Where evil is born

Where evil is born

A Story by SheriH

Once apon a time , isint that howbit allways starts? 
Not in this fairytale. 

I live in a world where nightmares and evil is my reality. 

No im serious , this is my life I live in a place calld
the underworld , its where all the nightmares and world
corruption comes from.

Where I live is a unit of categories Where each of us is placed.

Theres the dreamers, there job is simple.There assigned a child who
throughout there hole childhood they create there worst nightmares.

The watchers, they are assinged a adult they study this human makeing
notes to whats there worst fear and they use this to there advanced in the end.

The makers, There mosty the most devil's children in the underworld
their job is to go around causeing trouble for every one.You know when your
walking then all the sudden you trip? Its them there pulling you by the legs
and makeing you fall , they make your life hell.There also sometimes assinged
a human to torment with bad luck and unfortunate events.

And last the shadows, These demons are pure evil they go around
killing people when its there time they usely work on those who are assinged
a terrible death.The shadows are the works of the reaper , Yes
the Grim Reaper himself. Thereout there working with the reaper
one gets pickd to be the next reaper.

Theres other jobs here in the underworld but those are ones everyone
wants to be is a honor , well thats what they say anyway.

Im Raven grim reaper , You can call me Raven everyone dose.

Yes my dads the grim Reaper and my moms a watcher shes a nice 
mom but she takes her job with pride.

Im an only child , I have a hell hound his name
is spike. 
Hes a good dog he eats underworlds animals but eh hes 
a blood trusty dog he cant help it.
Spike is tall up to my waist he has transparent skin so you
can see call his veins and stuff , pretty cool huh, he has pointy ears
and hazle brown eyes.

Im raven I know I allready tould you that but , I thought through all
my talking you'd forget so yeah.

Im 15 , im 5,5 I have jet black hair up to my shoulders.I  have
a chopy hair cut , long bangs that allmost cover my eyes.
My skin is snow white , I have a hourglass shape and 
my eyes are blood red. I got them from my mom shes half bat
and demon. I got full lips and a button nose , and yeah that sums me up.

The only thing I got from my dad is when I get anyother emotion but normal
my eyes trun icy electric blue.When my dad was a shadow demon
he used to have eyes so thats how I got them.

Tomorrow im being assinged a category to be put in for practice. 
Everyone in then underworld has to go to school , not
a normal school in the human world.We learn how to use ower talents
and powers.Did I mention that? No , well everyone in my world has powers
but only like three, no more then that. Anyway we go to school normal stuff
to us , Im in high school now so we start to really train ower
powers and talents .
Tomorrows the first day of Final train school.
Everyone is going to be tested untill the school is over and then your assigned
a job.

Time in ower world gose way slower then the human world .A minute in the human world
is a year in owers but to us a year is a minute so its not really a big
problem we don't even care for time so no biggy.

In the underworld we have rules that must be fallowed or the 
head masters kill you for miss obeying them.

Rule number one is, Dont let a human see you.
but how can they were invisible to them when they look at us
so thats a stupid rule.

Rule number two is , never let a human know ower society exists. 

Rule number three , Dont ever talk to a human.

Easy to fallow I guess , theres only three rules so its okay
if I brake one.
if anyone in the underworld brakes a rule you are sentence
a terrible terrible torture till the day you die , but thing is 
like I said times slow here so you'll be liveing forever seems like it .


© 2014 SheriH

Author's Note

Ima maby make this a book , should I?? Please tell me if I
should I love your veiws

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Besides the, ah, spelling errors and flow, I think it's really good! If you were to make this a book, I think you should, I would maybe only have dreamers and reapers, since all of those jobs are difficult to keep up with without constant reminders. And perhaps in the story she breaks the rules? It seems like that's what would happen, but be sure to mention how she gets to the human world and past the invisiblity problem. Do they all live in a seperate dimenion from humans? I understand the underworld part but that wasn't really mentioned, so I would add that. But it's a really great idea and altogether it's very good! Please edit and fix the spelling and flow- it's kind of distracting. Thanks!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Yeah ik alot of work needs to be done but it was just to see if anyone likes it and so far
al.. read more

10 Years Ago

No problem! Glad it's becoming a story :)


Write a book love to read it :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I will when I update the frist chapter I'll inform u so u can read it , thank u for ur review
.. read more
Besides the, ah, spelling errors and flow, I think it's really good! If you were to make this a book, I think you should, I would maybe only have dreamers and reapers, since all of those jobs are difficult to keep up with without constant reminders. And perhaps in the story she breaks the rules? It seems like that's what would happen, but be sure to mention how she gets to the human world and past the invisiblity problem. Do they all live in a seperate dimenion from humans? I understand the underworld part but that wasn't really mentioned, so I would add that. But it's a really great idea and altogether it's very good! Please edit and fix the spelling and flow- it's kind of distracting. Thanks!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Yeah ik alot of work needs to be done but it was just to see if anyone likes it and so far
al.. read more

10 Years Ago

No problem! Glad it's becoming a story :)
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hecka good sherri, thanks for messaging me about it. Lol, we're like the only writers at our school.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

lol, I can totally hear you saying that.

10 Years Ago

Lol ikr its all me , when im here at writerscafe I love it

10 Years Ago

lol. So how is yur other story coming along?
I'm thinking this is a really good premise, interesting thoughts on the society, watchers, reapers, etc, but it would probably be a good idea to go back and edit a little more just to fix some of the spelling errors and make it flow better :3 I think if you want to make it a book then go for it. Doesn't really feel finished I suppose :o


Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thanks and ik alot of errors in spelling its cuz I type to fast and yeah!! I was
thinking the.. read more
Tsukin Archangel

10 Years Ago


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4 Reviews
Added on January 2, 2014
Last Updated on January 2, 2014



Im the monster under your bed thats me right now Are you looking? more..

stay with me. stay with me.

A Poem by SheriH