Never Forget And Yet

Never Forget And Yet

A Poem by Linda Marie Van Tassell

United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs. ~ Patrick Henry


Five minutes in and we are united
holding hands as though a nation of one,
arm-in-arm against the uninvited
in a show of strength against man and gun.

Like pillars of strength, we stand defiant
on the steps of suspicion and mistrust.
Deep wounds afflicted the rising giant.
The mighty have fallen, melted to dust.

A whispering wind, a desolate face,
lips tightly drawn as a violin’s bow,
absence of emotion, self-restrained grace,
and blue eyes hiding what they cannot show.

The pet goat parted from the burning bush
as September spires were raging with flame.
Birds fell from the sky with a zealous push
by the nameless who claimed another’s name.

The unwinged bodies, the down-turned in flight,
the broken bones on a grave slab of stone,
are one-way tickets, the right of the might,
the fluttering leaves of pathos alone.

The fire, the smoke, the ambient motion
sparks the defenses, demands reprisal.
The shocking blow, the turbulent notion
shakes the senses to one of survival.

With the passage of time, the winds disburse.
Heightened emotions are tempered with peace.
Assuaged by justice and the strike in reverse,
there is comfort in the armor’s release.

So we profess and promise to remain
united as one against any threat,
to rise above the petty and profane,
to stay strong and never forget; and yet …

© 2019 Linda Marie Van Tassell

Author's Note

Linda Marie Van Tassell
"A house divided cannot stand." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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This the "conflict" of both mind and man leaves me in a whirlwind define... of taking positions of another's mind whether pon the battlefield or the field of conscious choice in the positions adopted. It seems in both arenas too few meet these positions via critical thought becoming experts but novices and pawns on a chessboard battlefield to be sacrifice for a square of unheld grounds. wonderful poem in all the ways of a poem

Posted 5 Years Ago

' .. rise above the petty and profane, - to stay strong and never forget; and yet … ' AND YET.. and yet it happens: . we need unite each, every day. surely.

You've spread your past and left it loud but kindly visual.. as example, as reminder.. and as a Brit with not dissimilar historic past.. know how humane your words mean. Peace ripples outwards when people remain aware of the flow of that strongest of all needs to this planet. Surely?

As ever and always your writing is academically brilliant. meter perfect, phrasing carefully but subtly put... BUT most of all. Linda Marie, is the way in which your heart combines with achieved awareness and speaks out to everyone who reads such poetry. That's where and how you place your gentle power.. As far as I'm concerned, it's not when tragedies occur that we should unite but EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Posted 5 Years Ago

We should be looking for what unites us rather than what divides us. There is much we have in common that we should celebrate. Sadly that is not how it works. You carry a strong message here, conveyed in your usual beautiful poetic style. Wonderful imagery and great flow and rhyme. Well done Linda.


Posted 5 Years Ago

Your poetic voice is strong here and the message is very motivating. Like Margie, I too appreciate your skillful rhyming that just enhances the message in the poem. Let's stay strong and united in the face of any adversity always. Beautifully written.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Linda Marie Van Tassell

5 Years Ago

Thank you, Divya. Always.

5 Years Ago

You are welcome always, Linda.
And yet, here we are, making more of the differences between us and wrapping them in walls and chains, rather than learning from our past that differences are the most unique thing about us, and they blend the best of both worlds when put to good use. Labels and boxes wont protect us and drive us towards new goals and achievements, but unity will.
It seems one half fight and the other half call for an end to conflict. Perhaps that is what human nature has become, but i hope not.
A wonderful and thought provoking write, that is both inspiring and a warning of what will come if we dont change our path.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Linda Marie Van Tassell

5 Years Ago

Thank you, Lorry. I appreciate your thoughts.
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I admire you for your passionate caring about many topics, which you translate into amazingly well-crafted & strongly-expressed sentiments. As a rhymer myself, I have the utmost admiration at how you sustain a fairly complex rhyme pattern thru a longer poem, yet never taking your eye off what you want to say, never compromising a line to catch a rhyme. I would venture to say that ANY big act of violence, whether 9/11 tragedies or other mass shootings . . . if we only get our dander up after a deadly event, then to me, the chances of sustaining unity will always fade. We need to come together for things other than violence & attack, in my humble opinion. Great way to make a statement about this (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 5 Years Ago

Linda Marie Van Tassell

5 Years Ago

Thank you, Margie; and I totally agree. No good end comes from knee-jerk reactions in moments of em.. read more
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The most vivid verse for me ---

The unwinged bodies, the down-turned in flight,
the broken bones on a grave slab of stone,
are one-way tickets, the right of the might,
the fluttering leaves of pathos alone.

The memory of seeing people jump from those buildings and choosing to die by jumping
rather than by fire is something I'll never forget.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Linda Marie Van Tassell

5 Years Ago

Yes, thank you.
Hemingway once said, “All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” That’s what you’ve done here, Linda, though more than “one.”

The “and yet” ending could be a refrain if this were a song. It echoes in the mind, almost like the “for better or worse” part of traditional wedding vows.

The religious references make this poem even deeper and more complex. We’re a nation founded on Anglo-Saxon beliefs, early American Christianity, and we struggle to uphold those principles (much like our ancestors). Perhaps the only difference between then and now is today’s absence of civility. At least back then, we had the courage to face each other in a life or death duel (e.g., Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton)—but then Twitter wasn’t an option.

I love the artwork here, too. She reminds me of the blind-folded Lady Justice, though darker and abstract, perhaps blurred with the sands of time.

This is more than a good poem. This is American history, past and present in the fewest, best chosen words.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Linda Marie Van Tassell

5 Years Ago

Thank you. I almost feel like I need to add some explanations for this one (i.e., "The pet goat par.. read more
R.E. Ray

5 Years Ago

I remember well that day. In fact, it shaped the next 15 years of my career. My children, now 23 and.. read more
Linda Marie Van Tassell

5 Years Ago

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I didn't mean that I would rewrite the poem. Just perhaps adding a fe.. read more
i think we are strongest in peace...shedding the armor and allowing for love to keep us together....stronger than any army of soldiers carrying weapons of hate and destruction.
and poets? is the pen mightier than the sword? i believe it is.
and i believe our words allow us to hold hands in verse.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Linda Marie Van Tassell

5 Years Ago

Thank you, Jacob.

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11 Reviews
Added on November 6, 2019
Last Updated on November 8, 2019
Tags: Never Forget And Yet, Linda Marie Van Tassell, Division, Politics, Hatred, STUPID


Linda Marie Van Tassell
Linda Marie Van Tassell


Poetry has been my passion since I was about fifteen years old, and I love the structure of rhyme and meter moreso than just randomly throwing words upon a page without any form whatsoever. Whi.. more..


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