In the moment you needed them, they were there all along. Leaving regret, remorse, pain and all those burned bridges you stopped journeying on, to soar above it all and be what was truly meant for you.
A beautiful write, full of positivity in a world so full of pain.
Through sound, sight and your inspiring, beautiful words, this poem touches heart and mind, Linda. over many years, you've written with feelings sad and joyful, always without pause or melodrama. You're some poet, friend.. hopefully always will be. Your aim for the stars and their reflection really does fly to that outer plane.. to infinity and more. Beautiful!
I adored the poetry and the beautiful photo.
"I lost remorse, regret, and pain,
the tangled vines that none could see,
and planted seeds to bloom again.
I unearthed wings inside of me."
The above lines dear Linda. I could write a epic tale from. Remorse, regret and pain. We will give and we shall know. Thank you dear friend for sharing the outstanding poetry.
Now, of this day, my opened eyes,
they stare off towards your poetry
For in my mind, your echo sighs,
I unearthed wings inside of me
Melodically beautiful...the lilting melody of this piece is almost hypnotic. This was truly a joy to read this morning. Your words float effortlessly across the page.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
As ever, thank you so much. This one was a challenge, due to being so exhausted from our serpentine.. read moreAs ever, thank you so much. This one was a challenge, due to being so exhausted from our serpentine verse challenge; but I was pleased when finished.
Excellent imagery and rhyming in these quatrains, each of which ends with the line, "I unearthed wings inside of me." The first two lines of verse two are the poem's pivotal point, for here the speaker acknowledges surrendering to what is. After that surrender of ego power, the mystic wings are unearthed, and the Universe takes charge. The rest of the story is redemption and growth. Well done.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Thank you, John. I always appreciate your reviews and the insight gleaned.
Poetry has been my passion since I was about fifteen years old, and I love the structure of rhyme and meter moreso than just randomly throwing words upon a page without any form whatsoever.
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