Many of us are suffering..I am as well..I Hope and Pray that
things get better for all of us..I really do NOT care much for
money..But it sure does talk..The Almighty Dollar..I Truly Believe that
something is going to happen..It is already happening..Not to sound like
a crazy.but I feel that some sort of Divine Intervention and or
Spiritual Awakening is Destined to happen..The World is really getting
worse..There is still a lot of Good..I just really hope that people WAKE
UP..and something happens to help us to change our ways before it is
too late..Ever since 911 I have felt something different about the
World..I hope that our government can work together along with it's
people and that we DO NOT Crumble like The Roman Empire did...But I
think way too much..God Bless Us All..