Avery stared into the distance, the frangrance of roses and comsos flowers filled her nose with calming aromas, gently picking one up, she smiled, singing a simple song: "Gently, softly, the sky cries its tears. Hold onto what little hope and love you my dear, fall into clouds of reason, close your eyes, and count the sheep," She stood up, patting down her silky white dress. She rubbed her hands on the house's walls, feeling the marble rub against her pale skin, hearing waves in the distance, a calming sensation came over her as she breathed the freshwater in along with the flowers. Closing her pale, hazel eyes, Avery smiled innocently, giving a michevious giggle, this young child, Avery, was encircled by mystery and happiness, but gave off a melancholy chill. Avery was unlike any other girl, her skin was a snowy glow, her hair was silvery/blonde, pale, cold, vacant, ,dead hazel eyes filled with endless glee. As if she could feel no sorrow, pain, or regret. As if the choice was her's. Dead eyes was part of the deal of where her fate was now...