Dream (February 13th 2009)

Dream (February 13th 2009)

A Story by De'Anna

i have very odd dreams and i like to write them down and see what people think of them. so here goes.


Note: i have very weird dreams, i like to write them down and see what people think of them.


Night of February 13th.

i believe it started as my friend and i; her name is Susan. We were at an amuzment park/zoo looking place. it looked like a savana with the tall dead grass and dry land. we were basically taking a tour of the place on this little car thing and we came to this part where we had to shot bullets into a hole to win prizes. at first we just had pistols and barely got any money (money was the prize). so we lost and then we tried again, but this time we had a machine gun and got every hole and won like 10 million dollars it was great.

Then it switched to where we were in tall grass and we were escaping the cops. we couldn'nt be seen by them or the game would be over. so we finally got out of the tall grass and ran away.

Then i remember i was in a big cafeteria with bathrooms on bothsides; they were closed but not realy, hard to explain. it was dark and no one was supposed to be in there and so i went into one the stalls. there was somone in the stall behind me...it was weird. he came out, apoligized and left me. then it was daylight and my best friend; katie was in front of me, talking to me. i closed the curtain so i could go to the bathroom already.

My dream switched to me driving a truck down a snowy road and i saw a train coming. i moved off the train tracks i was on and back to the road. everything was snow covered. I watched the train go by and then turned the corner after it was gone. Finally the road started to narrow and i was forced to go on the railroad tracks. another train was coming and i got out of the way just in time into my cousins driveway (he lives on a farm) i sighed in releif, the adrenaline was finally going away. i got out at the train station, it was more like a train grave yard and then my dream switched again.

i was at Chariho Middle School Auditorium (chariho is my school, i'm in the high school.) and the auditorium has a stage and then rows of seats. I was backstage getting ready for the show that we were supposed to put on. I had a wire attatched to me and it helped me get up to the light fixtures for part of my act. SO finally the curtain pulled up; me and my friend; lindsay were up on the lights doing ballarina moves as we hung from the lights by chains, it was odd. and then we slowly got down and i woke up for a moment, but i thought i was at my moms house instaead of my dads house. i fell back asleep and was back at the show. I now had my flute and was doing a solo; i was supposed to be playing a song; a triplet with two other flute players; i coulnd't quite remember my part. so finally the other two came on the stage (we were playing for the band members, all of us in the show were also part of the band). and we started to play the song, i went over to my band master and told him i needed the music so he got a stand for me and put the music on it and then we played the triplet perfectly; everyone clapped and i saw both of my crushes staring at me; it crept me out a bit. Finally all the arcobatics were done and the show was done; everyone clapped and i suddenly had to leave.

i woke up.

yup, i'm not normal at all XD lol. and what is funny i have allergies and such and i tried taking singular which can cause very odd dreams and depression. i tried taking that and i started to have normal dreams, it freaked me out so i stopped taking that and went back to Zyrtex, lol. i love my life :D

© 2009 De'Anna

Author's Note

ignore the grammar stuff, it was just a quick type. i know i have odd dreams, lol.

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I've got a friend who [use to] write out her dreams and analyze them [she's just gotten kinda busy.]. Check out dreammoods.com or something similar to that. Check out what you're dreams are telling you. I think that would be cool to find out especially since your dreams have so much in them and they are so random...

up to you of course. =]


Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I've got a friend who [use to] write out her dreams and analyze them [she's just gotten kinda busy.]. Check out dreammoods.com or something similar to that. Check out what you're dreams are telling you. I think that would be cool to find out especially since your dreams have so much in them and they are so random...

up to you of course. =]


Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on February 14, 2009



Hopless Valley, RI

Hey, My name is De'Anna. You can just call me De, or Kyla. Kyla is my name i use often in my stories and around the internet. I'm 16 and living in Rhode Island. I'm a junior at Chariho High School and.. more..

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