We can not control what people think of us or what they see when they look at us. The secret to being happy is to be pleased with what WE see when we look in the mirror. To be happy with the way we live and the way we interact with the world. More than that we can not ask for. The rhyming in this write is absolutely charismatic, Linda. There is a rhythm that mesmerized me. The imagery is vivid. Reading your words is indeed a pleasure. Lydi**
To fulfill your own last stanza, you'd be gone, remembered as each person thought he or she knew and perceived you, but, that would be it .. neither you nor others' conceptions, a sad fade of reality, '.. will i move onward, onward be ~ what people want and people see.'
People see what they want to see, believe what their minds tell them because they judge on their own merits or failures; but, can neither live in another's skin nor bleed their living blood. However hard, it remains, ' and yet, I strive, I strive to be ~ what people want and people see.'
Understanding is minimal without an open mind, one that's free of judgements. and, even then, we are who we are, each, everyone of us. . How often do we find someone who 'seems to understand' only to find that person's very uniqueness starts and finishes at his or her own door.
An extraordinary insight into your beautiful mind.
this was soothing, subtle and smart. people only see what they want to see; its lovely in a way; to be seen with a nicer set of eyes than one covered with darkness projecting onto us...what matters most is how we see ourselves in that reflection.
Funny what is mentioned of words selection, and not understand. The form of choices. People see what they want to see, read what they want you to feel. Critiqued. As its said; none to see through mine eyes blindly, to say...
As It is stated, thusly? With poetic licence engaged. I smile.
Your words are a constant, with the crafted ebb and flow so piquant upon the palettes knife. 'I'm haunted,' by your imaged rendered lines such as "oppressed beyond my want or will;". These castings of measured meter so pressed between my admirations delight as to be painted. With no pretense, and only are. Appreciated, for the form it shapes as bidden the poetic soul... rise and be, as I've created thee to linger still
"in bouquets of chrysanthemum".
Bien fait! Bravo... I plead, as bleak blizzard raged. Outside.
My Northern window.
Poetry has been my passion since I was about fifteen years old, and I love the structure of rhyme and meter moreso than just randomly throwing words upon a page without any form whatsoever.
Whi.. more..