

A Story by Steph Morgan

Felicia stands on the dock, remembering a time in the past as the present presses on.


“It’s so pretty.” She breathes, eyes wide as she gazes at the beautiful white cape sitting in the store window. It looks soft and she just knows it has to be made of silk, with lace trim. She imagines it sliding gently against her cheek  and she shivers slightly, closing her eyes and smiling.

The thin fabric rests gently around her shoulders, one pale hand clasped around the silky material at her chest. The wind blows, brushing it against her bare arms lightly and she shivers.

“Do you want it?” He asks, looking at her. She sees him smiling, and she can’t help but grin herself.

“Yes, I suppose I do.” She replies, almost wistfully. “But that’s alright. I don’t need it, and our money would be better spent elsewhere.” She tugs lightly at his arm and they begin to walk away.

The trees sing as the wind picks up, blowing so forcefully she grabs her hat with her free hand to keep it on her head. She squints into the wind, her eyes watering, and when the sudden gust is over, she straightens her hat and once again casts her glance back out over the ocean. The waves crash against the dock, spraying her with salty air, but she just stands still, the colors of the sunset painting her face with a glow of oranges and reds.

They are halfway down the sidewalk when he comes to a stop. She blinks, looking up at him. “George? What is it?”

He holds up one finger, telling her to wait just a moment, and takes off at a sprint back the way they’d come. She stares after him, confused, as he turns into a shop. She can’t tell which one. He returns a few moments later, carrying a small bag. He jogs back to her, smiling brilliantly, and hands her the bag.

“George, what is this?” She asks with a small laugh.

“For you, Felicia. Because you deserve it.” He says, kissing her cheek sweetly.

Her eyes scan the horizon for the thousandth time, searching for just a hint of a white sail. But it doesn't appear over that line, not this time. Just like every other time she’s checked.

She opens the bag and gasps, more surprised than she maybe should have been. She reaches one delicate hand inside and pulls out a long, soft piece of silky white fabric. Her face lights up, running her fingers over the silky waves.

“George,” She says in that same breathless tone of wonder. “George!”

She knows there’s no point hoping anymore. It’s been far too long, and everyone else has already accepted what she refuses to. But deep down, she can’t kill that one last little light of hope, that last little shard of strength that keeps her going.

She needs to hope, because she refuses to cope with the truth.

“You bought the cape?” She says, holding it in the air as the breeze sends ripples down it’s length. “But George, we can’t afford this!”

He just smiles at her and chuckles a little. “We’ll make it work.” He replies. “Besides, I think it’ll look absolutely beautiful on you.”


She turns at the sound of the familiar voice, seeing her sister standing on the opposite side of the dock, holding her jacket closely around her. She smiles brightly for her. “Hi, Lonnie.” She greets.

“How long have you been out here, Felicia?” Lonnie asks quietly.

He takes the cape from her and gently tosses it around her shoulders, letting it fall and wrap around her perfectly.

She shrugs. “I don’t know. An hour, maybe two. I forget.” She replies.

She grasps it, revealing in the wonderful touch of the silky fabric in her fingers. She presses her lips softly against his, pulling back after  just a moment to smile at him. "Thank you." she whispers. "You deserve it." George says.

       "Felicia, why don't you come inside?" Lonnie offers. "Tony and I are having spaghetti tonight. Come join us."

       And now he's on a boat, and she's standing on that dock. She clutches her cape tightly as he smiles reassuringly.

     "Don't worry, Felicia." He says in that same calm voice. "I'll be back before you know it. Wait for me, alright? I love you." She simply nods, believing him. "I will, I promise. I love you too, George."

      And now she nods to her sister's invitation, walking off the dock towards Lonnie. But she can't help one last glance over her shoulder, one last scan of the horizon that has darkened with the fall of night. Still, there is no ship. And yet still she waits.

      'I'm waiting for you, George. Always.'

© 2014 Steph Morgan

Author's Note

Steph Morgan
This was just an experiment at trying a different style of writing. I wanted to blend the story of the past with the story of the present. I don't know if it was a success or not, honestly.

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Added on April 11, 2014
Last Updated on April 11, 2014
Tags: Attempt at a different style, sad, thinking of the past


Steph Morgan
Steph Morgan

Aberdeen, SD

20 year old college student. I write whatever comes to me and I love it. more..

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