't break thoughts across lines. You use whole phrases. If you write a single line, it stands alone. Subsequent line might add, but your single, stand-alone lines, stand-alone signally. I don't know how many others I criticized for this fault, but you don't make this mistake. Now as to content, I think that is especially relevant, too. Especially today. I sometimes write in free verse, but that is not my central-feel-good spot. If you want to see some of my free-verse, see "I am Penthos". If you'd like to see the center of my sweet spot, see "Wakjakaga's River Race". This was an outstanding poem. Highest marks!
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
A compliment wrapped in an advertisement... d********g.
3 Years Ago
So sorry. I enjoyed your work. I thought you might like to see my writing, so I made some suggesti.. read moreSo sorry. I enjoyed your work. I thought you might like to see my writing, so I made some suggestions. There is no obligation, and I will still really like your poem, and I will like your poem whether or not you like mine. Sorry that I seemed to hit a nerve. My apologies.
3 Years Ago
I'm just bustin' your balls. It's not that serious. A lot is lost in translation.
3 Years Ago
I don't know quite how to take this, Dave. I seemed to touch a button or something. Anyway, don't .. read moreI don't know quite how to take this, Dave. I seemed to touch a button or something. Anyway, don't worry. I have a very thick skin. It's just I was surprised by the response. No worries.
your best men die in alleys
under a sheet of paper
while your worst men
get statues in parks
for pigeons to s**t upon for
-Charles Bukowksi, from Betting on the Muse
meo.. more..