![]() Chapter 32.A Chapter by lilfeather![]() Conner is home...32![]()
"Thank God you guys are okay," Michal breathed a sigh of relief as his family came through the front door. "You've been gone for such a long time, I didn't know what to do."
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Judy apologized. "Things took a long time at the police station, to get everything settled." Michal nodded as they walked towards the family room. He studied Conner, who seemed okay. It was hard to tell because he was always really quiet, and stiff, and kind of in another world. "So is everyone okay?" "We're all in one piece," Jason replied, "if that's what you mean." "What'd they do? To Kevin?" "They have multiple charges against him, apparently," Judy explained as she sat down on the couch tiredly. "I hope that we'll never have to hear that name again" "How are you holding up, Conner?" Michal asked, patting him on the shoulder. Conner pulled away from him and abruptly left the room. Michal frowned at Judy and Jason. "Is he okay?" "I'd imagine just a bit traumatized," Judy said gently. "This was quite a day for him." "There's a lot he's not saying," Jason began. "Somehow we need to convince him to give the cops his statement. Because he's the biggest part of the report, and this man has got to get locked away." "I know, honey" Judy began. "You can't force him to do anything, but I imagine he'll also see how important it is that he explains everything." "He thinks everything you ignore goes away," Jason objected. "And it only makes it worse." Judy sighed. "Sweetheart, I know, but I think Conner just needs a little time to himself and then talking to him might be easier." Jason shrugged. "Probably." "I really can't believe I mean, today is just" Michal gave her a sympathetic look. "I think we're all a little bit traumatized."-- Night time came quickly. Conner lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, his heart pounding. He spent most of the ending day in his room, just thinking and kind of worrying. The previous night and morning wouldn't leave his mind. It haunted him. His back throbbed as though it had just been minutes ago that Kevin had hit him. Every time he closed his eyes, he got a suspicious feeling in his body that crept over him like a fog. Immediately he'd open his eyes, pulse a little faster, and glance towards the window. It was windy outside. It was supposed to rain but it hadn't started yet. He sighed, sitting up a little bit against the pillow. Sleeping didn't seem to be a possibility. In fact he was having trouble keeping his eyes closed for more than a few minutes. A tap on the window startled him and he sat up, staring at the window. It was dark outside, and dark in the room, and he couldn't see anything. But there was something there. He could tell. He was about to reach over and turn on the light on the night table beside him and then froze. If he turned on the light Then whoever was outside would be able to see the light and know that he was in there. He pushed back the covers on his bed and slowly swung his legs to the side, sliding out of bed. He crept towards the window slowly, taking even, big breaths to try to calm himself. When he reached the window, he pulled the shade slightly aside and glanced out quickly. That was when he noticed the ladder. It was still balanced up against his window. He didn't even have to look twice. He swiftly reached up to lock the window before pulling back the shade in panic, hoping no one had seen him. Then he rushed towards the door of the room, locking it as well before running out to the hall. Moments later he stood in Jason's room, standing at the edge of the bed, debating whether or not to wake him. Jason was sound asleep, blanket pulled up to his chin, breathing softly. Conner hesitated for minute and then said softly, "Jason." He leaned over and shook his shoulder. Jason awoke, startled, which in turn startled Conner, who took a step back from the bed. With narrowed eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness, Jason said groggily, "Conner What do you need" "There is something" Conner began urgently. "At my window." "Something?" Jason echoed. "Someone," Conner explained. Jason rubbed his hands over his face tiredly. "Conner" "There is." Jason yawned and studied the kid standing beside his bed. Today had been a really terrible day, and he had been so happy to finally get to bed and just collapse. For the first time in what seemed like forever, he had fallen asleep just moments after his head hit the pillow. And now he was awake again. He kept himself calm. He was barely awake, how could he not be calm? Besides, nightmares were understandable. He'd be really terrible to get upset over losing sleep because of kid's nightmares. "Conner" he started. "I mean it," Conner insisted. "Conner, you had a bad dream. Go to bed." Jack shook his head. "Jason, there is someone outside my window. I heard them." "It was only a dream." Conner sighed and glanced towards the door. "No. I haven't slept yet. So you can't dream when you're awake." He looked at Jason again. "And I can't sleep yet. Because somebody is out there." "Conner. No one is out there." "How do you know?" Conner insisted. "You didn't know last time. I bet if I told you last time you'd've thought I was lyin' then too." "Conner, that's not true." Jason sat up. "I don't lie," Conner said softly. "If you did lie, and you said that, how would I know it was true?" Jason joked unenthusiastically. Conner just stared at him. "Okay, come on." Jason moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "I understand you're scared about what happened today. That's completely understandable." "Im not scared," Conner said. "Now I do think you're lying." "I'm not," Conner persisted. "Why won't you believe me? There's a ladder at my window." Jason cursed under his breath. "I meant to take that down. I meant to last night, Conner. Want me to take it down now?" "Don't go outside," Conner warned him. "Conner" Jason rolled his eyes. "Can I sleep with you?" Jason looked at him in surprise and frowned. "Are you kidding me?" Conner looked away, back at the door. He realized that Jason probably thought that he was being a big baby. And that coming to his room had probably been a really bad idea. He didn't even believe him. "First. I can go outside right now and prove to you no one's there," Jason began, "if you want." "I heard it at my window" Conner said softly. "I'm not making it up." "I know you're not. It's just that I know when I think about something, everything seems to be about that something. And it's possible to think you hear things that aren't there." Conner didn't believe him. He just stood there, and stared at the floor. "Conner, you know I don't like it when you just ignore everything," Jason said. "If you woke me up, we're at least gonna talk. That's fair." Conner was quiet. Then he asked, "Are the doors locked?" Jason nodded. "Yeah. They're all locked." "Can I sleep here?" Conner asked again. "Fine" Jason sighed. "Of course." A look of relief flashed over Conner's face. He figured he should at least be happy that Conner was trusting him. That alone had been a gradual improvement over the past week, and he might as well continue to try to have his trust. He got back into bed and pushed himself over to the other side. Lifting up the blanket, he gave Conner a look. "Come on." Conner climbed into the bed gratefully and Bobby dropped the blankets over him. "Can you do me a favor?" Jason asked softly. "What?" "Tomorrow you're going to write down exactly what happened" "What happened?" "Last night. And today. You're going to write everything down. You don't have to talk to, or see, anybody, and then I can just give it to the cops so that they can have your statement and they can put him away. Okay?" Conner hesitated. "Why?" "Conner, don't you want to make sure he gets prosecuted?" "What do you mean? He'll do what he wants." "Not necessarily. Just tell me. Did he do anything to you?" Conner paused. He didn't realize that sleeping here would come with so many questions. He was hoping to just get the satisfaction of having somebody else in the room with him just in case anything happened. Jason had protected him today. "No." "He didn't touch you?" Conner shrugged uncomfortably. "I don't know." "I don't know? Does that mean yes?" "I dont remember." "Conner" Bobby persisted. "There's no reason for you to hide it." "I don't remember." Jason was tired. He wanted to press the issue but he realized that now was not really the time or the place to do it. Conner hadn't come to him to have a huge conversation and it would probably be better not to try to force him into one. He was serious about the statement though, and knew that tomorrow would have to be focused on getting Conner to do that. "Last week," Conner pointed out, "you promised no one would hurt me. So how could they, right?" Jason turned his head to look at Conner. Conner rolled onto his side, turning his back to him. Jason realized he'd walked right into that one. But to be honest, he never expected for that promise to be broken. Who would have predicted the previous night? Jason didn't say anything. He couldn't think of anything to say. He just moved to throw an arm across Conner and pull him closer, against his chest. Conner didn't pull away. In the morning, Jason woke up early and left Conner in bed, finding Judy in the kitchen as usual, eating some cereal with a cup of coffee and the morning paper. "Am I going to leave for work today without anything disastrous happening?" she asked as he sat down across from her. "God, I hope so. I don't know what's been more unlucky. Me coming home or you leaving for work" She laughed. "Let's hope it's something else. Some alignment of the stars or something like that." "I don't know. Ever since the new project" "Jason," she scolded. "Dont say it." "He's a tough one. That's all I'm saying!" Jason laughed, pushing his chair back and getting up again. "Bacon and eggs. That's all I've been thinking about for the past hour since I woke up and didn't want to get out of bed yet." "You've been getting up so early, Jason." "I know." He walked over to the fridge. "Do we even have bacon?" "And going to bed so late." "I know." He opened the fridge door and peered in, searching. She eyed him carefully. "You know trouble sleeping isn't something to take lightly. That's your health we're talking about, Jason." "Aw, it's fine. I thought my teeth were your biggest concern." "All of you is my concern." He rolled his eyes. "Nah, I'm fine. Im not the one to worry about." "I worry about all of you, honey. And you can't stop me from worrying." He shrugged. "Doesn't make me stop trying." He grinned. "There's the bacon. I knew we had bacon." "Are you going to microwave it or fry it?" she asked. "Ian likes when you fry it." He grabbed the package from the fridge and turned to give her a smirk. "When Ian can get his black a*s out of bed in time for breakfast is when I'll care how he likes it. I'm frying it anyway. But not 'cause of him." "That's a nice brother" He just shook his head, grabbing a steak knife from the drawer to cut open the package with, making Judy wince just slightly. "Watch your fingers," she warned. "Im real good with knives, Ma, don't worry," he replied. She watched him silently as he got everything ready at the stove. "Can you do me a favor today, honey?" "Uh-oh. What kind of favor?" "Not a big favor. Can you bring Conner for the check-up today?" Jason made a face. "Come on, Ma. He doesn't want to do that." "I know he doesnt want to. I don't even need to ask him to know that. What child likes to go to a doctor? But it's important. We don't know if Kevin did anything. The police" "I know what the police said," Jason answered stiffly. "I just don't like being the bad guy." "You aren't the bad guy. I would do it if didn't have to be at work. And he trusts you, so I thought you would be the obvious person." She paused. "Certainly after you got him out of giving a statement yesterday you could" He turned and shook his head. "No. He's still giving a statement. Today he's going to write down everything. And that will be his statement. He's not getting out of that." "Good. Because it's important." "I know." "He's the biggest part of this case." Jason nodded. "I know." "Today should be a lot less stressful, I hope" she sighed as Jason turned back to heating up the skillet for the bacon. "I can't imagine what else could possibly happen." "No one said life at the O'Rileys was boring, Ma. That's for sure." She sighed. "I wish it were a different kind of excitement." "Yeah, kidnapping really isn't fun." "Can you believe it was just 24 hours ago? I feel like it was last week. Yesterday feels like a week in itself." She took a long sip of her coffee. "I know." "But back to the doctor, Jason. I scheduled an appointment. It's at ten. So if you could get him out of his room and out the door" "Halfway there already, Ma," Jason muttered. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked. He threw a few pieces of bacon the skillet, watching the sizzle. Glancing at her, he replied, "He wanted to sleep with me." She looked surprised. "So I was right in saying he trusts you." Jason shrugged. "He had a bad dream." "And he came to you. That's big, Jason." He shrugged. "I guess." "No, it is. I'm really impressed." He rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the bacon. "Sure."-- "Jason told me to tell you to get dressed." Conner stuffed a piece of bacon into his mouth tiredly and looked at Ian critically. "Did you hear me?" Ian said. "I don't know what that face means." He shoved eggs in his mouth. "I'm late for work again." "I can't," Conner replied, swallowing his food. "Can't what?" "Get dressed," Conner answered. "I thought about it, and I can't." Ian looked at him like he was crazy. He stared at Conner's t-shirt and sweats and shrugged. "If you wanna go out of the house like that, then go ahead. I'm sure the hospital won't mind." "Hospital," Conner echoed. "Who's going to the hospital?" "You." The piece of bacon in Conner's hand fell back onto his plate. "Why? I'm not sick." "No, dumbass. It's to make sure nothing happened to you." Conner scowled at him. What did Ian know about anything? Ian shrugged. "Not my plan. That's just was Ma and Jason said is all. I'm just the messenger." "Well, I still can't." "Don't be a baby about it." "I actually can't" Conner insisted stubbornly. "Can't go to the hospital, or won't?" "Can't get dressed." "You an invalid now?" Conner paused. "I locked my door." Ian frowned at him. "What door?" "My door." Conner pointed up at the ceiling. "Upstairs." "Your bedroom door?" Ian asked, shoveling another spoonful of eggs into his mouth. "Like, so you can't get in?" "Yeah." "I hope you're lying." "Why?" "Because that's the stupidest thing ever. Why would you just lock yourself out?" Conner frowned. It had made perfect sense to him last night. In his plan, when he wanted to keep everyone outside from coming inside. "Wow, that's so stupid," Ian persisted. "What's so stupid?" Jason asked, coming into the kitchen. Ian shook his head, finishing up the eggs on his plate. "Ask the genius over here." "What?" Jason persisted, walking over to dump the skillet from the stove into the sink. "See, he won't even say it," Ian persisted. He picked up his plate and pushed his chair back. "'Cause it's so stupid." "Whatever it is," Jason answered, "you've probably said stupider." "He locked himself out of his room." Jason frowned. "What are you talking about?" Ian put his plate on top of the skillet. "He locked himself out of his room." Jason looked at Conner, who was chewing very slowly at a piece of bacon. "What?" "Can you drive me to work?" Ian asked. "I can't, Ian. Not today. What do you mean he locked himself out?" "Not everything's about him, Jason. Why can't you drive me?" "Because Ian. I have to take him the doctor. I told you that like a half hour ago." "Im going to miss the bus." "Then I suggest you move." Jason gave him a look. Ian just rolled his eyes. He headed back to the table to grab his wallet which he'd left. He stuffed it into his pocket and shook his head at Jack. "You're gonna get it." "I'm not going anywhere," Conner said. "He can drive you to work." "Nah, he has to break down your door now." Conner frowned, watching Ian leave. Then he looked over at Jason, who was starting to put dishes into the dishwasher. Jason glanced up at him. "He just kidding me, or what?" Conner stared at his plate, losing his appetite. Jason persisted, "How could you lock your room from down here?" "I did it before I came down," Conner said softly. "So you locked your door." "Do you have a key?" Jason shook his head. "Nope. I don't have a key." "Oh." "Did you lock it thinking, oh yeah, they have a key, what the hell" "No." "Then why?" Jason dropped the last dish into the dishwasher and started to walk over to the table. "To keep him out" Conner began. "Who?" "The noise." Conner gave him a look. Did he totally not remember anything Conner had told him last night? "Noise, Conner?" Jason sighed and crossed his arms, standing in front of the table. "You locked yourself out of your room for a noise?" "I told you already." "No, Conner. You didn't tell me any of this. And now I have to take you somewhere within the hour but you're locked out of your room." "I don't want to go anyway," Conner retorted, pushing his chair back and picking up his plate. "You're going. This isn't going to turn into a fight either. And if you need to go in pajamas, so be it. Like the hospital gives a s**t." Conner stared at him irritably. "I'm not sick. I'm not going anywhere." "I know you're not sick." Conner started to walk away from him and Jason caught his arm. "Listen to me." Conner pulled away and purposely dropped the plate. Jason moved and quickly caught it just before it hit the floor. He held it in one hand, and Conner's arm in his other. "You never quit." Jason eyed Conner irritably. "What are you doing?" He pulled him over with him to put his sink in the plate. "Does breaking something make you feel better?" "No" Conner admitted shakily. "Then dont do it. In fact, even if it did make you feel better. Don't do it." "I'm sorry" Conner persisted, voice quavering. "Except your window. I gotta break your window." "Why?" "Because you locked the door. Did you really lock it?" Conner nodded. "Don't you realize that if someone got in through the window, then they could unlock it? On the inside? You locked it on the inside." "I dont know" Conner sniffled. "Don't cry on me" Jason tugged his arm. "Wanna watch me break your window?" "No" "Why?" Conner made a face. "Not if it's gonna make you mad" "What's done is done, I guess" Jason replied. "I guess I shouldn't have expected today to go without some kind of crisis." He sighed. "Breaking the glass might make me feel better." "We can wait." "You're going to the hospital, Conner. Please Ma asked me to take you. It'll probably go so fast" He looked at his petulant expression. "Then we'll do whatever you want to do." "I doubt it" "What do you want to do?" Conner shrugged. "I don't know." "Then yeah. I doubt it." Jason shook his head and pulled Conner's arm. "Come on. We gotta get you into your room so you can change. We have to leave in twenty minutes." "Okay." "Good thing I left that ladder up, huh?" Jason joked. It didn't go over well. They both realized that if he had taken the ladder down, none of this would be necessary. © 2008 lilfeatherAuthor's Note
Added on July 18, 2008 Author![]() lilfeatherAboutThings About Me Almost all of my writing is based off of people in my school. My real name is Lily. Im just a kid, teenager, whatever you want to call me. I am one of the biggest Eminem fans EVER. I l.. more..Writing