Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty

A Chapter by SybilMelton



The day before the trip, I made plans to meet Ari for lunch. We met at the Riverside Inn, for a couple of reasons. No other Peacekeepers ever ate there and Darnell, the barkeep, kept me in the loop on what went on in the city. I arrived much earlier than Ari. The lunch rush had not started yet.

Darnell smoked a cigar. The smell always reminded me of my father. When I was a toddler, he had read to me in the den as he smoked. I would curl up in his lap; with one arm, he had held the book and me. The secure feeling only lasted until my mother walked in, upset that he was filling my head with stories. Back then, my favorite had been Cinderella, which was before I became her.

"So, what's new?" I asked Darnell as he brought me some tea. "You look stressed."

"My wife works at Fairacres now. Housekeeping."

"Do they treat her badly?"

"No. I don't like her being so close to the Paynes."

"Maybe all the stories about how he treats his family isn't true."

"Oh, it is true all right. She witnessed as he threatened to beat a little boy for running in the house and bumping into his wheelchair. Luckily, the boy's father was close by and stepped in. It is crazy, how scared everyone is of that man."

"Has she heard anything else?" 

"Nothing you don't already know. He complains about construction constantly. Some plan is not going as well as he planned."

"Nothing else going on that I need to be aware of? Or anything I can help with?"

"No, I think those kids had the fear of God put in them. I don't think they'll start up a distillery again if that is what you're asking."

"Not that specifically, but it is great to hear."

He walked to the other end of the bar and wiped glasses stacked there. Suddenly arms wrapped me up. I held my breath.

"Don't move," a voice whispered in my ear.

I relaxed and playfully threw an elbow back. "Why would you do that?"

Ari let go and slid onto the stool next to me. "You really drop your guard in here. I didn't think I could sneak up on you." He snickered.

"Well, it wasn't funny."

"I still don't understand why we had to meet here."

"Then you're not taking the threats seriously. It is better for now that we aren't seen together."

"Yes, I am. I entered through the Inn because someone is watching the restaurant door. But you do realize that all of the people here see us."

"Darnell," I said loudly. He strolled over to us. "If someone comes in here asking about me, what would you say?"

"I don't know anyone named Lily Andrews."

"What if they show you a picture?"

"Yeah, you come in here for lunch occasionally, but you don't talk to anyone. You order the same thing every time, eat, and leave," he answered.

"I've never met anyone here?"

"Nope. You're always alone."

"Thanks, Darnell." I turned my head to Ari. "Satisfied?"

Ari huffed. "Let's grab a table."

We chose the table farthest from the door. I took the chair next to the wall. Ari scooted his chair close to mine. I loved the way he smelled, a mixture of soap and cologne. He interlocked his fingers with mine, kissed my hand.

"I missed you," he said.

"You just saw me the other day."

He leaned toward me. "Are you saying you didn't miss me?"

"No, I'm not saying that at all." My heart was racing. When did I get so nervous around him?

"What are we going to do about this dilemma?"

"Beats me. So far, I have come up with nothing, besides leaving. But that's not an option."

"Why not?"

"I can't leave knowing Fran and kids will be safe. She cannot leave without a place to go or a way to feed twelve children. Then there is Kira. She can't just pack up and leave with Kevin in Philadelphia."

"Quit the Peacekeepers."

"And do what?"

"You could be accepted into the University. You're smart enough."

"You do remember the people who are after me run that place."

"We need to expose the lies. Tell the people the truth about the world."

"No one is going to believe me, just like you didn't at first. I have no proof to offer."

"From what I gather, your word is pretty powerful. I'll come up with something. I will not quit until I do."

I sighed, putting my elbow on the table and propping my head on my hand. His eyes sparkled in the low light. My stomach turned jittery when he looked at me like that.

"You're hopelessly optimistic."

"One of us has to be."

I tried to suppress the smile forming on my face, but to no avail.

He reached his free hand up and stroked my cheek. "It is nice to see you smile."

I found my face moved closer to his. "When do you leave again?"

"Day after tomorrow. Tomorrow I am meeting Blake and his soccer team. I convinced some of the winter league to play a game with them."

"Aww. I wish I could watch."

"You can."

"No, it is better if we're not seen in the same location. Even if we don't talk to each other."

"Yeah, you're right. I don't think I can keep my eyes off you."

Blood rushed to my face. His nose almost touched mine.  I bit my bottom lip.

At the corner of my eyes, plates of food scraped across the table. We both straightened up in our seats.

"Sorry," the server squeaked. He bowed slightly to us and hurried back to the kitchen.

"Perfect timing," Ari mumbled. "Well, I'm starving."

"I didn't think to ask what you wanted. I always order the same thing."

"This is perfect."

He dug into his plate of chicken and dumplings. My stomach still swarmed with butterflies but I forced a few bites.

A loud beeping came from Ari's pants. He pulled out his phone. He breathed a sigh of disgust. "Shoot. I thought I'd have more time."

"What's wrong?"

"Marcus, Nicolas, and I need to attend the next field training briefing. They were meeting up with some girls, so I thought they'd take longer."

My heart sunk. I thought we had more time too.

"Can I get the check?" Ari called to the server as we rose to our feet.

"On the house," the server responded.

"They always say that, but I always leave it on the table anyway," I said.

Ari pulled out some cash and placed it on the table.

"You didn't finish your food," Ari said.

"I'll come back down and finish after you leave," I replied.


I slipped my hand into his and followed him to the door which led upstairs. He held it open for me. When we got to the top, he took my hand off the doorknob.

I turned to him. "What..."

Before I could finish, he pinned me up against the wall and kissed me. My heart leaped. I brought my left arm up around his neck. He kissed me like a ravenous beast, unsure of when its next meal would be.  His hands moved down to the bottom of my shirt and slowly they came back up underneath. His hands were rough against my smooth skin but his touch sent electric pulses through my body.

Muffled voices emanated from behind the door. They got closer. Ari pulled away and glared at the door. His phone beeped again.

"I wish we had more time," he said sadly. "I'll try to sneak away to come see you."

I rested a hand on his chest. "Don't take any unnecessary risks."

"You will never be an unnecessary risk."

A smile crept up but I did not try to hide it that time.

"Good. I made you smile again." He pressed his lips against mine once more before opening the door. He turned back briefly.

"Be safe," I said.

"You too."

He shut the door. I stared at the ceiling with my head against the wall. My skin tingled where his fingers had been.  What was I getting myself into? What was I getting him into?

Gradually, I made my way back to the restaurant. I stared at my plate and picked at the food some more. The rest of the lunch patrons left. I was the only one left when Darnell came over and sat down.

"You two make a cute couple," he stated.

The tips of my ears burned. I opened my mouth to say something, but no words escaped.

"Ah, the sweetness of young love. I remember when it was like that with my wife. Back then, we did not have the same worries we have now. Are you done?"

I nudged the plate away. "Yeah."

He grabbed the plate and pushed the chair back. "Things have a funny way of working themselves out."

"I hope so."

I felt numb as I left and headed back to the cargo office. Was Darnell was right in his observation? Was I falling in love with Ari? Brent's threat was ever present in my mind. The more time we spent together, the greater the chance he would find out. One thought loomed over the rest. Should I just break it off before it escalated?

© 2016 SybilMelton

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Added on June 7, 2016
Last Updated on November 1, 2016



Chesapeake, VA

I have just started writing, but I have loved reading since I learned how. I hope to find and connect with people with similar interests and need similar help. I am looking for constructive criticis.. more..

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A Chapter by SybilMelton

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A Chapter by SybilMelton