![]() Chapter 8A Chapter by Melissa“You did what?”
Katy demands. It’s the next morning and Katy had entered my room to find me
lying in bed. She knows that I’m an early riser and this is unusual for me, so
she immediately begins questioning me. It didn’t take long for me to spill the
whole story. “I didn’t do
anything!” I say loudly before burying my face in my pillow. “Then what did you
have done? What exactly did Jason do? I don’t believe I heard you correctly…” “He kissed me!” I
say into the pillow. Katy takes my
shoulders and pulls so my face is slightly above the pillow. “Repeat that?” “He kissed me.” “On the lips?” she
asks in disbelief. “Yes.” “Just… out of
nowhere?” “Katy!” I groan. “Sorry. It’s just…
so unlike him.” I finally sit up on
my own and Katy turns to sit more comfortably. “Well,” she begins, “how was
it?” “Horrible.” “No. what were you
feeling? Honestly.” My mind immediately
thinks the word sparks but I don’t say it. I push it aside and said, “I don’t
know. Nothing.” “You’re lying.” “What? No I’m not.” “Hayley. You’re a
terrible liar.” It’s true.
Throughout my life I’ve gotten away with very few lives. I believe even the
ones I got away with were known, but excused. But still, I respond, “I don’t
know what you’re talking about.” “Stop it.” Katy’s
voice is serious, and I know I should give in and tell her the truth that I’ve
been fighting. “I guess… it was
nice. It felt kinda nice. But…. I still hated it.” “Well did it feel
like any other kiss you’ve gotten before?” “No,” I say. “It
was my first kiss.” Katy immediately
begins apologizing, and continues to do so for the next twenty minutes. “Head
down to the pool and I’ll get dressed and meet you there, okay?” she finally
says. I nod and she
leaves, allowing me to change quickly. As soon as I’m ready, I leave my room
and begin going down the stairs. I enter the kitchen on my way to the pool to
find Jason standing there, holding a banana in his hand. I attempt to pass him
silently, but he won’t allow it. “Is it true?” he
asks. “Is what true?” I
respond, keeping my gaze on the floor. “Was that your
first kiss?” A slight nod from
me results in a slow, sad sigh from him. “So, the other art
is true, too?” he questions. I can hear the disappointment in his voice. “What?” “You didn’t feel
anything.” He waits a moment before muttering, almost silently, “I felt
something.” I finally lift my
gaze and catch his. I’m trying to decide if he’s serious… if I believe him. “I’m being honest,”
he finally says. “I don’t know,” I
state. “Don’t know what?
If you felt something?” he asks. “Yes.” “Well then, let’s
find out.” As soon as the
words leave his lips, he leans his head down and places them on mine. His kiss
is softer than the last, and I know that he’s willing me to feel something. “Well?” he
questions as his lips part from mine slightly. My response is me
pushing up on my toes and kissing him again. I don’t know how
long we stand there, sharing kiss after kiss, but we did until we were
interrupted by the kitchen door opening. We tear apart and face the door to see
Katy. “Come with me right
now,” she commands, before grabbing my hand and dragging me away. Katy drags me all
the way to the pool before releasing my wrist. “What was that?” she demands.
“Just earlier you were in tears because he kissed you.” “I know…” I say. “So what changed?” I stop to think
before shrugging. As soon as I do, Katy continues questioning. Pushing to know
why I kissed him. Finally, after I collect my thoughts, I spill them, telling
her the whole story. “So… you lied to
me?” “I wasn’t sure if
I’d felt anything,” I defend. “Well… okay.
Listen, just be careful.” “Careful about
what?” “About having Jason
as your boyfriend.” “Oh…” I say softly. “He did ask you to
be with him… didn’t he?” Katy asks, in a slightly accusing tone. “Umm...” I trail
off. “Hayley…” Katy says
slowly. “Tell me.” “Well, I mean, not
exactly…” “Oh Hayley,” Katy
groans, not bothering to hide her disappointment from me. “What?” I ask
slowly. “Look, I didn’t
want to say anything before because I assumed you two wouldn’t do anything.
Especially with how upset you were the first time he kissed you… I just thought
with the hatred between you two, nothing would ever happen. You know?” “Katy, you’re
rambling. What are you trying to say?” I ask, becoming worried. “Jase is, you know,
popular with girls…” “So?” I say, still
not understanding where Katy is coming from or what she’s trying to say. “Hayley… let me
just tell you that he’s only had one girlfriend for longer than a month.” “I don’t understand
what the problem is…” “He just… has girls
one or two times and moves on.” “So… you think he’s
using me.” The words aren’t a question as they slip from my lips easily and
without emotion. “I mean… I don’t
know that,” Katy says quickly. “That’s just… what he does typically. Maybe he’s
changed.” “Guys like that
don’t change,” I say without a moment or hesitation or questioning. “Hay… you don’t
know that…” “Yes I do.” © 2012 Melissa |
1 Review Added on April 9, 2012 Last Updated on April 9, 2012 Author |