unite one

unite one

A Story by SheriH

It was a sunny morning in unite one
 The white roses were looking
like they needed to be waterd. ome wilting was beginning to show 
on the white petals, but that work was left to the maids.
 There are three unites. 

 The first unite was high class. Houses were all made
of sliver, gold, and the color white was our ways of showing high class.
it showed cleanliness and high class.We are allowed to wear other colors
but those where mostly the ones we wore since no other unite couldn't but
we never wear dark colors. 
Since I was in unite one I had to wear those colors to show what class I was in.

The second unite was middle class, this class was second richest in the society. 
There sings of representing their class was to where the color of light blue and
and bright colors like neon but they cannot wear white. 
 Unite one and unite two were very close to eachother ,showing
that unite two was richest out of the three unites we made are differences
slid abit. 

Unite three was lowest class. Poorest of all the unites , they show there
class by wearing black, brown, gray, any dark undesirable colors.
 Unite three lived out on the other side of the gates of glassittona our
society's liveing place.

 There liveing is poor and horrible only little house's and black markets 
to live off of.
In my unite we call them , rats to show no respect and pride for there exists.

 Good morning , Rebecca I dident know you where up so earily? 
My mother richest in unite one society reaches out to 
Pat my head. 
Mother stop it! your going to ruin my hair." Oh
be quite you look fine , after all you got me as your mother "she
winks at me and leads me to the dinning table. 

What are you guys fighting about , do I need to give another
lesson on proper speaking.
My father richest man in all of unite one , gives me a stern look.
I gigle at how hard hes trying to scare me.
No father , I was just telling mother not to touch my hair.

Its human nature to what to touch when you are not allowed, so
both of you stop being so tight and show some fun, after all we 
should be happy we live in unite one.
Mother shows a big smile and begins to brag about how beautiful she
looks this morning. 

I go to the bathroom to fix my puffy hair , which mother ruind.
My long platinum blond hair perfectly straight and a perfect length
not to long not to short just hiw I liked it.
I stare at myself in the mirror looking for anything els to improve. 
My sky blue eyes , full lips and a button nose. One could
easily tell I was the child of the smiths family richest and most
gorgeous family in our unite.
I got my platinum hair from my mother and facial features and
from my dad my sky blue eyes and long eyelashes. 

 I come back to reality when I hear someone banging on the door and
yelling for me to come out.

gosh you take forever , its not like you got anything to fix.

Awww are you calling me beautiful Zachary.

 I Hug my big brother waiting for him to admit he did.

ughh get away, I dident intend to. If you dont let go I will
 pee on you.
I imeddily let go of my brother and sprint pass him.
 "YOU PIG!" 
" im too hot to be a pig ,!!!" My brother yells from the up stairs

Woah slow it down rebecca if those stairs were ment to be
run off of they would have made it a ramp. 

Okay sorry father.

My father allways had the simplest ways to explain stuff to me.
 In my case I enjoyed it because it let me use less brain power .
Normally he talks in complex ways and proper standards which
I intend to ignore and not care for what he has to say.

I run to the liveing room where my mother is being pampered by one of 
the maids.i bid my goodbyes and run out the door.

Everyday I walked through glassittona streets and side walks to school.
 On my way I allways see the same things , unite two people
walking around saying hello to unite ones people and busy
Streets bright shinny cars hovering off the ground and cars over head.

Unite two people shouldn't be in our society where supposed to be
the richest and the best there's no room for second class people.
All they do is run around acting like their one of us , they should be ashamed.

I hate haveint to live with these second class people they make 
us look bad.
liveing off of our societys food, schools supermarkets everything. 
All they do is do nothing. 
such a pain to look at.

As im walking into school ground I catch a glimpse of unite
threes liveing little pathetic city.
I hate them as well im glad they don't live with us, there dirty poor
rats!!. Pests sould be killed off like anyother 

Hey rebecca!!! Hey wait up!! 

Hey julie sorry I was day dreaming, how are you?.

Im fine thank you, and might I ask what you where thinking about?.

I look at julie and smile. Shes my best friend
shes first unite like me shes so cute to she has carmal
brown hair , tanned perfectly skin and grass green eyes.
Shes my hight but different age but we get along perfectly. 
We where born in the same hospital when her mom was laying in bed only
one more day till shes due , my mother was haveing me.
 So im seventeen and shes sixteen.

oh, nothering important I was just wondering why the third class rats

Ohh seems like you're haveing a "im better then everyone" day .
hahhahaha , sorry rebecca but you shouldn't be so harsh on them 
There human too.
Yes julie you may be right but , I cant help it we are better then everyone else. 
Okay whatever you say. Julie says in a mocking tone.

julie is one of thoses people who think at everyone is the same and
we should be treated the same.
 I'd rather die then live with unite threes people , isint it enough
we live with second unite people. 

 Goodmorning class of 2019 , how are all of 
you today?
" Fine thank you Ms.Blue."
Everyone says in a robot tone.

Good then , today class we are going on  a field trip to unite 
Threes liveing quarters.
So I suspect everyone to be on there best behavior understand. Ms.Blue
says sternly and truns her back to us and begins to write todays history
lesson of glassittona society. 

I cant believe that where in unite threes city !!! Isint it nice.

julie are you crazy , its filthy and ugly and colorless. I'd hate to live in
this poor city.

A middle aged man sitting at a side walk over hears me and julies conversation
and gives us the finger.Me and julie Gasp and run to the back of the line
where the security guards are , with white combat suits on and guns
held ready to fire.

Now unite one and two everyone listen , Ms.Blue starts to talk about
how the unites formed and how unite three has is so bad.
 Me and julie start to get bord with Ms.Blue talking and we space out , walking
in line and watching everyone els woundering els where with there eyes.

Hey julie..
I whisper to julie so no one hears us. When she doseint hear me I 
call out to her a second time. "Julie" she snaps back into it
and hears me calling her."what?" "Lets get out of hear , this lesson can
bore me to death" 
"What!!" "Are you crazy rebecca , we cant the guards are watching, and 
will get in trouble. Especially you wearing white on a monday what gives!!"
 "I wanted to look nice, and keep your vocie down.
I have a plan so are you in or are you going to chiken out"
 "I dont know , rebecca we can get into alot of trouble l...."
I cut julie off. " in or out!" 
"Okay okay im in" " whats your brilliant plan?" 
" just wait " when I say come on you fallow allright" 
I put my hood on and zip up my white jacket and scream out A rat touched my
leg.i push my way at the frount of the line and everyone begins to scream and
run around.
All the girls run to the guards for protection and the boys are all ready
Looking around for the rodent that supposedly "touched "me.
Druing all this , I signal for julie to come.while the guards are distracted
with the screaming girls me and julie run off.

Woah, ha...ha..ha what a rush huh julie..
 Ha..aha yeah.
we both try and catch our breath near a dark ally.

 So now what? What was all that hasle for if your plan was to just get us
if your going to complain go back.

no , so what now rebecca?

Now you say? ,now we have fun.Dont worry we'll be gone untill the bus has
to come back and get us, so untill then lets explore this pathetic town.

Me and julie walk around and torment class three people , well
I do julie just fallows me like a lost puppy.
When where done exploring around me and julie head back
to the bus.We cut through a dirty smelly ally and make it back in time
but befor we come out of the ally I see one of the security guards comeing 
our way, but befor julie noticed he was comeing I pulled her back
hopeing the guard dident see Julies flowy yellow dress.
Me and julie hide in different places shes behind a large plie of trash and im
inside of a small opening in the allys wall.
miss did you get lost ?? I saw you're yellow dress which shows your not
in class three unite three to be exact. 

The guard begins to walk down the ally way towards where julie was , I can
see shes panicing and doseint know what to do, I put a finger to my lips to
tell her to be quite.

I grave alittle rock and trow it down the ally far way from where julie is and
the guard gose in its direction.When the guard was distracted by the rock
I signal for julie to run and I fallow her right behind then I hear the guard
yell for julie.
julie stops and pushes me into a pile of trash and takes my jacket and puts
a garbage bag on top of me so I cannot be seen.i hear them talking.

Miss are you allright?? Did you get separated from the group.

I hear her start to fake cry and wine to the guard one of the many
things I taught julie.
oh gaurd....yes Yes I did I got so frightened and ran off ,....it was druning
the riot...oh im so happy you found me.
 Its all right miss you are safe now ,..but I swear I saw someone els
they where wearing white?.
My heart stoped when the guard started to talk about me. A first class
woundering off and causeing trouble for unite three people, .my heart
Began to pump so fast that it  might pop out of my ears.
Then it stoped when I heard julie say there was know one els and
that what he saw was my white jacket. They began
to walk towards the bus and I moved somw of the trash so I could
see what was happening.When I did so I saw julie walking with the guard
and she looked back at me with sorrow in her eyes.
 In my head I was screaming for her to come back and get me
save me from being left in the drity trash.But she dident she got on
the bus and so it left
leaving me behind in unite three.

© 2014 SheriH

Author's Note

Okay what do u think and if I made this a book would
you be interested in reading it if so dont hate rebecca just

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It's good, I like the idea but, you have a few grammar problems.. Like, quotation marks and spelling, but, other than that, it's great.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 3, 2014
Last Updated on January 4, 2014



Im the monster under your bed thats me right now Are you looking? more..

stay with me. stay with me.

A Poem by SheriH