I love the whole flow throughout this poem! IT makes readers forgot all the things around and just deeply absorb by your poem! Amazing job! Also, I love the ending most! Its just so simple, so beautiful! The imagery is great as well!
powerful and strong, amazing job!
This poem works so well. It's rhythm is really fluent, and the words just fit together so perfectly. This is great work. 'What has my life become, but an ongoing search for a rainbows end, dreams without schemes, plans with little chance' - I love this verse. I think many people can relate to this in one point of their lives or another. I know I can. Beautiful poetry :) well done.
And we sometimes have to follow the hand that guides, too much do we fear following the heart/intuition more than the mind! To experience this, is to know other realms await to assist us!
There is an overwhelming sadness that washed over me like waves... relating too well to that rainbows search... And yet, those last lines breathe out like a fire... life being renewed by an angel... floating... Heart so still in that thought.
How beautiful and sync with my thought pattern this night! Wonderful flow and meter. The title drew me in....the words blew me away:) I feel as though I have been chasing those rainbows for eons and I am sooooo tired. Wonderful write!
Linear...what an ironic name for someone who is not so linear ~ and i mean that as a compliment - your writing has a style of grasping things that can not be touched only felt - emotions and imagery jump out of the page.
Dont worry if the sparrow chirps today,
Tomorrow the Nightingale shall sing
Judge me if you will, not on the words of another who may have their own agenda, but as YOU find me, as YOU .. more..