

A Poem by Samantha

God is always there for you

When life is hard
And you can't seem
To stand up on your own
And no one cares about you
And you are uterly alone
If no one thinks of you
As anyone but the person on the street


Jesus still loves you

You are his child
He is your savior
And when everyone else
Stops loving

He will always be there for you

© 2009 Samantha

Author's Note

I am Catholic and go to church every Sunday. Just thought I'd reach out to my fellow followers of Christ!

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It's very nice. But a few things for you to consider adding to your work. These are some questions I would ask the writer to explain a little more, maybe you can play with this poem and include them for your readers. 1. why does Jesus love me? 2. How am I his child? 3. How is he my savior? If you can answer these questions in your poem instead of giving vague genralizations, it will strengthen your poem and will help you reach out to those who do not know him or his character. Let the reader know how he will always be there for them. these are just some of the questions we as people ask ourselves when we look at the s****y world that surrounds us sometimes. I like where it is going but you can make this more powerful. Godbless.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


It's very nice. But a few things for you to consider adding to your work. These are some questions I would ask the writer to explain a little more, maybe you can play with this poem and include them for your readers. 1. why does Jesus love me? 2. How am I his child? 3. How is he my savior? If you can answer these questions in your poem instead of giving vague genralizations, it will strengthen your poem and will help you reach out to those who do not know him or his character. Let the reader know how he will always be there for them. these are just some of the questions we as people ask ourselves when we look at the s****y world that surrounds us sometimes. I like where it is going but you can make this more powerful. Godbless.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on April 29, 2009



I am a young writer, nearly out of middle school, who is trying to get her book published. I like sports, friends, and reading. I have OCA type 3, which means I am albino, but please don't call me tha.. more..

Albinism Albinism

A Poem by Samantha