Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by Jess: ~The Sidekick~


As dawn passed, Sara fell asleep, only to be awoken by blinding sunlight through the open drapes.  Squinting until her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she tried to see the time.  Suddenly it was clear, 8:00 am; she was supposed to be up half an hour ago.  Sara thought about just saying f**k it and going back to sleep.  Glancing over at a dozing Mel looking “über-comfy,” as she’d say, on the burgundy satin sheets she thought of the news about Josh.  It’s her decision, stay out of it until she asks you not to.  Sara told herself, not speaking.

            Taking her eyes off of Mel, she decided it was way past time to get out of bed.  She crept down the three steps on her side, walked to the window, and pulled the heavy, black drapes closed.  Mel could use the sleep.  Sara tiptoed her way to the master bathroom, stopping to glance back at the still sleeping beauty on the bed.  As she had hoped, Mel hadn’t stirred and looked peaceful as ever; satisfied, she strode into the bathroom and closed the door with a soft click.
            Sara paused just beyond the threshold and looked around her.  Luxurious, as it were, she thought this room seemed to unsettle the scheme of the bedroom.  With it’s shiny, black marble, double basin countertop, silver faucets and accessories, eggshell walls, and white tile floor, it was just… bland.  Granted, the black Whirlpool bath that could easily fit three or four adults comfortably, and the two person black tile shower stall were nothing short of desirable, it was bland nevertheless.  She shrugged and left the thoughts of painting to another day, walking to the sink basin, she saw her tired reflection.

“Son of a—” sighing, she turned to the shower on, she forgot about her make up, it was streaked on her light cheeks and smeared on her right forearm.  Leaning into the basin, she turned on the water and splashed the cool liquid onto her face.  Turning the water off she looked in the mirror, she was going to be very late.  “Good thing I’m the boss.”  She said aloud. 

Turning her attention to her arm, which was stinging from the water the bandage had soaked up she saw tiny red stains.  Inevitably, her cut had broken open from her tossing and turning in the night.  As she unwrapped it, she felt the scabs tug loose and the blood trickle out, it was cleansing, so she didn’t hurry to stop the bleeding.  Noticing the steam rising from the stall, Sara quickly threw the bandage away and jumped in the shower to wash her hair, face, and body before Mel woke up from the noise.

Fresh from the shower, Sara grabbed a dark blue, fuzzy towel from the rack and dried herself off, then dried her hair and wrapped it up in a smaller version of the same towel.  Walking over to brush her teeth she grabbed mousse and a shine product she didn’t know the name of, and brushed her teeth.  Sara walked out of the bathroom brushing her hair and working the products into it.  She was finished her hair and make up in ten or fifteen minutes.  Making good time, she went to get dressed.

Walking over to the dresser, she noticed the bed was empty, but she shrugged it off and figured Mel was in the kitchen making cappuccinos.  “Now to take on the dilemma of what to wear,” Sara said to no one.  She picked up the clothes from last night and tossed them into the hamper.  Looking through her drawers and closet, she decided on her blue, zebra print, fuzzy socks, automatically chose a black bra, and chose her Tripp pants with blue seams.  She got dressed fairly fast and just as she was buttoning and zipping her pants she heard an exasperated Mel from the other end of the hall.  “Damn him!”  Grabbing a shirt, she strode to the doorway and sure enough, there was Mel with fresh cappuccinos.

“Damn him, damn him!” she exclaimed.  Sara just looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“So, you gonna stand there and rant, possibly spilling those delicious jump starters, or tell me what happen while we indulge on them?” she asked sarcastically.

“Oh, you are a smartass.”

“Who?  Me?  Psh.  I couldn’t be one if I tried.”  She gave a hand gesture as if shooing the idea away.

“Mhm. Little Miss Angel, too?  Well, Miss, I must say, you’re looking quite like you’re full of s**t in that half-naked-and-all-wet outfit.”  She grinned.

Sara gasped, as if she’d been touched by a red-hot prod, “You caught me!”

“Now get your incorrigible a*s in here and talk to me, I want my caffeine!” she pulled her black tank top on, then a mesh long sleeve top over it.  Mel strode forward.

She handed Sara her coffee and they both damn near glided across the room, up the steps to the tier with the bed on it, and climbed onto the bed.

“So, Josh did what?”  Sara looked at Mel over the rim of her coffee cup.

“Oh, what didn’t that a*****e do?” she looked back.  “He left me a voicemail, after he called my house, drunk, and woke mom and her fiancé.”  She looked pissed.  “Mom said I wasn’t home, she knows how he is, and he called my cell.  Well, it went something like this:

‘Mel, it’s me.  You’re over Sara’s aren’t you?  Couldn’t wait ‘til I got home?  Hah.  Anyway, tell your little friend to keep her hands to herself.  Oh, and Mel, if you don’t do what we talked about, we’re done.’  And he hung up.”

“I’m sorry Hun… just do what feels right, okay?”  Sara looked at the sheets.

“Oh, f**k that.”  Mel pushed Sara’s chin up.  “You know damn well I’d choose you over anyone, that’s what best friends are Sara,” she paused as Sara nodded and smiled.  Not getting the results she wanted she added, “and you can put your hands anywhere you please, I’ll be damned if I stop that.”  They both laughed.

Sara glanced at the clock: 8:47.  “Oh, f**k me!”

“Okay when?”  Mel was being devious.

“And I’m incorrigible.  Heh.  Right.  But anyway, I gotta go, I’m sooo late!”

“Uh, okay, fine, don’t take my offer and leave me here all hot and bothered.”

Sara stopped, “You stay here, be all hot and bothered when I get back at 12:30.”  She winked.

“Uh-huh.”  She made it sound dirty.  Sara shook her head, slipped off the bed, and slipped into her Bam-Shoes and was out the door.

© 2008 Jess: ~The Sidekick~

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I would be utterly incapable of being best friends with someone I was in love with and watch them destroy their lives with a psycho boyfriend... not to mention I dont think I will ever trust a bisexual girl enough to date ever again. Your character is brave and strong despite her teenage flaws.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 1, 2008


Jess: ~The Sidekick~
Jess: ~The Sidekick~

Jarrettsville, MD

DISCLAIMER: Most of, if not all of, my writing was done between my sixth and twelfth grade years. I am no longer as depressed, nor am I suicidal at this point in time. Just to clarify before you decid.. more..
