It all started when my Pax a little portable vape went missing from under my bed. the first person to suspect is my mom considering her never ending crusade to stop me from smoking weed. the thing is she has no idea the Pax is a smoking device and the day I almost caught a felony I finally asked her if she took it and she says that she breaks all my smoking utensils but I could tell when i showered her a picture of the Pax she had no clue. she was so mad that i almost caught a felony and that i disrespected some people that are kinda involved in our lives. she wanted to put an end to my questioning so bad that she lied. This in itself was to me a betrayal by my family. that day they all could see my sureness and put it down so f*****g quick. the thing is that it might have been just the devil or it could have been my soul, the devil, and Hades, or God who the f**k knows. the only person to suspect was my sister's boyfriend let's call him Michelle if you catch my drift. one early saturday morning that kid was at my house i had just started to wake up and i hear one of my sisters ask him what's in his socks and he replies with that he likes thick socks or something like that. a little later that morning Michelle walks in my room and claps both and my brother up something he never does. he walked in there just to do that. At the moment I just thought he was being his fake friendly self. Fake friendly= chat a person up but talk about them behind their back. I didn't realize the Pax was gone for like two days. I love me some old fashion smoke. after that i start ignoring this kid completely infront of everyone in my house. i can see it in his face that he's sacred of what i'd do to him. One day he walked in my house and as soon as that happened i walked out of my house he looks over his shoulder as i walk out. i walk walk and im a couple houses down the block and i see him check to see if i'm messing with his car. a few days after that i text him and ask if if he's seen this device with a picture of the Pax. he asks me who's texting him. I don't reply. a week or two after that i slash one of his tires. a couple days after that i slash another tire of his. then a week after that i slash three of his tires and his brother's tire. so in total it was like eight or seven tires slashed by me. a week after all that two detectives show up to my house and ask for me. they said that i racked up felony amount of charge and say that nothing will happen with an apology and and a confession. i admit to them that i did it and sign a paper. this is when it gets interesting. in my living room the two detectives begin to be possessed. I was told a lot this day by spirits. I talked to God that day. he told me I'm Death. they kept telling me this and I ask who was Death before me and they answered there has never been a Death. He said i have more power than him. this was a bit stupid. at one point the devil was inside one detective and God in the other. their main mission was to f**k up my life. i hit God in the face that day. he tells me i deserve everything that's happening to me. I told that guy i was gonna kill him. again the thing where they tell me future events that don't happen or that happen in some dimension that im not aware of happened again. I think I killed the devil after he tried to take my mom's soul. the thing is that my soul could have killed the devil a long time ago but let him be inside me all of f*****g high school and i didn't even know. my soul is so f*****g evil. all the spiritual crap tell one that these are things you get over with purifing yourself. my soul is the one who tells me these lies into the future and knows all these things about me. the night i saw him he told me he's not gonna let me get my girl and i hit him in the jaw. I f*****g want to kill my f*****g soul and take his powers. i've begged this guy to just stop bothering me and let me live my life and all he does is f*****g mess with me. he's done everthing in the f*****g book to make me look crazy. at the end of summer i was having memories and my mind was telling me to kill myself. i know it's him f*****g with my head. I'm making a lot progress meditating but the rage inside me increases by the f*****g day. I can't get a f*****g response from the girl i want. it's not like it's some girl i look at from the distance. this girl and i almost got together last year but some pride and shyness got in the way. this girl has liked me since high school. there are some evil forces behind this i just know it. my soul told me that i'm in a dimension where to leave i need to get that girl or kill and do my job. just be aware that i know this sounds crazy but this is the daily struggle in my head. i think i'm becoming telepathic. I'm being led to beleive that this girl and i are twin flames. i have convos in my mind and i don't know if it's my soul f*****g with me or not. my spirit guides can all go and suck my dick. they are all useless entities that think subtle hints of i dont know what the f**k are helping me. they are totally not gonna like what i'm gonna become when all this is said and done.